Monday, August 14, 2023

The Bucket List

LUCY BURDETTE: My gosh it’s been a busy week in my household! Aside from the book launch celebration for A CLUE IN THE CRUMBS and THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS, my John had a big birthday. He’s not usually the kind of guy to want a big fuss made over him, but this year was different. We’ve had a tradition the last ten years or so to invite some good friends for dinner, two others also celebrating birthdays. 

So we did that. But then he wanted his brothers and our son invited to play a long weekend of golf. That mushroomed into an enormous party on the lawn with a tent and a band (actually the band was my idea.:) If you look carefully in the upstairs window, you'll see Tbone, who watched the entire party! Lottie found the pizza truck and hung out by their garbage all evening...

Lest you think that was enough, for his birthday adventure, in June he went on a hiking trip to the Dolomites with two other friends. Our friend Jay sent over this picture which I’ve placed next to a photo of my dad on one of his birthday trips. So funny to see them side by side. 

All that to say, John’s a bucket list kind of guy. He wants to fit everything in and check the boxes. I guarantee I’ll be hearing this week about why we aren’t planning the next trip! I do enjoy a party, and also love to travel, but I don’t have a bucket list. I like to wait a bit and see what’s coming down the pike. How about you? 

RHYS BOWEN: on my 50th birthday I wrote a bucket list.. I’m glad to say I’ve accomplished most of it! It ranging from learn watercolor to play the harp, see the pyramids, win an award. The only things not achieved are go on safari and have a clutter-free house—at least partially achieved as our house in Arizona is all new and hence clutter-free! I find when I travel now I prefer to return to places I love. I’ve no wish for long uncomfortable journeys. I’ll never do Bhutan or Ruanda. But I’m glad I have seen much of the world!

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: I am….not a bucket list fan. I have to say. It seems grim to me, somehow. And planning is so difficult, and wishing is so complicated. I think…things occur to me more spontaneously. There are places I’ve never been that I’d love to go…but I’m not consumed by that. (Or maybe this is all because I’m exhausted from book tour and almost cannot imagine getting on a plane again. week…) I'm going to Iceland in a few months, and other stuff in the works, but that just presented itself, I didn't seek it out. Lucy, I am in AWE of that party! I hope it was fun! Writing a book was on my “wishlist” and I am still constantly and totally happy about that.

HALLIE EPHRON: That party sounds fanTAStic, Lucy! Jerry and I hosted a few bashes including a Chinese banquet for our 30th(?) anniversary.

We had a virtual list of places we wanted to visit, and we hit most of them. Our last trips were birding trips to Panama and Alaska, both fantastic. I’d love to get to Texas and watch the wood stork migration, and maybe to Arches national park. We were looking forward to being able to travel “off-season” after he retired… moral: don’t wait!

Right now, my bucket list is filled with unearthing and culling and editing the miscellaneous unpublished personal essays I’ve produced since I started writing, and seeing if they make any kind of sense.

JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: I’m not really a bucket list person, maybe because my goal posts and wants keep moving. As well, many of the wonderful trips and experiences I’ve had sort of fell into my lap - I wasn’t dreaming of a three-week safari when my father in law invited me and Ross to come along on his, and I never thought of spending time in Nantucket in February until my agent offered her summer house for a writing getaway. I think I’m going to stick with being open to spontaneous excursions and copacetic events, and see where that mindset continues to take me. One thing that’s nice - being an empty nester and, frankly, a widow, gives me a lot more flexibility that I used to have.

DEBORAH CROMBIE: Not much of a bucket list person here, either. I would love to go back to Italy and France, see Spain, more of Germany, and Kim Hays books have made me want to visit Bern. Very Eurocentric, I know, but that’s what appeals to me. In reality, though, there are so many places I want to visit and revisit in the UK that it's really hard to find the time (and money!) to do much else.

Like Julia, I love the “things that fall into my lap.” I hadn’t planned a trip to LA this year, or San Diego, or Boston, but I’m delighted with the opportunities.

JENN McKINLAY: Happy Birthday, John!!! I have a mental bucket list of things I’d like to see and do such as see the Northern Lights or sample single malt Scotch whisky at the Kilchoman Distillery on Islay, but they’re more “yeah, that would be cool” not “I must do this before I die” sorts of things and I am constantly adding and subtracting so I mostly like to let the universe figure it out.

For example, I always wanted to hike Arches National Park, so when I was tapped to give a talk in Avon, Colorado I decided to drive up through Moab and stop at Arches on the way. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Seriously, everyone should go. I think putting it out there and letting the universe take the wheel is the best way for me.

How about you Reds, do you have a bucket list? Or a story about celebrating a birthday milestone?

And ps, this is me with our great pal Judy Singer who drove quite a ways last Wednesday to attend the book party--thanks Judy!


  1. Happy Birthday, John! Your celebration party sounds wonderful!
    I'm definitely not a bucket list person . . . it's much more fun to let the universe surprise me and drop unexpected delights into my lap . . . .

  2. I'm not much of a bucket list person either. There are places I'd like to visit, but then something else comes along, and I'd like to do that, too. Makes it hard to plan things with any certainty, isn't it? It doesn't help that I'm the world's most indecisive person. Maybe.

  3. I would love to have a clutter free house but then I would have to get rid of my husband. He keeps buying stuff that I see no need for and that I know we don't have room for. His sisters are always saying "We know there was something we should have told you about Wayne before you married him. I want to visit Italy, mostly Venice, and the Greek Isles.

    1. My late husband used to bring home useless and/or ugly plastic things because he found them on sale. One of the actually fun parts of dealing with his stuff after his death was getting rid of the screaming yellow silverware tray, all the avocado green coasters, and their many cousins.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday to John. That sounds like quite a party and a wonderful time.

    I'm more of a wish list person than a bucket list person. Two of the things on my list aren't going to happen: walking the Camino and seeing a live bison. I do have hopes for going to Ireland one day. But I'm so thrilled at the travel I've had in my life, I haven't any complaints. Now I would like to explore more of Portugal.

    1. Actually, when I think of it, getting published was once on my list. Now that I am published (and that has been a thrill) that part of my list has expanded to ... getting more published. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    2. Not sure where you live, Elizabeth, but live bison aren't all that hard to find in the middle of the country. Some ranchers here in Texas keep a few on hand as novelty stock, and some ranchers have begun raising them for meat. A couple of days on a train (through fabulous country, maybe on one of those train-bound music tours) would get you into bison territory quite elegantly.

    3. Aw, thanks, Gigi, but my husband and I moved to Portugal. Not quite doable, but it was a lovely suggestion.

    4. You are so right, Roberta. Eating chips is a good comparison. As. I "More, please." ☺️

  5. Very good birthday wishes and for the 366 days to come, John. My hope-list stuff (also can't do bucket list) always gets amazingly shifted. Last summer I hoped to go to Iceland but three friends needed a fourth to go to Iona and Edinburgh. This past March at my birthday I planned to go to Denver and ended up taking a train over the Rockies and visiting Arches and Monument Valley.

  6. Lucy: Your double launch looked like a lot of fun, as did John's party with a live band -- wow, that's the way to throw a big-year party! Congrats to you and best wishes to John.

    Hank's line encompasses it for me: "planning is so difficult, and wishing is so complicated". No bucket list for me. Just letting life unfold on the big canvas across which I have drawn a big fat line that says WRITING and TEACHING; all will be well if those two things keep happening...

  7. I approve of the band choice, Roberta, and those cakes!

    Even though I have traveled a lot, the world has plenty of places I haven't yet been, but these days seeing the pyramids or going to China aren't high on my list. Discomfort isn't, either. My bucket list items, if you can call them that, are spending time with family, seeing far-away friends, soaking up good food and music. If I never get to Australia or India, I'll be fine.

    1. I too would wished I had seen China, but not going now. Your list sounds like it suits you!

  8. I see T-Bone, that sweet lil orange face! Anyway, I also found Hank's statement "planning is so difficult, and wishing is so complicated" especially resonant.

    I never had a specific Bucket List. In the past year, I've had to accommodate several major Life Changes reshaping my priorities. Granted, some of that reshaping has prompted some grief for how I'd envisioned things. Other reshaping feels like an opportunity to prioritize things I had considered emotionally important but had slipped through the cracks.

    So, yeah, some of us make lists and check them off. Some of us make spreadsheets for our lists. I jot down lists on a sticky-note and move it from week-to-week in my planner. And sometimes I find joy in serendipity.

    1. I'm definitely not a spreadsheet kind of person LOL!

    2. I like the concept of spreadsheets for my lists, but I'm never going to do it. It's a great character trait, though. I know a woman who used to keep spreadsheets on her dating life.

    3. I make lists, too, but these days my problem is FINDING my lists... what did I name it and where oh where did I put it? A physical sticky note seems like an excellent idea, and I have only one daytimer planner so that seems like a good place to save the sticky note.

  9. I’m glad that your celebrations went well and the pictures are fabulous.
    I’m also happy to now have a face to associate with Judy’s comments .
    Lucy, I love the top you wore at your book party.
    I’m not a bucket list person either. I try to enjoy every day what life offers me.

    1. Yes, that top is perfect on you, Roberta. And I'm also glad to see who Judy is in person!

    2. I also wanted to comment on your beautiful blouse, Lucy/Roberta (not sure which is you and which is your pseudonym). Very pretty! And nice to see you, Judy Singer!! (I have only been a part of the JRW community for a year, but feel like I’ve come to know some of the frequent fliers!). — Pat S.

    3. Pat, I love this welcoming community! ❤️

  10. From Celia: All the Happies John and way to go. All the Big Congrats Roberta and let the celebration abound. Where to start? I plan and deliver great special parties but am a little lacking for myself. But at crime bake I shall have just reached a Big birthday a couple of weeks earlier but without too much fanfare. No bucket list either. I had so much travel and other experiences before 20 due to my fathers work life that I don't feel the need to travel now as much. I agree with Hank’s take. But if I won the lottery I could go to England, hire a car with driver and indulge in some nostalgia.

    1. Oh that sounds lovely Celia! and we look forward to crimebake to celebrate!

  11. I don't really have a bucket list. I do have one trip that I've wanted to take forever and am finally planning it. I'm planning a trip to Van Buren, Maine next summer to visit where my dad was born. It will be the 20th anniversary of his passing next year and I have always wanted to see where he was raised.

    1. Maine is so pretty April. I'm glad you'll get to go

    2. Looks like that's practically into Canada. What a nice car trip it would be...

  12. Hurray for John's epic milestone birthday party & hike in the Dolomites. Your double book launch also looked like fun, LUCY. I am glad that regular commenter Judy was able to attend.

    Hmmm, my last big milestone birthday was 7 years ago. No big birthday party but I did retire from my career with the Canadian federal government. No regrets about that decision!

    I do have wish list travel places I want to visit. Also many shorter spontaneous trips. But travel options are still limited from Ottawa and much more pricey than pre-pandemic so it will take a while longer to get to some of them.

    1. Grace, you should come to Crime Bake!

    2. JUDY/LUCY: I wish that I could go to Crime Bake again to see you both! My last CB was in 2005. Alas, flights from Ottawa to Boston are crazy expensive (over $600). Add the travel to Dedham, registration, hotel etc, and that is too pricey a trip after spending 10 days in San Diego on vacation & Bouchercon.

  13. Lucy's book launch was just wonderful! Her presentation was funny and warm and eloquent. It was not a difficult or long drive (one hour) which is not that far to see a friend. The cake was yummy.

    John's birthday party looks like it was great fun. The band, oh, the band!!

    Irwin and I are both hurting turkeys. The last 2 or 3 years have changed our travel ideas a lot. The hiking trips we took where 4 or 5 mile hikes were normal, cannot be part of a plan any longer. We may take a cruise next year, possibly an expedition cruise which is usually a much smaller ship. The trouble is, neither one of us knows what our body will be capable of doing until we get up and start moving. I confess that it is a tough pill to swallow. It is important to remember that we really have been very, very lucky health wise and not get too discouraged by what we cannot do.

    1. that's hard Judy! and hard to be gracious about. I hope you get to take the expedition...

    2. Yes, it's a bitter pill indeed for folks like me who eschewed cruises for more active immersive vacations Now I get it.

  14. Happy birthday to John!

    I'm not really a "bucket list" person either. I take opportunites as they come.

    I have a big "0" birthday in a month - and it doesn't start with 4. My best friend just visited last weekend. We wanted a big bash, but she's been battling brain cancer and is doing a keto diet, so any decadent birthday goodies were out. But we talked, and visited a lot of places in Ligonier, and had a massage, and went on a mini-hike at Linn Runn State park. And just had fun.

    But I've told my kids - I want a party for this one. I hope they remember.

    1. that sounds like a perfect agenda with your friend. I'm very sorry about the cancer:(. Liz, maybe you need to plan the party yourself?? (said by a sort of control freak:)

    2. Oh gosh, so sorry to hear about yourbest friend. That is tough. I am with Lucy about planning a party. Some celebrations should not be left to someone else's idea of fun!

    3. Judy and Lucy, I'm giving my kids (and The Hubby) a chance to rise to the occasion. But I am prepared to celebrate myself if necessary. LOL

  15. LUCY: Happy birthday to John! Love love love love this post. Too adorable seeing T-bone.

    Your friend Judy driving great distance to see you reminded me of when I went to a book event years ago at Book Passage and I met people who drove great distances to the book event.

    Kind of have a bucket list. There is always something that I want to do each year to celebrate my birthday. For example, I would say to myself "I want to get that darn driver's license before my next birthday" and one year that finally happened. I got my driver's license the summer before my 36th birthday! I often set out "goals" of things that I would like to do. I would say I am between "bucket list" and "play by ear opportunities".

    Speaking of birthday milestones, my Mom and I had two birthday milestones the year we went to the Left Coast Crime conference in Vancouver, Canada. We travelled to Canada and we had a wonderful time.


    1. DIANA: I am so happy that you and your mom enjoyed Vancouver & Left Coast Crime in 2019. That was such a good conference and the weather was unusually nice that week.

    2. GRACE: Thank you. It was wonderful to see you at Vancouver. That was a good conference. Yes, the weather was very nice that week.


  16. No bucket list here. Most of the trips I have taken have not been the ‘I’ve always wanted to…’ They have been spontaneous, places that I just happen to read about or see pictures and found them intriguing. I used to do a lot of photography and based some travel on areas that appealed to me because I thought they would be interesting from that perspective. Usually, when I have found one place to visit it has led to another just around the corner that I didn’t even know about.
    The important thing for me is if you are able to do something don’t put it off and say someday..that
    day may never come, unexpected life circumstances come along.
    There was a trip I wanted to take to New York to visit a specific place. It was more of an I’d like to but
    not I have to do it. I was talking to my nephew about it and he said I am booking my flight right now and I will meet you there. He lives on the west coast, I’m on the east coast. I took the train to NYC and he flew there and we met at Penn Station. We spent several days there, celebrating my birthday and going to a number of museums and restaurants. We had a wonderful totally spontaneous time. A couple of weeks later the world shut down.
    Just do it-I tell people you don’t want to look back and say I should have.

    1. "Just do it-I tell people you don’t want to look back and say I should have." YES> I couldn't agree more. Because tomorrow isn't ever promised. Such a cliche, and painfully true.

    2. That's a good story for all of us! My uncle invited us to China--he was the dean of Michigan State's agriculture school, so it would have been amazing. My father went but we had various reasons not to. Now this weekend we are attending my uncle's memorial, and I sure do regret saying no to that trip with those two amazing guys!

  17. Lucy, that looks like a fabulous celebration! Another career, if this writing thing doesn't work out? (Joke, in case that isn't clear) Not a bucket list, but I grew up reading about people who traveled with no hope of ever doing it myself. And then I did have ( or made, or lucked out on- some of each) those opportunities. I have seen some of the places I dreamed about ...and also found some of the best trips came about by accident. "Back to France? What if we see some prehistoric caves?" And with that we also got fascinating medieval towns, fairy tale scenery, great food. "Israel? Scuba diving in the Red Sea?" (not me! but that's how I got to Petra) "Nostalgic for real snow? Let's go to the Quebec Winter Festival!" A vacation where it isn't hot? Scotland, which seemed to have something magical every day. Plus bagpipes. We have a big anniversay in Nov. And we will celebrate in Paris. Friends and family are too scattered, and some are gone, for a party. And? It's Paris.

    1. Wonderful trips Triss, and I am all in with celebrating by Paris!

  18. Congratulations on the books, Lucy, and happy birthday to John! Thank you for including live music in your celebrations. Musicians need work on every level, and life is always more fun when you've got a band. (Back me up on this, Jen?)

    I don't have a bucket list, but I do like to challenge myself to accept whatever adventures the day presents. Having said that, I do, sometimes, create my own adventures. For instance, when I realized my job had scheduled piccolo auditions on my 60th birthday, I knew it was time to get out of town for the weekend. I like piccolo players, but I didn't want to spend my milestone birthday working, and piccolo warmups can be shrill.

    So I "regretfully" told my boss I'd be out of town that weekend, and flew off to Santa Fe, where I spent an interesting weekend exploring art galleries, walking the old town, and pampering myself at La Fonda. There were weird aspects to the trip: a dear friend died unexpectedly the day before I left, and the day itself marked the fact that I was officially older than my late husband ever got to be. He had been 11 years older than me. But there were cool things, too, including a great breakfast with a woman I had known for years online, but had never met in real life. Now I love her to pieces. She's delightful, and that birthday breakfast conversation was a perfect present to myself.

    1. So much to love about this comment! Santa Fe is a favorite place. I'm a firm believer in not working on one's birthday. And yay for connecting in person, Gigi, with an online friend.

    2. GIGI: Good for you! I also love visiting Santa Fe. I was there in April 2022 and enjoyed exploring the museums, art galleries and eating some wonderful food.

    3. it's definitely weird Gigi to pass a birthday milestone that someone you love never made. Santa Fe sounds much better than piccolo auditions:)

    4. 100% Gigi!!! It should be required :)

  19. That really was the week that was, Lucy. Happy Birthday John and Happy Unbirthday + book day Lucy. So many of my want to do's have been back burnered. Now I am on the 'won't know until I get there' path. I had planned to have a Beeg Celebration of me year when I turned 75. That was in 2021, and we all know what really happened. Now today is wonderful, and beauty is everywhere and that is it for this Tampa kid this morning.

  20. Congrats to you for the books Lucy, and to John for his 75th!

    I am not a bucket list person, but do plan ahead for trips, events etc.
    I have a "To Do List" and check things off as I go. Mostly to be a reminder of what I have to do so I don't forget!

    1. Thank you! I too like to plan ahead but a lot of that is enjoying the experience two times!

  21. No to the bucket list. Horrors! That implies organization and that is not my natural state. I do have places I'd love to see but not of the must-see-before-I-die variety.

  22. congratulations all around! Next year will be a big year, with a major college reunion and wedding anniversary. Other than gathering all the kids in one place for a long weekend, no plans other than our usual fall trip. Celebrating a major birthday in Paris is a wonderful experience. I've done it twice.

    1. All of that sounds good Margaret. I'm not going to try Paris again until after the Olympics:)

  23. Happy Birthday to John!

    I don’t have a bucket list. And I can’t afford to take a big trip, anyway! What I really want to do more than anything is declutter, and reorganize whatever is left. Books just keep appearing out of nowhere!


    1. Ouch - No fair to put a chore on your bucket list. If I did mine would be very long indeed and I'd be daunted just looking at it.

    2. DebRo, our son and his husband were here for a few days and offered to help throw things out from the attic. We all worked for about an hour and you can't imagine the pile of junk now down in the garage--very satisfying!

  24. No bucket list for me. Have enough trouble getting through the day’s todos: make bed, wash dishes, shave legs, without spill over.
    Love celebrating birthdays! Congratulations, John, and hooray for Lucy adding music and dancing and delight!
    Looking back I am amazed with all that I’ve done: several cross country moves, lived on Kodiak (AK) Island, seen the Grand Canyon at dawn in the snow of February, resumed ballet lessons at 30ish, graduated from law school at 45…Life, always something different. Elisabeth

  25. Lucy, your cakes were fabulous at your book launch!! And your top was adorable. So wonderful to see our Judy Singer, and looking forward to meeting her at Crimebake. Happy birthday to John, too!

    1. thanks for all that Debs! A woman at the Stop and Shop bakery decorated the cake, but she refused to have her photo taken:)

  26. Happy birthday to John! How fun to really splash out to celebrate with friends and family, and to dance! Way to kick off the next chapter; I heartily approve, and admire!

    I'm not goal-oriented in almost any way, but am open to nearly any kind of side trip in life. Spur of the moment is my SOP, most often. Making room for spontaneous activity changed my life in so many ways, most for the better.

    Not having big goals maybe means I never earn a Pulitzer, but I'm content with most of what life has offered so far, and looking forward to what presents next.

    Love the pictures, Roberta!

    1. Thanks Karen, though I doubt any of us are going to win the Pulitzer:)

  27. I’m not a bucket list person, either. I’m indecisive and money conscious so would worry that big goals of fun things like exotic travel cost too much. My husband is annoyed with me because we are talking about places to retire and he can come up with five cities to my one, maybe. I do realize that we are not promised tomorrow and maybe we should start spending our son’s inheritance! (Congratulations on your book launches and happy birthday to John! I’m glad he got the celebration he wanted) — Pat S.

    1. We have a new money guy who said he loves it when his clients write the last check right before they die. We probably won't take it that far:)

  28. Happy birthday to John! That sure sounds like a fabulous party! I've used the term Bucket List but I really don't have one. There are many, many things I'd like to do and places to go if I had the chance but I'm not pining about missing any of them. Good friends, good books, good food! Who needs more than that?

  29. Beautiful book(s) launch--cakes are fabulous! Happy birthday to John and hello to Judy (and T-bone!). No bucket list here, either. When opportunities present themselves, I jump on the train and see where it goes.

  30. My sister was down yesterday. The conversation was jilted and quick. The puffingly she said she had to go and cut grass. We were sitting on Geriatric Row enjoying the day – it was past 4 in the afternoon. She could not understand why we were not working. I told her it was a lovely day and we were just enjoying it as we would be a long time dead. She could not understand.
    I have no bucket list. Que sera, sera…

    1. By the way, I loved the good china and silverware on the table!

    2. I did too Margo!
      We've started using our good china for family events both casual and formal - mostly casual. Otherwise, it just sits in the cabinet not being enjoyed.

      It's kinda like when I was a kid and our good go to meeting Sunday shoes could only be worn for church. But, when we were kids we always out grew our shoes before we got more than a couple of days wearing them. I say wear the good shoes and use the good china.

    3. Thanks for noticing that! I hope you didn't see that the silver hasn't been polished in a long time:). In earlier days I didn't use the china, thinking I had to then hand wash it all. Now I've decided the dishwasher won't destroy it anytime soon!

  31. Nope, no bucket list. I follow Jenn's rule of the universe. Kick it out there and it will come back! It's always fun to see how that happens.
