Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Book-to-Film--When Does It Work?

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN:  Happiest of pub weeks to the brilliant–and incredibly hard-working and talented–Ryan Steck! You know him, of course, as The Real Book Spy, and all that info is below.

But he is also a fabulous author–and his own thrillers are taking the world by storm. (I know, climate change, but this is “by storm” in a good way.) His newest, LETHAL RANGE, is out this week, hurray. And his books are a wonderful combination of high-stakes and true emotions. They're fast-paced and heartstopping--and sometimes heartbreaking. And we're honored to host him today.

Today, darling Reds and Readers, he’s posing a very difficult but very important question.

The Best Book-to-Film Thriller Adaptations

by Ryan Steck


“The book was better!” C’mon, that’s a line we’ve all said multiple times, right? And for the most part, it’s always true. We could get into why that is, but the answer is fairly complex and time-consuming, so instead, I thought it might be more fun to concentrate on the best book-to-film thriller adaptations.

Right out of the gate, I’m going to mention Reacher on Prime Video because, for my money, that’s actually the best adaption of a mainstream action thriller yet. Now, it’s not a film, so this might be cheating, but I sincerely believe that the only way you can adequately adapt 100,000 words from a novel to the screen is to dedicate a whole season—or roughly ten hours of television—to covering that one book. And for proof of that concept, look no further than the Alan Ritchson–led series that follows Lee Child’s #1 New York Times bestselling novels.

Reacher has everything you want in a thriller series. Lots of action. A deep, twisting conspiracy. Bad guys you love to hate. And even a cast of memorable characters. It was perfectly done, in my opinion, and finding an actor big enough to portray America’s favorite nomad—which Ritchson fits to a T—was the key. If you haven’t watched it, you’re really missing out.

Another favorite adaptation of mine was Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl. Now, this one worked for a number of reasons. Yes, Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike both turned in brilliant performances as Nick and Amy Dunne, but the key, I think, was that Gillian Flynn wrote the screenplay.

Time and time again, we see film adaptations of hit thrillers miss the mark because Hollywood somehow managed to strip out everything we loved about the book. Well, not this time. There’s a comfort in knowing that any changes to the book were made by the same person who wrote the book to begin with. And Flynn was able to capture the same level of nail-biting suspense that readers first felt while flipping through her novel on the big screen. It all just worked so well, and Gone Girl might be the gold standard, as far as I’m concerned, for book-to-movie adaptations.

Tom Clancy is perhaps the most celebrated political thriller novelist of all time, and yet Hollywood has struggled mightily to bring his work to life on the screen. Not for lack of trying, mind you.

We’ve seen four actors play Jack Ryan across four movies and four seasons of Jack Ryan on Prime Video. Let’s just be honest: there are a lot of misses in there. While the Amazon-produced series features the name of Clancy’s beloved character, the show itself has almost nothing to do with any of Clancy’s books. That was a pretty bold decision, don’t you think?

But then again, that decision underscores how iconic Jack Ryan’s name is. The series could work because people knew who Ryan was, even if the writers created all new storylines around him. Now, in some ways, I could argue that John Krasinski is actually the best Jack Ryan to date. But the best adaptation of one of Clancy’s books? Not even close.

I know a popular pick here would be The Hunt for Red October, and believe me, if you lean that way, I totally get it. But to wrap this up, I’m going to finish my list with the 1994 film Clear and Present Danger.

First, I loved Harrison Ford’s portrayal of Jack Ryan. Moreover, Willem Dafoe’s John Clark is my favorite version of Clark too. The movie stayed fairly close to Clancy’s source material, and we even got to see Domingo Chavez (played by Raymond Cruz), a fan-favorite character in the books, finally make an appearance on screen. All in all, I think it’s one of the best book-to-film thriller adaptations—period.

What do you think? Love my picks? Hate ’em? Think Alec Baldwin was a better Jack Ryan than Ford or Krasinski? I’d love to hear your take, and I look forward to stopping by the comment section to discuss! 

HANK: Oh, a tough one! I love Hunt For Red October, and thought that adaptation was terrific. The sound, especially.  And yes, I could watch Clear and Present Danger a million times. How about  the one with Kevin Costner and the fax machine, No Way Out. Was that from a book?

How about you Reds and readers? What’s your fave book to movie thriller?

About the Author


Ryan Steck is an editor, an author, and the founder and editor in chief of The Real Book Spy. Ryan has been named an “Online Influencer” by Amazon and is a regular columnist at CrimeReads. has been endorsed by #1 New York Times bestselling authors Mark Greaney, C. J. Box, Kyle Mills, Daniel Silva, Brad Thor, and many others. Ryan's newest book, Lethal Range, released on August 8, 2023, from Tyndale Fiction. A resident of Michigan, along with his wife and their six kids, Steck cheers on his beloved Detroit Tigers and Lions during the rare moments when he’s not reading or talking about books on social media. He can be reached via email at



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  1. Congratulations, Ryan, on your new book. Perhaps you’d tell us a bit about the story?

    “A Clear and Present Danger” would be my choice, too. Other book-to-film favorites are “Room” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” . . . .

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 7:57 AM

      Oh, brilliant idea, Joan! Ryan will be here later today… So let’s get him to talk about the book!

    2. Hi, Joan! Well, let's see . . . LETHAL RANGE is a story I always wanted to tell. In my first book, Matthew Redd, a former Marine, returns to his hometown in Montana for the first time in a decade to investigate the death of his adopted father. Now, in this book, Redd is running his dad's ranch, living in Montana with his new wife and son, fully ready to leave the life of violence and world-saving behind. But when enemies (both old and new) unite to bring a way to his front door, Redd has no choice but to fight back in order to protect his family.

      I don't want to spoil too much, but I will say that while there's a lot of action, character development is incredibly important to me. So are the dynamics between characters. Action is fun to write, but for me (a husband and father of six kids), I enjoy writing the interactions between Redd and his wife, Emily, just as much.

      What kind of books do you normally enjoy?

    3. oops! Forgot to sign in. But it is me!

    4. This sounds just like my kind of book! I'm looking forward to reading it . . . .

    5. Thank you! I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

  2. Not big on movies in general, and not as translations of books. I'll just say this: Alec Baldwin plays Alec Baldwin, just as William Shatner plays William Shatner. You have to avoid casting an actor like that.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 7:58 AM

      That is a really interesting discussion! Do you have to find someone who has no other identity to play an iconic character?

    2. Concerning book to movie - Yes you need someone who does not play themselves - Tom Hanks comes to mind. If you want to look at him - get a poster! Also, I think it is important that the actor be close in age to the character they are supposed to be portraying - again Tom Hanks. His Otto was not the same age as his character Ove - thus not portraying the character as in the book.

    3. I think Tom Hanks really becomes the character. He is especially amazing in Forest Gump. Meryl Streep is another actress who doesn't portray herself as she becomes the character.

    4. Interesting take! Have you read any on Clancy's books? Who would you cast as Jack Ryan? Now you've got me thinking about it too!

    5. I agree that Tom is good as Forrest Gump. As for Clancy - those are books that we do not particularly like, so have not watched any of the series.

  3. Tom Clancy thought Alec Baldwin was the best Jack Ryan. I couldn't see it myself, prefeering (by a wide margin) Harrison Ford.

    NO WAT OUT was a remake based on Kenneth Fearing's novel THE BIG CLOCK, but had little to do with the novel or the original film.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:00 AM

      Oh, good information! And there was a movie, The Big Clock, too, wasn’t there? The Kevin Costner movie must have hit me at a formative time, because it still haunts me… That fax machine motif is so suspenseful!

    2. The fax machine motif is also used to great effect in the film RISING SUN with Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes.

    3. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:50 AM

      Oh, thank you for reminding me of that movie! I will have to check that out again …

    4. Ah Sean Connery is the only James Bond!


    5. Well, I agree he is great as the early Bond. But I have to admit, I am getting used to Daniel Craig, too.

    6. I do wish we could ask Tom why he loved Alec for the role, because I think that is so fascinating!

  4. Ryan, congrats on the new book.

    I agree with you about Alan Ritchson being about as perfect a Jack Reacher as you could possibly hope for. The Reacher series was fantastic and I've watched it 3 or 4 times already.

    Whether it had much, if anything, to do with the actual books I know that I enjoyed the first three seasons of the Jack Ryan series on Prime. (I'm behind on my viewing and haven't seen Season 4 yet).

    If we're talking who played Jack Ryan the best, I also have to go with Harrison Ford.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:01 AM

      Oh, so absolutely agree! He is believably skilled, but also believably wry, and loving.

    2. Thank you, Jay! I'm really excited to finally have LETHAL RANGE out into the wild! And yes, totally, Alan Ritchson is the perfect Reacher. I cannot wait for season 2! As for the Jack Ryan show, I quite like it, but mostly just because I think John Krasinski is so perfect in the role. I do wish the story lines followed the books, as opposed to just borrowing the character names and backstory, but even so, I'm a fan. Sounds like that universe will continue on Prime with a Rainbow Six spin-off, by the way. I cannot wait for that!

    3. I preferred Alec Baldwin”s portrayal of Jack Ryan. His appearance fit my mental picture of Ryan. Harrison Ford was too old and worn to the play Jack Ryan. His portrayal was too much like Indiana Jones.

  5. I read the Tom Clancy books and might have seen Red October, but I have no opinions on the actors for any of the films you mention, except maybe Harrison Ford. Now I think I'd better see Clear and Present Danger!

    Congratulations on your new book, Ryan.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:51 AM

      Yes, it is such a fun movie!

    2. Thank you, Edith! And yes, Harrison Ford is basically always spectacular in everything, so he was sort of a safe pick for me here. That said, I think he really nailed the role of Jack Ryan, and sort of wish we'd have gotten another movie or two with him playing that character.

  6. Book to series favorite: Outlander. And as you said, Ryan, it has a lot to do with author involvement. Diana Gabaldon has been right there with the producers and directors, every step, which shows in its authenticity. And I'd say parts of the book/show are thriller-ish. The Enola Holmes series is true to the books, too, as is the Longmire series.

    Please tell us about Lethal Range. How do bison figure into your story? And how did you choose the American West for the setting, living in Michigan?

    1. Karen, (Talking about thrillers...) Ohio really came through yesterday and you must be very proud of the way in which it showed the rest of the country that it won't be bullied! Just WOW!

    2. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:52 AM

      Yes, yes! Outlander! It is completely fabulous… I am totally hooked. But I will admit I have not read the books.

    3. I agree with you about author-involvement for sure. I think that really helps. As for LETHAL RANGE . . . my publisher has let me do this thing where the cover, in a way, is a minor spoiler, you'd just never know it until you read the book. You're actually the first person to ask me about the bison! I think most people just assume we went for an "out West" look, but nope, those suckers play a role ;) –– however, I can't say how without ruining it.

      Lethal Range is about a former Marine who (in the last book) returned home to Montana for the first time in a decade to investigate the death of his adopted father, a cattle rancher named Jim Bob Thompson. My hero, Matthew Redd, ends up staying is Montana, and that's where we find him in book 2, running his dad's ranch. He's newly marries, has a son, and has given up a life of violence and wold-saving in exchange for some peace and quiet. But when enemies both old and new bring a war to his front step, threatening to upend his life and take away everything and everyone he loves, Redd finds himself in a fight he can't afford lose . . . but can't possibly win on his own.

      There's action, but it's much more than that. I'm married with six kids, and I think family dynamics and relationships is something rarely explored in today's thrillers. So, I wanted to dive into that a bit more than others, and have to say that I enjoy writing scenes between Redd and his wife just as much as I do the action-packed sequences.

      As for how I landed on Montana. Good question! I've worked as a critic (running The Real Book Spy) and a freelance editor (working with everyone from major NYT bestsellers right on down to hopeful debut authors), so when I set out to write my own series, I knew I needed to do something that was unlike anything I've ever worked on or covered. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that we never see the Jason Bournes or Jack Ryans out West. And out there, backup can be hours away at best, or sometimes even days away. It heightens the tension and raises the stakes a bit, in my opinion, because Redd really is alone, forced to fight and protect his family with little to no help. Plus, there is just something so majestic about Big Sky country.

    4. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 9:38 AM

      Such a brilliant idea!

    5. Thanks for the detailed answer, Ryan!

      I've spent a fair bit of time in "big sky country", mostly in Wyoming, which was one of the reasons behind my questions. It can definitely include some mighty remote locations and situations where rescue options are severely limited. Good choice!

      Your comments about writing family dynamics remind me of Craig Johnson's. He also enjoys the relationship give and takes, in a different way.

    6. Craig Johnson is a favorite of mine, but my favorite living author is C.J. Box. I adore his Joe Pickett series, and fun fact: I'm a recurring character in that series! Keep an eye out for Deputy Ryan Steck if you read it!

    7. Now that's a fun little Easter egg. Thanks!

  7. Ryan, congratulations on your latest thriller, LETHAL RANGE. The cover is stunning! Pleased tell us a more about it. I want to make sure that my library gets a copy. That "new" shelf is a very good way to get new fans!

    Interestingly, although thrillers are not my number one go-to read, I have read all the Jack Reacher novels and all of the early Tom Clancy thrillers. THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER is one of my favorite books ever, such a carefully constructed, brilliant story. Entirely believable. I thought that Alec Baldwin was wonderful as that Jack Ryan but agree that the best adaptation of those books was CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. Harrison Ford really owned that movie role.

    As far as TV series go, the new Jack Reacher series followed that first book perfectly, and I liked that a lot. The Jack Reacher movies were very well done and Tom Cruise did as good a job as anyone his size could do playing the erstwhile giant.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:52 AM

      So funny, so many books, come and go, but I have an absolutely clear memory of reading Hunt for red October. It was so different at the time, and incredibly compelling.

    2. Hi, Judy! So, at it's core, LETHAL RANGE is a modern day Western wrapped in an action thriller. My first book, FIELDS OF FIRE, was all about a former Marine named Matthew Redd coming home to Montana to investigate the death of his adopted father, a cattle rancher named Jim Bob Thompson. That led to Redd uncovering a global conspiracy, one that only he could stop. Now, in book 2, we find him settled down, married with a child, working the same Ranch he was raised on. He's happy and hellbent on leaving his old life of action behind, but unfortunately, fate has other plans. And as enemies old and new unite to threaten everything and everyone Redd loves, he must fight back to protect his home, his family, and their way of life. It's set almost exclusively in Montana, and I had a ton of fun writing it. If you do check it out, I hope you enjoy it!

      As for season 1 of Reacher, I totally agree––they followed Lee Child's book perfectly! I loved it too!

  8. I did love "The Hunt for Red October," but I might agree that Krasinski made a better Ryan. You know, once you got beyond the fact that the series had nothing to do with any of Clancy's books.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:53 AM

      Well, here comes the battle :-) I love the Tom Clancy series, but I think Krasinski not quite right. But to each their own! Xxxx

    2. You said it, Liz. I Couldn't agree more!

  9. I remember reading Gone With the Wind in high school and then later seeing the movie. I thought Clark Gable was a perfect match for Rhett Butler. The movie followed the book so well.

  10. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:54 AM


  11. RYAN: Welcome to JRW!

    As a child, the only films I could see were Foreign Films with English captions Or Silent Films Or special events where the library would show Open Captioned Films like Guess Who is Coming to Dinner with Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn and her niece Katherine Houghton. If I wanted to see a popular American film without Captions, I would read the book before seeing the movie so I could get some idea of what the dialogue was. Even if there were changes in the movie, I think I still got the gist of it.

    Agreed that Harrison Ford did an excellent job as Jack Ryan in the movies. I read the books too. I remember Hunt for Red October with Sean Connery, if I recall correctly.

    Have you ever watched any thriller adaptations on British cinema or British TV? I think Mick Herron's Slow Horses is on Apple TV? And there are several thrillers on Acorn TV and Netflix.

    And congratulations on the publication of your thriller!


    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 9:29 AM

      Oh I love SLOW HORSES!

    2. Me too, Hank. And very mysterious too.

    3. Thank you, it's so good to be back here! I've not seen SLOW HORSES, but I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!

  12. This looks like a read the last chapter first book for me, can't wait. I am going way back in movie time and vote for Complusion the 1959 version. Incredible. I dreamed in black and white for a bit after viewing it.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 9:30 AM

      That is fascinating! Wow! Is that the one with the fork?

    2. Was that the one with the arms reaching out of corridor walls? Creepy!

  13. I was an early fan of the Jason Bourne books and always thought that Matt Damon did a stellar job brining him to life. If I can reach way back and change genres - Rebecca. The screenplay captured all the highlights of the book and managed to be true to the convention of the unnamed narrator. I've found in subsequent readings that the characters from the movie have become my mental image of the book characters.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 9:56 AM

      I so agree. Indelible!

    2. I love Matt Damon as Bourne. There's no question he did a fantastic job, and for a while, those books were the gold standard as far as action movies go. I only wish they were a little more faithful to the books, but either way, you're right . . . those movies, and Damon's performance, are awesome!

  14. The two books I can think of are...Gone With the Wind. I much prefer the book but if I hadn't read the book, the movie was very good. The other is Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen series....although on TV and not film, Hallmark just takes the title of a book and makes a whole new story so that doesn't work for me at all.

    1. That's weird--they take the title, and then do a new story? ::shaking head::

  15. Best books to movies are 2 Elmore Leonard books turned into Get Shorty and Jackie Brown. Congratulations on your new book , Ryan

    1. Oh, I have never seen those! BIG gap in my viewing...

  16. Congrats on the release of LETHAL RANGE, Ryan! For anyone who hasn't seen it, Ryan has some pretty impressive fans - Nelson DeMille, James Rollin and Don Winslow all gave him blurbs!

    As for an excellent book-to-movie adaptation, I'm going with an oldie, but goodie: The Andromeda Strain, the 1971 movie adapted from Michael Crichton's novel of the same name. Don't let the age turn you off; it still stands as a claustrophobic, race against the clock thriller, with an excellent cast. It's maybe even more scary now we've actually lived through a plague (albeit not one that arrived on a meteorite.)

    1. Thanks so much, Julia! And hey! I actually considered that movie when making this list. Just missed the cut for me, but it's right up there!

    2. I read The Andromeda Strain my very first night in my very first little apartment. I read through the night until I finished that book, shivering in a cold sweat. I never watched the movie. LOL

    3. Oh, yes yes yes. SO tense, and so smart.

  17. Hi Ryan, and congrats on the book! I'm very intrigued that you're combining the family interactions with the thriller plot. What fun!

    On the Jack Ryan question, I think I'd go with Ford in Clear and Present Danger, although I loved The Hunt for Red October, too. I have to admit that I don't love Krazinski as Ryan and I'm not quite sure why. I do love Ritchson as Jack Reacher--so perfect--although I didn't dislike Cruise as much as some people. But my all time top thriller movie adaption hero is Matt Damon's Jason Bourne, although it's been so long since I read the books that I have no idea if the films followed the books. Definitely a case of "movies better than the books."

    I think the adaptation of Mick Herron's Slow Horses is terrific. And here's one no one has mentioned--the adaption of Deborah Harkness's A Discory of Witches trilogy. She was an executive producer, maybe that's the key on these projects.

    1. I don't particularly like Krasinski as Ryan either. In the early books, Ryan is a scholar, a pencil pusher, damaged from a helicopter crash in which his back was broken. He is not a typical action hero. I bet that is why Alec Baldwin fit Clancy's vision of his hero. The TV JACK RYAN is just another spy story with a great action hero for which they borrowed the names from Clancy.

    2. I think it's awesome that everyone can have their own imagine or who and what Jack Ryan is and looks like. That's the magic of books, and why I love them so much!

  18. Dar Simpson here ... BOSCH!! Titus Welliver can eat crackers in my bed any time! And they follow the books quite well too! ;)

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:40 PM

      Good one! And how about the new Lincoln Lawyer?

    2. Both BOSCH and LINCOLN LAWYER shows are incredible! I'm a huge fan of both!

  19. A movie better than the book? The Godfather. The movie left out a lot of the unnecessary details that slowed down the story. Julia is right on the money with The Andromeda Strain. I remember sitting in the theater trying to work out the same clues as the characters.
    Past series based on Tony Hillerman's books have been good but the current one, Dark Winds, is excellent. I've watched Outlander and Longmire but I have to admit I get irritated by major changes in the plot or the characters.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:41 PM

      Oh, brilliant . The Godfather. Yes, absolutely! That’s one of those movies that when I see it, I just drop everything and watch it again.

    2. The Godfather. Brilliant choice here!

  20. I know it's not a thriller, but the only movie I think is better than the book is The Princess Bride. There are times I feel the movie is as good as the book, and I can see what they were doing with the changes they made. But it is so hard to capture everything from a book in the run time of a movie.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:42 PM

      Agreed! That was such an interesting transition !

  21. Congratulations on your latest thriller, Ryan Steck. I always think about Charlaine Harris's reply when I asked her what she thought about True Blood being a departure from her Sookie Stackhouse series. She said, "I think it's made me a lot of money." LOL. Can't argue with that. Plus, Alexander Skarsgard as Eric? Yes, please!

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 9, 2023 at 8:42 PM

      Charlaine always gets it right!

    2. Thank you so much. What a warm welcome here, which is why I was so eager to come back. This is one of the best communities of readers on the web!
