Saturday, August 19, 2023

Mining the Archives

 LUCY BURDETTE: I got to thinking about how long this wonderful group of writing women has been blogging, how many posts we've written over the years. That's 5261! And you've written 239,029 comments, if you believe Blogger's stats! Wow! First of all, we’ve shown our delight when a new book arrives on bookshelves. We've also had hundreds and hundreds of amazing guests, mostly authors but not always. Plus blog posts on so many topics from the mundane to the utterly serious. We've kept each other going during those horrible pandemic years, and through tragic losses, and everyday doldrums. We've celebrated so many happy occasions and traveled all over the world and eaten amazing food. It's kind of a shame to see the older posts fall into obscurity so I thought I'd ask all the Reds to recap a couple of their favorites. 

I love to write about traveling and share photos–I promise this blog about the Galapagos is better than a relative’s slide show--it's also lessons I learned while traveling. And here's one more, probably the most mind-blowing trip I will ever take--to India.

We've also gotten the men behind the Red women involved in blogging. Here's one about what happened when my hub retired. And this is an oldie but really goodie when we asked our husbands to blog. For some reason Julia's Ross didn't make it into that blog so he got his own...

And one more in which the Reds dish out (rather good) marriage advice…

HALLIE EPHRON: So much fun stuff out there! This was hard. As usual I defer to food… an homage to canned soups and fruit cocktail.

And because it seems as if I completely lack any ability to remember what’s in my rearview mirror, this one that posted during Covid lockdown… I share it here because somehow it feels better to remember when things were worse, if even microscopically, than they are now. And I can always go for a good kvetch.

DEBORAH CROMBIE: So much fun scanning through the blogs! I love the blogs about food, and writing, and just weird stuff that only we could come up with.

This particular blog, from May 2017, I'm always going back to because I love Hallie's shrimp pancake recipe and I make it every summer when the zucchini is in season!

Here are a couple that jumped out at me from not long after I joined the REDs. This one, because I am in the midst of our very own Texas version of SAD, waiting for August to end. 

And this one, because it was so interesting to see some of our writing influences.

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN:  It's definitely hard to tell if we blog more about writing or more about food.  My very fave is my Christmas morning story, and ‘Twas the Night Before "poem,but I won't post those until the time comes round again.

But here's a midst-of-the-pandemic about dinner disasters. I still feel the same way about spaghetti squash.

Here's our happy fifteenth blog—and this photo was taken in Dallas, the last time we were all together in person before the pandemic hit. So that's unsettling.

Remember Wordle? Ha. Here's Where I tried—and failed—to convince you to play Tradle. Which I tried again TODAY, and still didn't win.

And here's one on food cravings, which I totally stand by.

And the memory of a life-changing experience.

JENN McKINLAY: So many blog posts to choose from! Ack! 

I went with an older one that I thought was poignant at the time. While it still is, I had no idea when I wrote it how much more life was going to throw at us all. It’s entitled MOTHERHOOD IS NOT FOR THE WEAK.

And the second one, is newer and skewed humorous. Now it seems more like a cautionary tale, given the rise of AI and what not. It’s called THE ROBOTS ARE COMING.

JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: When I joined Jungle Reds, I expected it to be a great way to keep my name in front of the reading public, and to network with other authors. I had no idea it was going to turn into a living journal of my life with my family over a twelve year period (and counting!) I’ve written about teaching your teen to drive, and welcoming them back on midwinter break. I’ve shared my kids’ college tours and tours of duty.  We’ve had graduations from high school and from basic training. And, of course, I’ve shared my dear Ross - in his own words - and shared what it was like to be widowed at 56. 

The ups and downs of a perfectly ordinary life, captured in words and pictures right here. I’m looking forward to the posts about engagements, career successes, weddings and someday (fingers crossed) grandkids… 

Red Readers: Are there particular favorites that you all remember? I'm a huge fan of the 'what we're writing' weeks, but we'd love to hear what kind of posts do you most look forward to?


  1. Oh, goodness, there are so many wonderful posts . . . how could I ever select a favorite? Each day I look forward to being surprised, to being delighted, to being informed. And I am never disappointed . . . .

  2. I only discovered the Jungle Red Writers not so long ago but I have enjoyed all the posts I've read. I'm always interested in what you are writing next.

  3. Wow. Now I have an entire day's worth of posts to reread! I've been a faithful reader for most of this run and remember a number of the ones mentioned. It's a treat to be allowed a peek into your personal lives, travels, joys and travails.

    I've been honored to be a guest here many times, and I've discovered quite a few writers new to me, some of whom are now favorites. I love the foodie posts and the What We're Writing weeks.

    But if I had to pick, I'd go for most of Julia's posts, because they've have made me laugh out loud so many times. And that's saying something for five-thirty in the morning with only a few sips of coffee in me.

    1. Alas, several of Hank's links take me to some blogger admin page, not the post. Can somebody please check that?

  4. Awww, these posts are certainly a walk down JRW memory lane. I have been reading JRW since 2008 because I remember meeting Rosemary in person at the Denver Left Coast Crime that year.

    I enjoy the wide variety of posts but like the highlighted new authors/books, the foodie and travel topics and What We Are Reading posts. My TBR is totally out-of-control, thanks.

    1. May I ask who Rosemary is? Diana

    2. DIANA: Rosemary Harris was one of the earlier Jungle Reds. She wrote the Dirty Business cozy mystery series featuring a master gardener/sleuth.

  5. I just read Hank's post about spaghetti squash and laughed. I want to like spaghetti squash because it's healthy, pretty and so fun. But it is such a pain and always comes out...well, gross. REALLY gross.

  6. It's been a few years since I began to follow the blog. My personal journey here began when I found Debs's books, then her Facebook page, then the blog. I did not know anything about any of the other JRW authors. Then I began to follow the blog and read the JRW authors' books and to comment on the blog.

    I love the guest author and the new-to-me author posts. I LOVE the "What We're Writing " and the "What We're Reading" posts. I love the posts that make me laugh and the ones where we all pull together to support one another. I cannot wait to meet everyone in person who will be at Crime Bake.

  7. I just read your marriage advice blog, which I somehow missed--touching, fun, and--yes, despite my supposed expertise after 35 years of marriage--very helpful. And I had the delight of reading Ross's blog. What a lovely man you married, Julia. I'm so sorry he's gone. Thanks for opening up the archives, Lucy!

  8. You leave me hoping that this (first in a very long while) temperate and sunny day turns to rain so that I can sit for a read through Jungle Red history. Saving for bedtime story! Happy Saturday all.

  9. And that’s Elisabeth waiting for bedtime.

  10. Love this post with links to posts of the past. Trying to recall when I started reading JRW. I think ? Ingrid Thoft ? and Susan MacNeal were amongst the Jungle Red Writers bloggers. Perhaps 2015 or 2016?

    Hard to choose which posts were my favorite. Always wonderful to discover new to me authors. I was honored to be a guest here on Jungle Red Writers. I am going to check out some of the posts that I missed.

    Always start my mornings reading the Jungle Red Writers.


  11. I like what we're writing or what we're cooking or what we're watching on tv.

  12. I've followed about half of the links and will have to leave the rest for later. Thank you for the blast from the past! I've discovered so many new-to-me authors and have a never-ending pile of books. Grateful!

    1. Me too, Gillian. I loved that post with the JRW husbands. Diana

  13. What a fun journey down Memory Lane. Thanks for providing entertainment, enlightenment, and food for mind and body every day. I love almost all of it!

  14. I did manage to go through all the links.. and Hank, some of your links just go to a weird Blogger page and not to JRW. One of my favorite blog posts was Roberta/Lucy's post about her music and walking trip to Scotland. It reminded me of my own adventures in Scotland in 1978, when my friend and I wrote a big paper about traditional music. I still listen to Jock Tamson's Bairns or Silly Wizard when I'm washing the kitchen floor.

  15. What We're Reading posts are my fave. Recipes are fun, too, although I have to admit I have never actually tried any of them. Just salivated, printed them, and put them in my exploding folder of recipes I never use because by dinner time, I just want to make something I already know how to do.

  16. From Celia: Hello friends, whoever you are or from (thinking Kim and Elisabeth our further flung friends), I just want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU. I will be following all the links later but I need to get up and address my busy day with friends coming for a sunny afternoon on the deck with food and something to drink. Sadly Julia has had to beg out as she is on an errand of mercy but I’ll give a shout out to Ginger, who chose to adopt Victor and I as almost g’parents. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ginger, see you soon. How did it get to be an on running guest? And with all the cooking talent among both Reds and readers I feel a bit of a spoof - not really a talented writer writer and very much a seat of pants cook. But Julia in her wisdom or perhaps seeing a way to a quiet Sunday recruited me, and I, tremendously flattered, fell for her siren song. So other than worrying about my past recipes and searching to catch new ideas what do I love on JRW? Well making friends beyond the blog, meeting new great authors whom I love, a place which starts my day. Every morning JRW is the second email I read. I just wish I had found it sooner. This is my happy place and I can’t pick out just one blog or one person because together writers and readers you form a perfect community to me.

    1. Well said, Celia! You ARE a talented writer, by the way.

    2. Hear, hear. Celia -- writer AND video star, let us not forget!

  17. What a wonderful idea for a post! Can I respond to ALL the old favorites linked here? :-) I don't remember how I came to the Reds originally. Maybe through some former Reds who I knew through the NY mystery world? (Rosemary Harris? - anyone know what she's been doing?) And I was already reading some of you. What I found here over time was a delightful place where really interesting people "talked" about topics that interest me - books, reading, the writing life, mysteries, plus travel and food and family. I've been honored to be a guest, and tend to save my best (I hope) thoughts on a new book for a Reds post. And I only recently learned where your name comes from! The Women was on PBS and I hadn't seen it in, oh, practically a lifetime. And there it was. Crossing genres,thank you and "live long and prosper."

  18. Great post today, a lot of reading pleasure. San Diego appears to be in direct line of hurricane Hillary. Torrential rains and flooding are predicted. This weather in San Diego is unprecedented. I hope it turns out ok for all residents and those of you heading to BCon next week.

    1. Thinking about the hurricane too. Hope it turns out OK too.

    2. Thanks for the concern about San Diego and Hurricane Hillary. I've been watching the news (as we live in San Diego!) and it is expected to become a Tropical Storm meaning strong winds 30-70 mph and heavy rain with damaging floods, which we aren't prepared for as it rarely rains here. Our mayor is updating via tv news what is being done regarding storm drains, homeless, river and low lying areas, posting notices of how to prepare, etc.

  19. Flora here. I found the blog following Julia and Deborah--trying to figure out when they'd have new books coming out. Stayed because the blog posts were always interesting, fun, enlightening. My favorites are What We're Writing and What We're Reading, and any blog post that touches on the craft of writing--so interesting to see how everyone approaches their craft and works at it--same is true for all the writers who join in the conversations. Food, travel, family, entertainment--all in one place every morning! I'll be browsing the archives later today.

  20. I will be re reading your posts later today, an incentive to do the housework first. This is the perfect way for me to start my day. Like Diana, I came to the group when Ingrid and Susan were part of the blogging group. The food posts and the Sunday recipes are such a treat. I also enjoy your travel stories, especially when you come to Florida. The community btl is every bit as important for me. Thank all of you for enhancing my life.

  21. I have only been reading for about 2 years, and can say that it is now part of my morning routine. Favourite subjects are anything that people really comment on – good books, good tv, good food, weather, Celia’s recipes, some obscure subject, and always grammar and language – anything that is not necessarily news-worthy but more the mundane things of living. I appreciate that it doesn’t discuss politics as such (although there are underlying hints about people’s beliefs), but on occasion deals with political events that are worldwide (climate change, death of a monarch, etc.) Because I am Canadian, I enjoy reading about things stateside, and find American news has often become more relevant to me – I am more aware of weather in Maine, or heat in Arizona, butterflies in Texas or even the weather in Portugal or Switzerland. To be able to read personally of other people’s lives makes things more understandable and ties us closer to one another – more we and less me.
    So, as I read through past blogs, I think I will try and go and find the archives and possibly read some more – that means I will never get to washing the floor on this hot, wet and humid day, although I will be satisfied to use it as an excuse because it probably will not dry anyway!

    1. As a timid person who would not ever approach a 'celebrity', I can say that I like the safety of being able to ask what might be a stupid question, and always get a kind response, even if it is not in their field. I remember Edith suggesting one time to add horseradish to my potato salad - and she was so right on the mark!

    2. What a lovely comment, Margo. I, too, love the way the blog ties us all together and makes us more aware of other people's lives.

  22. Sometimes, I take months-long breaks from reading any blogs, but this one is the one I always return to. I know some of you IRL, including various JRW alumni and some regular commenters.

    Here and at other online venues like the Guppies is where I get to touch base with my mystery friends.

    That said, apologies to those of you who also have blogs that I just don't read as regularly. #cringe I really do need to expand my blog reading list.

    But kudos to JRW for such prolific writing!

  23. This was one of the first blogs I started reading when I was exploring the internet and looking for mystery oriented sites. I found much more.
    I enjoy the joie de vie and insights and even just general observations that all of you bring to your individual blogs.
    I had an opportunity to meet Rhys at a local bookstore and found her to be just as charming and
    humorous in person and I always look forward to her ‘week’. She was kind enough offer an autograph on a bookmark for a friend who was unable to be there.
    I have also appreciated non-book related entries such as the discussion of the best masks, stain removers and other recommendations for everyday life-I bought the masks and still use them.
    I remember you all being concerned when a regular contributor hasn’t ‘checked in’ for a period of time or when they have mentioned going through a difficult time.
    When I have a chance, this is the first thing I look at everyday online. I never thought I would be a participant in any blog and I don’t do it anywhere else, but I have done it here because of the wide range of topics that have interested me and I look forward to getting responses to what I have written.
    Thank you

  24. HANK:
    How intriguing - I've not heard of Tradle and looked it up. Today's answer is the country of Andorra.
    Hmmm, probably some small country in the Middle East or Africa or Pacific Islands. Nope! It is a separate country between Spain and France and the official language is Catalan. Who knew! Thanks Hank!

  25. I read JRW just about every day and love each author's week for different reasons. I couldn't pick a favourite, but look forward to trundling down memory lane of those the Reds have posted above. What fun! Please keep this blog going; it's a community of humans I value greatly.

  26. What a fun walk down memory lane. I remember many of these posts. The early ones are wonderfully new to me. I love reading what the Reds community has to say. Of course I love the what we are writing posts. And the Celia and Julia cooking show. Plus I've been introduced to some wonderful new to me writers here.

  27. I've been going back and forth, reading the past blogs and I can't read Hank's posts either. :-( I need to spend more time to read everything. I really enjoyed what the spouses had to say. You all have been blessed with very talented husbands with their own unique senses of humor.

    I don't get to comment as much as I would like but what I've really enjoyed is the sense of family that this group has. A supportive family. My TBR (a term I never knew before reading it here) is larger than I could imagine and not as large has it could be. I've been introduced to more authors and have a bigger list of potential reads than I ever thought I would have. I know that I don't have to be a published author to comment here. That was a real surprise and I love it. I look forward to reading about what you are reading and when that long awaited next book is finished and going to be published.

  28. Hank, thanks for the reminder about Tradle. I loved it and had forgotten about it!!

  29. How wonderful to read or reread such great stories! A terrific way to celebrate the Reds' anniversary!
