Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What's Rhys writing? Too many things. She's confused

 RHYS BOWEN: This year has not been easy for me to focus on writing. John had weeks of radiation, I had surgery on my knee, then bits frozen off by the dermatologist then a tooth extracted an in implant put in. Not fun!! But I managed to finish the next Royal Spyness book, called WE THREE QUEENS, and sent it off last week.

Today I'm celebrating the publication of the paperback of ALL THAT IS HIDDEN, and then we drive to Arizona in time for the launch of IN SUNSHINE OR IN SHADOW.

Oh, and I have already started on next year's stand-alone novel that has the delicious title of MRS. ENDICOTT'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE. Middle aged lady escapes her boring life for the south of France...

Whoever imagines the golden years as sitting in a rocking chair, crocheting, has not met me. I barely have time to breathe. But at least I don't have time to be bored!.

I thought I'd share a snippet from the new Royal Spyness book. You'll have to find out who the three queens are... I'm not telling. But poor Georgie. Guess what's about to happen to her.....

“So what is David going to do?” I asked. “The simplest thing would be to keep her as his mistress. Several of my ancestors have lived quite happily with this arrangement—think of Lily Langtry, Alice Keppel.”

                Darcy gave a grunted chuckle. “The last King Edward had more than his share of mistresses, I agree, but he also had a respectable long suffering wife to be at his side on state occasions. You can’t picture Mrs. Simpson receiving foreign heads of state or sitting on an elephant at a durbar.”

                “What a mess,” I said. “I’m sure he won’t give her up.”

                “He won’t,” Darcy said. “He made that quite clear. He’d rather give up the throne than her.”

“Golly.” I tried to swallow back the word too late. My attempts at curtailing my schoolgirl language were not successful in times of crisis.

“He’s absolutely besotted with her.,” Darcy continued. “ She has him completely under her spell.  When we’d got through a bottle of Scotch he kept saying, “You don’t understand, Darcy, old fellow, she’s the most marvelous woman in the world. I couldn’t live without her.”

                “So what does he plan to do?”

                “Allow the newspapers to spill the beans at the right moment, I gather. They’ve been remarkably obedient so far and kept the news of her from the public. But now he wants the public on his side. They adore him and he’s sure that they’ll want him to marry the woman he loves and thus put pressure on their local MPs. The law will be changed and he’ll live happily ever after.”

                “That isn’t likely to happen, is it?”

                “I don’t think so. If it were just civil law then maybe. But you can’t alter the doctrine of the church and he’s the official head of it.”

                “His poor mother,” I said. I had become quite fond of Queen Mary, who had sent me on various assignments for her. She was a stickler for the rules and felt the royal family should be above reproach. She had done everything she could to get her son’s attention away from “that woman” as she called her, but to no avail. His late father, King George, had been remarkably prophetic. “That boy will be the downfall of the monarchy,” he had said not long before he died.  I just prayed this wasn’t going to turn out to be a true prophesy. We had endured one war between king and parliament in our history and it had ended with the king losing his head.  Someone should remind my cousin of this.

                A thought now struck me. “Darcy, why did he particularly want you to listen to his lament? He has his own group of friends, doesn’t he, and you were never close to him.”

                “Ah.” Darcy gave a deep breath. “It wasn’t exactly me he wanted. It was our house.”

                “What? What do you mean?”

                “He knows that the moment the news breaks Mrs. Simpson will be hounded by the press. It could break before he’s ready as the American papers are already full of it. He wants to spare her the unpleasantness that could ensue. He wants her safely far from the public eye…”

                It was gradually dawning on me exactly what he was saying.

                “He wants her to come and stay here?”  I heard my voice rising.  


And Mrs. Simpson isn't the only person who will be invading Georgie and Darcy's life. It's going to get rather complicated very quickly. But you'll have to wait until November to find out more.

Oh well. Back to work. And don't forget that IN SUNSHINE OR IN SHADOW comes out on March 12, and Clare and I will be holding a launch party at the Poisoned Pen in Phoenix the Saturday before, on March 9. If you'd like a copy signed by both of us do get in touch with the store and they can ship you one.

And don't forget to check out Reds and Readers on March 12 when I'll be going live and giving away a signed copy!


  1. My goodness, Rhys . . . so many health things; I hope you and John are both feeling better now.

    It does sound as if Georgie is in for some upheaval in her life . . . thanks for the peek at the upcoming story . . . .

  2. Sorry you've had to deal with so many health issues all at once. Hopefully the coming year will be mellower. This excerpt was great! I haven't really read the Royal Spyness stories, I've been so hooked on the Molly series. But this certainly is enticing.

    1. They are much lighter than Molly. But fun

  3. Rhys, I do hope that you and John have much good health ahead. It must be a relief to be finally going to Arizona and returning to normalcy. Safe journey!

    I adore the snippet from the next Georgie book and can hardly wait to have it in my hands. I am excited to see Georgie and Darcy with their new baby and also to see how you have incorporated the intrigue that is about to engulf the royals into this story. I am rubbing my hands together in anticipation and giggling.

  4. Safe travels to Arizona, Rhys - I am glad you're both well enough to go. Your schedule makes me tired - and I am younger!

    Thanks for the snippet. It sounds like Georgie is in for some fun.

  5. Safe travels to Arizona, Rhys. So sorry to hear about you and John's health issues. Sending you all good health wishes ahead. So excited about the new Molly mystery coming soon!

    Thanks for the snippet to THREE QUEENS. Did Lady Georgie and Darcy manage to travel to Ireland to see Darcy's father? Or is Darcy's father coming to stay with Lady Georgie? I imagine what it would be like to have several guests at the same time - Grandfather who was a policeman, Georgie's mother Claire, Darcy's father from Ireland, David and Walrus ( if you take out the middle and replace the letters, Wallis looks like Walrus).


    1. I love Walrus! That is so clever. I wish I’d used it!

    2. Never too late. In your next Royal Spyness mystery next year, you can use Walrus. Diana

    3. Or in a novella eBook between two books? Diana

  6. Rhys, I'm exhausted just reading about your "golden years"! Glad to hear you and John are getting back to a more relaxed existence; hope that is the byword for the rest of the year.

    Love the Georgie/Darcy teaser! Sounds like the fit is about to hit the shan in their world!

  7. You do keep quite busy! I hope you and John don’t have any more health issues to slow you down. I’ll be watching your Poisoned Pen event online; so happy you will make it there!

  8. RHYS: I hope that's the end of the health issues affecting you and John this year!

    Thanks for sharing that snippet with Georgie & Darcy. Oh my, a new baby & an unexpected visitor will keep them busy!
    Lots of new books and reading from you makes me happy.

    1. Thanks Grace. A new baby plus lots of visitors!

  9. "MRS. ENDICOTT'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE. Middle aged lady escapes her boring life for the south of France."..
    This sounds EXCELLENT! I can't wait.
    Congrats on your upcoming WE THREE QUEENS, ALL THAT IS HIDDEN, and the launch of IN SUNSHINE OR IN SHADOW.
    Best wishes to you on your & John's recovery.

  10. Rhys is my role model:). I love Georgie and will eagerly await this. Meanwhile I'm almost finished with the excellent IN SUNSHINE OR IN SHADOW. Congrats on another winner!

    1. Yes I agree Lucy! Rhys is an inspiration and role model that is hard to keep up with! Merriam Webster says it's now ok to end a sentence with a preposition.

  11. Lynette Porter-TinnelFebruary 28, 2024 at 8:02 AM

    I can’t wait for Georgie’s next adventure

  12. Thanks for that fun excerpt! I can’t wait for the new Georgie. I’ve been waiting for the one about the king’s eventual abdication.

    1. We are so close now. But then Mrs Simpson won’t be around any more for my stories

  13. It doesn't sound like "confused." It sounds "bursting." Glad for all the reading opportunities. I hope the spell of ill health passes. The creativity is you ... the misfortune shows that "in spite of" can be a great motivator, but you have deeper motivators.

    1. It was good to be busy when you’re not feeling great and it’s raining

  14. I’m very interested in MRS ENDICOTT’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE. Safe travels to AZ!~Emily Dame

  15. Rhys, so glad to know that you and John have turned the corner on health issues; may the rest of the year go smoothly for you both!

    Listen, tell Georgie that Mrs. Simpson will need her own private chef and let Queenie cook for that detestable woman! :-) The more I read about Mrs. Simpson, the less I think of her and the idiot who abdicated the throne and married her. Of course, had he remained king, history might have looked vastly different for England!

    A middle-aged woman going to the south of France--the title and the tagline have me rubbing my hands in glee--can't wait for this one! And all the Mollys you and Clare care to write!

    1. Actually Queenies cooking is not to bad. Greorgie did think of letting her be Mrs S s personal maid. Remember that didn’t go too well

  16. Rhys, enjoy Arizona. I can picture it – sunshine, no snow, sunshine, heat, oh and no snow…
    I look forward to Mrs Endicott. I am enjoying the number of books currently available in which the protagonist is over 60. I just saw that Richard Osman will have a new series this fall, and has another Murder Club book in the works – all sleuths of a particular age. Then there is always Miss Gloria.
    Now, I can imagine you and John basking in the sunshine, libation in hand – with NO SNOW!

    1. I’m looking forward to it, Margo. We haven’t had snow but rain rain and rain

    2. It is warm and sunny in California, spring came three weeks ago. Temps in the seventies snd low eighties. All the orchards are in full bloom and the mountains are green.

  17. Rhys, to your and John’s better health, now and ongoing! Am looking forward to “The Three Queens”! I’ll never understand what David/Edward saw in “that woman”. Suzette Ciancio

    1. I don’t think anyone understands except he liked being bossed around

    2. perhaps it had something to do with the psychological damage due to having that Horrid Nanny who pinched him every time he saw his parents because she was jealous. Bertie was damaged too because the evil Nanny favored David. Bertie stuttered as a result. Fortunately, Bertie met Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon who was a lovely person. She found Lionel Logue who helped Bertie overcome his stutter.


  18. Oh, Rhys, this is just so absolutely wonderful! You are just so seamlessly naturally, hilarious, and adorable… Congratulations.
    In other news—Hope you are both recovering! Xxxxx

    1. Improving all the time. See you next week!

  19. Thinking of you. I have 2 new knees coming in April. Thanks to you all for the reading suggestions.

    1. Good luck with two knees. That’s a big challenge

  20. Oh dear. Georgie's going to have her hands full, isn't she?

    Hopefully you and John are on the mend and feeling better.

  21. This is wonderful, Rhys! I am so excited to be back in Lady Georgie's world. Looking forward to seeing you when you return to AZ!

  22. Rhys - where in the south of France will your main character be living?
    Can't wait - sounds like a great adventure.

  23. Congratulations on all releases, current and upcoming. Looking forward to the newest standalone - as they say, Paris is always a good idea.

    Hope you and John are well on the mend. Safe travels to AZ!

  24. Dorothy from WinnipegFebruary 28, 2024 at 11:09 AM

    Oh Rhys, I am praying that yours and John’s health issues are behind you. I’m off to see my dermatologist soon for the same treatment. Safe travels to Arizona. I’m looking forward to reading all of your upcoming books. I wonder if the three queens will bring gifts just as the three kings did 😊 All the best to Georgie, Darcy, the baby and the rest of the household!

  25. What a fun excerpt, Rhys. I hope Georgie will put that awful, Hitler-loving Wallis Simpson in her place and not put up with any nonsense!! Sending you and your husband many wishes for better times ahead.

  26. So glad to read that you and family are now on the mend, and soon to be on the road to where you belong in February. Best wishes! ( And have noted the pub dates for the next books)

  27. I'll be starting In Sunshine and In Shadow today (thanks to Netgalley). Looking forward to catching up with Molly and everyone.

  28. I cannot wait to read Georgie's latest adventure! I hope her mum is there to act as a buffer between Georgie and Wallis. Molly's latest, In Sunshine or in Shadow, was wonderful!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Pat. Mummy may arrive.,,,

  29. I've been waiting for the showdown between Georgie and Mrs. Simpson! I am SO excited about this book, I can't even tell you, Rhys!

    1. PS, when will we get the chance to feature the cover reveal?

    2. We haven’t discussed cover yet. I’m sure it will be stunning as always

  30. Oh, Rhys, I can't wait to read this one!!! I'm in the middle of In Sunshine and In Shadow right now and it's so good!! Love your photo, too, and really wish I could be there for your launch at the Pen.

  31. Thanks, Debs. I wish you. Outdoor be there too!

  32. Congratulations on the book, Rhys! It sounds juicy! And best to you and your husband in all matters of health.

  33. I can't believe you accomplished so much during all your health challenges! This year will be better! And I can't wait for Georgie, Mummy and Wallis together! And the south of France plus Molly, golly!

  34. It's always entertaining when Georgie and Mrs. Simpson have to share space. I'm hoping Georgie's mother shows up, too. I've just begun to try and start reading again, so I have a Georgie and a Molly to catch up on already, but that's something to look forward to. Mrs. Endicott's Excellent Adventure sounds cathartic to me, as I would like to go somewhere relaxing for a couple of months.

    I'm glad you and John are seeing better health days. I had my first cataract surgery last week, and I'm not sure I can fit my other eye in so it has time to heal properly before we go to Paris the end of April. I'll be talking to my doctor this Friday when he checks my eye. With a couple of other medical things and a court hearing the middle of March, I feel like I'd be putting eye drops in my eyes on the go, and I still have to get clothes sorted for the trip. Somebody please tell me what to pack for Paris and France the first two weeks of May.

  35. Safe travels to Phoenix and let the sun shine upon you and your husband!
