Friday, November 24, 2023

Poetry and Potpourri

HANK: It’s a random post-Thanksgiving potpourri day on Jungle Red! With a little poetry at the end.  AND a giveaway! 

And here’s a photo of our turkey, straight from the oven and onto the slicing board.

First, what’s your favorite use of leftovers from the holiday meal? I am a massive fan of turkey tetrazzini, and my recipe is ambrosial. But it uses every pan in the kitchen, I mean every single one! But it is all worth it.

Nothing beats a good turkey sandwich though, have to admit. Do you put stuffing on it? Or cranberries?

(I put cranberry leftovers on oatmeal, it is fantastic.)

Read through the Red’s answers, and then I have a couple more questions.

LUCY BURDETTE: Place a generous amount of gravy in a frying pan. Dollop in mashed potatoes, mashed turnips if you have them, turkey, cornbread stuffing, maybe a couple spoonfuls of succotash. Simmer until warmed through and enjoy!

HANK: Ah….I can't picture that. Does it turn out like..soup?

JENN McKINLAY: Turkey sammich! Hot turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry jelly on toasted sourdough. Yuuuuum.

HANK: TOAST! Yes, great idea. With mayo, too?

RHYS BOWEN: Turkey soup with loads of veggies.

HANK: Do you use the turkey carcass?

HALLIE EPHRON: Pie. Pie! Pie!!! Of whichever kind is left… apple or pumpkin or vanilla custard.

HANK: Cannot go wrong with that!

Okay, now Reds and Readers, another question: Black Friday? Are you out shopping?

I say: not a chance on the planet. Weigh in!

And my final question, do you have any Thanksgiving gratefulness traditions?

My family always went around the table and said something they were grateful for, but this year, my half-sister in Washington DC requested that everyone write a Thanksgiving haiku. Those celebrating in person in Washington would read them at the table, and the rest of us, scattered across the country, sent ours in. Here are a few.

Around the table

The food, the family group.

It is all gravy.

Fall sparkles today

Gathering leaves of this tree

Some leaves scattered far

It never feels like

Thanksgiving out here in Fall

But some leaves do change

Shorter days longer

Nights more time for kids to play

Home is warm inside

Wind only knows the trees

By the shape of its own dance

Gust inward and through

The timer ticks on

Enforcing the T-Day prep.

It cannot time love.

Pretty good, huh? Thanksgiving haiku anyone? Or leftover ideas? Let us know!

Oh, and there's a Goodreads Giveaway for ONE WRONG WORD! Enter here!

And oh, the Jungle Red winners of the arc of ONE WRONG WORD from me are Emily Catan and Alicia! Message me on the platform where you saw the post. YAAAY!! Crossing fingers you love it and will help me spread the word.

AND IF YOU DIDN'T WIN---remember the Goodreads Giveaway!


  1. Thanksgiving leftovers turn into turkey sandwiches with cranberries and/or Turkey Alfredo . . . .
    Black Friday: I'm definitely not going anywhere near a store . . . .
    We don't have any specific thankful traditions, but I love the haikus . . . .

    1. Turkey Alfredo! Brilliant!

  2. I have a perfect record of never shopping on Black Friday. Why would I want to ruin it tomorrow?

  3. I love a good turkey sandwich. Yes, please, on the mayonnaise and cranberry relish. Mom would be having pumpkin pie for breakfast. Eggs, milk, pumpkin and crust, covers most of basic food groups. I try to avoid shopping on Friday. Even the grocery store might be more than I'm willing to face. Though I am missing a that load of sourdough for my sandwich.

    Lingering good smells
    High stack of dishes in sink
    Too much just for one

    1. That is a gorgeous haiku! LOVE IT!

  4. Pat D. Turkey sandwiches or just cold slices with the leftovers. Thanksgiving 2.0. No forays to stores on Black Friday for me. I have a strong sense of self preservation.

    Old customs and new.
    Family, friends once strangers.
    Together as one.

  5. Because we are vegetarians, we have no Turkey leftovers, and these days we actually go out to eat, because our holiday circle is back in the U.S., and Thanksgiving isn't a holiday in Europe. (They go straight to Christmas lights, trees, etc. right after Halloween.)

    As for Black Friday shopping, never have, never will (and sadly, that's posted all around Braga, even though there is no post-Thanksgiving Day involved. When we were in Sacramento, before Covid, Black Friday actually was starting on Thursday afternoon/evening. Can you imagine rising from a convivial meal with friends and family, saying, "Oh, I need to shop early to get the good sales . . .."

  6. I'm a vegetarian, and my husband leaves this morning for his family's hunting camp, so we didn't bring anything home from our family dinner last night. As for Black Friday, I'm with Hank and Mark. No way, no how.

  7. I love turkey sandwiches and I put stuffing on them. I haven't gone Black Friday shopping since my son was young. I do almost all my shopping online due to being disabled. Free shipping is a plus. I ship the gifts to my son's house for my granddaughters and my son wraps them for me.

    1. Another stuffing on sandwiches lover here. Oh, how my mother would frown at my “bread on bread” feast. Elisabeth

    2. Free shipping is the BEST! And oh, bread on bread. I never thought about that. And maybe...I won't start now!

  8. Alas, Canadian Thanksgiving was on October 9 so I don't have any leftovers this week. But I would make turkey veggie soup with the carcass. And turkey sandwiches would be awesome. I love turkey tetrazzini but never made it at home.

    Black Friday sales? Oh yes, we have those in Canada even though it's not Thanksgiving. Going shopping this time of year is waaay better than having to line up pre-dawn in the bitter cold on Boxing Day (December 26).

    What did I buy? Well, I am typing this blog on my new HP laptop! I'm so happy. First laptop in 10 years!!! My ACER laptop was truly on its last legs...wheezing and struggling to do basic daily tasks, such as doing my daily JRW blog comment. Yesterday, my old laptop hung up twice, giving me an error message about now being able to submit a comment!

    1. P.S. Black Friday sales have been running all this week, so there were no pre-dawn lineups yesterday. I went to Best Buy at 10:30 am, and came home with my HP laptop before noon. Oh, and I also bought a pair of SONY wireless noise-cancelling headphones at 30% off. I wanted to get a pair for some long-haul flights next year, and for more comfortable listening to audiobooks on solo walks.

    2. Grace, don’t let that not being able to post on Jungle Reds besmirch the memory of your aged Acer. It was the dreaded Blogger curse. Happened to me with my iPad.

    3. That’s me Elisabeth.

    4. Well, it truly was an "out of available memory" issue with my ACER laptop yesterday. I ended up posting the comment using my Samsung tablet instead. But I have had the Blogger curse problems before.

    5. No leftovers since it was a meal for one, me. No Black Friday for me. I do wish I had dessert for breakfast.

    6. I got a new laptop last year on Black Friday sales!

    7. How do laptops know when you are about to replace that? I swear they do! I hope you thanked your old laptop for its years of faithful service, and then gratefully let it go. (I know that sounds strange, but I do it all the time when I let things go, and it makes it a very different experience.) And so much fun to get the new thing when it's just the right time! xxx

  9. I like my leftovers as is. The carcass has already been boiled for stock. My husband made some amazing pumpkin dinner rolls that are my favorite leftover this year.

    And I happily opt-out of Black Friday.

  10. I don't like in-person shopping under any conditions, and especially not today!

    Love the haiku idea. We forgot to list our gratitudes around the table yesterday, but I think writing haikus is a better plan for next year.

    Because I hosted, I barely ate any turkey - I get distracted and overloaded and rarely finish anything on my plate (except the stuffing). Can't wait to have pumpkin pie for breakfast today and to gnaw on big a crispy wing for lunch!

    1. OH, hostess duties are definitely taxing! But I predict everyone had a fabulous time...

  11. Hope you all had fun Thanksgiving celebrations. We ate at a restaurant. Next year I am cooking even if it is just for the two of us.

    I will shop on line today but won't venture out to stores. Will consider shopping on small business Saturday.

    1. Small business Saturday--that's a great reminder! xxx

    2. Judy, if we were home, the two of us would have gone out for Thanksgiving dinner. I miss the leftovers but never the prep. — Pat S

  12. Replies
    1. Aren't they? xxx From all ages and all over the country...

  13. A hard and fast rule/At least one pie per person/ It is nature's way

    1. For what it's worth, Jerry, yours was the first haiku I couldn't resist reading aloud to my husband!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I spent three days cooking and fifteen minutes eating. What’s wrong with this picture? So today I will really get to enjoy all permutations of the leftover. Am considering dark meat on a buttered roll, topped with cranberry relish for breakfast.

    I was asleep by nine and anticipate going back to bed right after that 🦃 sandwich.(As soon as the hostages are released. Please let Abigail be safe)

    1. Ann, enjoy your dark meat on the buttered roll. My Thanksgiving wishbone wish is that turkeys have bigger legs and thighs. May all be grateful for freed hostages and the hope of peace. Elisabeth

    2. Yes, the Thanksgiving prep/reality ratio is very very strange! I will be thinking of you and your treat...and we are watching for the hostages right now..

  15. Happy day after Thanksgiving! Turkey sandwiches on sour dough at my house, after a long walk in a county park with the dogs.

  16. Leftover turkey, as is, for me. Yum. I used to love sandwiches, but am now gluten free, so leftovers are limited. I don't mind, still basking in the Thanksgiving glow this Friday morning. No black Friday shopping for me, just a nice long walk this am and maybe some reading time. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all.

    1. Lovely! And I am very fond of turkey on salad...cannot wit for that!

  17. We opted not to make the 1,000-mile roundtrip to my daughter's, so Steve made a last-minute grocery run on Wednesday to get a small bird, Brussels sprouts, and some cranberries (of which there wasn't much left, but he got an 8-ounce package. First I've ever seen.) We had an abbreviated menu, including Hesselback sweet potatoes. A LOT of work. And then I took a three-hour nap after dinner.

    We will have turkey sandwiches until the white meat runs out, then I'll take the rest of the meat off to make tetrazzini and turkey soup, then boil the carcass for the broth.

    1. Oh, and no Black Friday shopping for me. Costco's early bird deals started a week ago, and I've already received the couple things I was waiting to go on sale. A gift for my daughter, a new tablet and new printer to replace ancient ones, and a gift from Steve to me. (He hates to shop any day!)

    2. You made it work! What are Hesselback potatoes?

    3. They are whole potatoes, any kind, cut in 1/8" slices, but not all the way through, so they eventually sort of fan out a little. Which takes time and technique. Then they're covered in butter, herbs, and panko and roasted in a pan. I made them with sweet potatoes, and it took forever for them to cook.

    4. I learned them as Hasselback. Basting with butter between the slices several times during the baking is key. SO delish, but way too much work...

    5. I think your spelling is correct, Edith!

  18. Those haiku are amazing, Hank! What a talented family. And I just had apple pie for breakfast. Looking forward to leftover turkey and stuffing smothered in gravy for a light lunch... with canned cranberry sauce of course.

    1. I love how you all are fans of canned cranberry sauce! Ocean Spray loves you all! I buy Ocean Spray, fresh cranberries, so I am on the OS team as well ! And your lunch sounds yummy.

  19. What a super fun idea the haikus are!
    We were with close friends and family (a small group this year) at a lovely restaurant overlooking the ocean. Nice sunny fall day.
    NO way - I don't like shopping on regular days but especially don't like shopping on Black Friday.

    1. Oh, that sounds peaceful and wonderful!

    2. Susan Nelson-HolmdshlNovember 24, 2023 at 12:49 PM

      I ran two road races yesterday. We hosted Thanksgiving and I did my part of the cooking on Wednesday, most notably the dressing. We were able to eat outside, beautiful 80 degree day. I am in the southern end of the Bay Area. My husband does the majority of the cooking,

  20. No turkey leftovers here, as my sister’s oven failed halfway through the roasting of the bird. We just had to laugh! There was plenty of other food, and we feasted on the sides. We’re not a pie family, so there are no pie leftovers. I ate very well, and look forward to the leftovers. (I’m going home tomorrow.)
    I’m not a shopper under normal circumstances, so there’s never any Black Friday shopping for me. I’m hoping to get outside for a walk later on.


    1. Oh my goodness, the oven! How do appliances know exactly when the worst time is to fail? I remember the famous Thanksgiving at our house, where I decided to put the parts of the fresh asparagus I had snipped off into the garbage disposal. This was not successful— and our drain was down for the count. Bring them.

    2. I do not know where “bring them” came from. Dictation error. :-)

    3. Hank, I won’t try to put asparagus bits into the garbage disposal!


    4. This reminds me of the time my grandmother put the turkey in the oven and forgot to turn it on. That was a "thankful for Luby's Cafeteria" Thanksgiving.

  21. For several years I had cooked for my husband's large extended family, so I got used to cooking for 30+. Many changes in the past few years led to us not being with his family this year, so instead I cooked for four -- our immediate family of three plus my sister. Quite a different experience! As a result, I have a lot fewer side dish leftovers to deal with. Fortunately, I DO have a nice amount of turkey. That will probably be sandwiches today, and maybe both a day of tetrazzini and a day of a lovely cassserole recipe I have that uses turkey, wild rice, butternut squash and cranberries. Today I will also boil the carcass and make the stock for soup, though it may then go into the freezer for a few weeks.

    Definitely NO to Black Friday shopping. That is profoundly not my thing.

    1. Oh, that sounds like a fabulous plan! And the casserole sounds delicious…!

  22. I love a good Thanksgiving turkey sandwich with turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce wedged between two slices of fresh French bread. I am not out shopping on Black Friday. I tend to stay home and catch up on Fall cleaning and computer cleanout today. As for Thanksgiving gratefulness traditions, we used to all go around the table saying what we are grateful for that year. I love the poems. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh, French bread! Yum. I agree, the bread selection is very critical :-)

  23. Any day can be
    Thanksgiving with loved ones near.
    Hearts awash with joy!

    We are doing Thanksgiving this afternoon, the bird is prepped and waiting to go in the oven. I did make pumpkin bars earlier this week, and they make a yummy breakfast bar.

    I am another person who has never and will never venture out on Black Friday for the purpose of shopping. No way.

  24. I was on hand for two Thanksgiving dinners this year. My sister's best friend invited me over for the fourth time. And since I didn't have fear of COVID, pneumonia or back issues as a legitimate reasons for not going, I went. Delicious food to be sure.

    Then it was dessert and leftovers at the Florentino household. I usually go there each year because it is two streets up from me and I can walk if I felt like it.

    Since I came home from Turkey Day Dinner #2 with a ton of turkey and potatoes, I get to have a couple more actual dinners this weekend. But if there were just SOME leftovers, I prefer to just make a sandwich. I don't put cranberry sauce on it though.

    Thanksgiving thankfulness haikus? Nope. But at Turkey Day Dinner #2, they used to go around the room and say something they were thankful for. However, they haven't done that in a couple of years.

    As for what Black Friday, I just posted a reply about that over on Wicked Authors so let me share what I wrote there:

    I only took part in the in-person Black Friday once. Never again.

    That’s not to say I don’t like the sales or anything but in general that teeming mass of humanity is more like a mob and since society frowns on actual murder, it is best that I do my best to limit my interaction with people on Black Friday or my body count will soon no longer be at zero.

    Now, as I said, I do like the sales. But I’m talking at the places I like not the general merchandise stores.

    And since I do order stuff online, I’ve been paying attention to various websites that I’m interested in getting stuff from. And hey, some of it is even for OTHER PEOPLE!

    I’ve been posting some stuff on my Facebook page to keep people with similar interests up to date.

    I ordered a graphic novel that I’ve long been wanting from Midtown Comics yesterday. They had it for 40% off so it was the perfect time to grab it. Even with tax and shipping added back in, it was still less than original cover price.

    There’s a record label’s shop running a 50% off sale that I’ll be taking advantage of. Star Trek Shop has 20% off and 40% off holiday stuff. My friend’s record shop is having a weekend-long sale, too.

    I’m not saying I’m going to hit it all this weekend because I know I won’t since I still have to go grocery shopping. But I can get some stuff AND get holiday shopping out of the darn way. But in-person Black Friday…just not for me.

    1. Ha ha, Jay! Your body count! And it sounds like you have your weekend well in hand!

  25. My brain is too fried to compose a haiku but your family ‘s were brilliant. You should put them in an illustrated book for Thanksgiving posterity. We have our big creative day today as we celebrate John’s 90 th birthday All 16 family members have to write a poem for him

    1. Happy, happy 90th to dear John! Please give him a birthday hug from me, Rhys! (And ask for one back for yourself.)

    2. Oh, happy happy 90th! He is so wonderful, and we are all showering him with rose petals and applause from all over the world! xx

    3. Happy 90th to John, Rhys!! He's amazing!

  26. Turkey Shepherds Pie: in a casserole dish layer leftover stuffing, diced turkey mixed with gravy, plain veggies (this is not the place for green bean casserole), and a layer of mashed potatoes on top. Bake at 375 until hot through. Serve with leftover cranberry sauce on the side.

    1. That sounds so good, Cathy!

      Can I add another possibility? A couple years ago I made Shepherds pie in a small pumpkin shell, with the squash being part of the dish. It was our favorite ever.

    2. Yum. This would be worth making the mashed potatoes I generally skip when I am cooking for only me.

    3. I just fainted with delight. That sounds AMAZING!


  27. Check out NPR if you are a shopper:
    Story headline: There are many unexpected Black Friday bargains hiding in plain sight
    November 24, 20235:05 AM ET
    Heard on Morning Edition

  28. Turkey sandwich for the win. Cold if there isn't gravy, hot if there is. I had very few leftovers from yesterday. Pie for breakfast though. Definitely.

    Once upon a time, my mother and I had a Black Friday shopping tradition. I'd be home from college. We'd leave very early and have breakfast somewhere. We'd spend the entire day shopping, eating lunch and sometimes dinner out together. I'd get all my Christmas shopping done, Mom would do most of hers. I'd go back to school on Sunday. It was a nice day out together.

    Now? Not on your life. Although I did purchase a TV for The Cottage yesterday - online.

  29. Cranberry leftovers on oatmeal sounds yummy! I think I will try that for breakfast, Hank. Thank you!

    p.s. Staying home on Black Fridays. Reading books instead.

  30. I'm sorry to be so down when the holidays are joyful for most. We did have a lovely dinner yesterday at my daughter's house. Son-in-law cooked a giant, delicious turkey, and we took sides that we got from our neighbor's local restaurant, except for the scalloped oysters, which I made. As with anyone who has recently (or not so recently) lost a dear loved one, the holidays are hard. Thanksgiving has been especially hard as it was the last time we saw our son alive. In fact, today is the anniversary of the last day I saw him and hugged him. I sent him back with plenty of baked spaghetti and some Thanksgiving leftovers. Today we'll have some turkey and dressing and mashed potato leftovers for supper, and I'll add some sliced canned cranberry that Kevin and I liked. I promise I won't always be posting sad comments, but the firsts and the lasts are always so hard, especially today. I hope you all are having wonderful times with your family or peaceful times by yourself.

    1. We are all thinking of you, darling one, every minute, with so much love and strength...

    2. Oh, Kathy, we are all thinking of you with so much love and sympathy. xx

  31. I love this post!!! And yes you could add mayo!

  32. LOVE the haikus, Hank!! And no on the Black Friday shopping. I've never done it and don't intend to break my perfect record.

  33. Rose Marcin --- Facebook! I love having leftovers the day after - and I eat them in their original form!
