Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Hank Phillippi Ryan:


First, fanfare fanfare, BOOKING first. The trade paperback of THE HOUSE GUEST is available today! I always wonder how much difference that makes in anyone's lives, but I hope it does!


 And I am going on a tiny little whirlwind book tour to make sure everybody knows: tonight I will be at Brookline Booksmith with the superb Shari Lapena!  Whoa. If you have not read her book EVERYONE HERE IS LYING, it is an absolute page turner. Honestly, if I hadn't had to make dinner yesterday, I would not have budged from my chair. (SO fun to have my paperback launch day be with such a superstar--and we get to talk about HER book! Perfect.)


Wednesday I go to Jacksonville, Florida to appear at the Jacksonville Public Library.

Thursday off to Atlanta, for the Atlanta Authors series at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center.

Thursday, still in Atlanta, at the Sandy Springs Library.

Saturday, racing back to Massachusetts to appear at the Barnes & Noble Hingham. (With some names you will recognize!)

 And then Sunday, in Plainville, at An Unlikely Story Bookstore, with Patty Callahan Henry to talk about her brilliant THE SECRET BOOK OF FLORA LEA.

And then zooming back home to zoom for The Back Room, with Kathy Reichs, Polly Stewart, Tosca Lee and Don Bentley!


Whoa. And you can get all the deets here.


But on to COOKING!  Last week we went to get our farm shares, and we got zucchini and eggplant and golden yellow squash, which meant... make something up.

Something Parmesan? Something Ratatouille?


 So here's what I did.


I sliced the zucchini and eggplant and squash and salted them liberally, and left them for two hours so the water would come out. So much water comes out, and that makes a huge difference.  (I cut the eggplant  and golden like coins,  and the zucchini in strips. Whatever.)


Then I roasted the zucchini and eggplant and squash in olive oil till they were brownish around the edges, then I topped that with parmesan cheese and popped it under the broiler until the cheese browned.


Then I took the whole thing out of the oven.


Then I lightly olive-oiled a LeCreuset enamel oval pan, put the cheesy veggies carefully along the bottom. Then I sprinkled that with halves of cherry tomatoes from our own garden, then tiny bits of mozzarella cheese, then sprinkled with parmesan cheese, then bacon bits, then snipped basil and fresh parsley from our garden. Popped that back into the oven until the cheese burbled--you can tell it's done.


 And wow wow wow it was delicious. Here's a picture.


And then –although it was completely unnecessary, I served it with sautéed shrimp.


BOOKING AND COOKING! Reds and Readers, either of those things on your schedule this week?

(And oh, because it's August 1, "rabbit rabbit." SO much to remember!)


  1. Wow . . . that's a pretty hectic schedule . . . .
    Yum!! We're always cooking and squash is a favorite around here . . . .

  2. I love summer squash. I wish your book tour was coming to SW Florida. I would love to meet you. I watched you on TV for years when I lived in Massachusetts.

  3. A delicious way to prepare those veggies. Thanks for sharing.

    Safe travels on your whirlwind trip. I'm delighted to share the event with you next Saturday!

  4. We had pretty much the same menu in the past week, only less cheese! Ratatouille with shrimp, then beans and greens — kale this time — with Italian sausage, lots of green salads and cole slaw made from a beautiful Savoy cabbage. Chicken and pork chops to round things out.
    Today is share day and should include the first corn. August is corn and tomato month for us. Those will be part of every meal until their season is over. Don’t you live planning meals around current crops?

  5. HANK: Have a wonderful mini-book tour! PINK JACKET?
    And yes, this is a yummy time of year to enjoy local produce. I made a quick saute with local corn, my balcony garden cherry tomatoes and basil this weekend.

  6. Hank, I looked at your schedule the other day and wondered about how much energy you must have!! congrats on THE HOUSE GUEST and all your gigs--you are a rockstar!

  7. Wow, whirlwind tour, indeed! You always amaze, Hank! And that dish you concocted seems SO perfect, and you're right did not need the shrimp. I've been ad libbing with corn salad: cut from the cob and tossed w onions, red peppers, tomatoes, basil, fetah cheese, and balsamic vinegar and oil. With a piece of bread, it's dinner.

  8. HANK: Rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit....booking and cooking...your post about the farm produce reminded me of something.

    In the summer, I often find wonderful produce and often it is fruit and I create fruit salad or smoothies from the yummy fresh produce that is available during the summer. Also love kale and I often make kale salad during the summer.

    Wow! Looks like you are back to book tours. Wow! You are going to Iceland. Will it be your first time in Iceland?


  9. Cooking lighter during the dog days of summer. Have a great road trip!

  10. Great recipe (so much better than boring, soggy ratatouille) and an amazing-sounding book tour. Wish I could be at the Brookline Bookstore to see and hear you. I've never read Shari Lapena--I will get one of her books to try!

  11. I saw Shari last night in Pittsburgh and I have her book on my shelf to start next.

  12. Hank, your recipe looks like a dish of summer! Yum. With the parmesan and mozzarella, it could go on a pizza!

    I am always incredibly impressed by your busy schedule. Wow. I hope you have a wonderful trip and a great launch for the paperback of THE HOUSE GUEST.

    I plan to be at one of your appearances this month and hope that it is still on your agenda. Our daughter lives in Lewes, Delaware and Browseabout Books in Rehoboth is a frequent destination during our visits. Since we have not met face-to-face, I can't just show up and surprise you. So surprise! Is it still on your tour?

    1. Judy, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet Hank twice. She is a lovely, gracious lady!


    2. Browseabout got moved until next year..shhhh...we're having a launch there!

  13. Yum! It looks delicious! Safe travels.

  14. From Celia: Not sure what I love most of B&C, but congrats on The House Guest, and with the energy you put into your tours I'm sure it will sell millions. I think this is a pink jacket moment. Your recipe sounds so delicious. I'm not a big golden squash person but I think it's partially what one grows up eating (never had it before arriving here) and really not knowing ways to prep it. So I shall buy some at my fav farm stand where I get all my summer veggies and try it out. Safe travels, I'm feeling tired just contemplating all the travel. Perhaps you will come to Maine sometime.

  15. Everything goes grate (great) with cheese!
    Have fun on your tour and I am sure some people have been anxiously awaiting the paperback House Guest.

  16. That looks delicious, Hank! Love the shrimp with it, a perfect summer meal.

    I picked the first small zucchini the other day, so along with garden onions, tomatoes, and basil, I'll make a version of ratatouille I call "olio", as in "everything". Sauteed in olive oil, with fresh herbs.

    This year for the first time I grew lima beans, which are coming in now, and made the first batch last night. SO good.

    1. We need dto talk about lima beans. Remind me. oxoxo

  17. Hank,

    Regarding cooking, when you mentioned your farm shares, I couldn't help but think of Edith Maxwell's much-missed Local Foods mystery series.

    For me, if it isn't toast or opening a can of Campbell's soup, there really isn't much on my cooking plate these days. I either let someone else do the cooking while I focus on the eating part of the equation or I just make myself a sandwich.

    As for the booking part of this post, congrats on the TPB edition of THE HOUSE GUEST coming out. And wow, you sure do remain busy in the TPB edition of your seemingly endless book tour! I'm hoping to get to that Hingham appearance since Edith, Joanna, Edwin and Marcy this coming Saturday (August 5th). It's still up in the air right now for a couple of reasons but hope springs eternal, right?

    Meanwhile I continue trying to read everything I am being sent from either Mystery Scene or The Strand. Submitted one review to MS and working on the other one. Then I have to dive straight into The Strand books. It never ends. LOL

  18. Have a wonderful mini-trip. Smooth travels and big audiences. The dish you made looks delicious...and easy. And I already have a trip to weekend farmer's market planned. Cold soup is my go-to all summer and with tomatoes peaking, it's time for gazpacho. I'm also planning to try a new recipe ( I get the NY Times cooking subscription - really fun) for an old ( very old) favorite - cold noodle salad with spicy peanut butter dressing. Perfect for when it's too hot to cook...or even eat. Easy to add a protein of choice- leftover chicken or beef or fish or throw in some tofu.Or not bother at all. Booking remains the same - trudging through a big rewrite. But maybe a meetup with some writers friends this week.

  19. Oh, Hank, this looks amazing! I'm sending the link to the Hub so he can make it for me :) Also, enjoy your mini-book tour and congrats on the pbk release. Woo hoo!

  20. I'm laughing, because a Hank Philippi Ryan mini book tour is as packed as many people's actual book tours! Like the rest of the Reds, Hank, I continue to marvel at your boundless energy and excitement for connecting to readers.

    As for that cheesy veggie bacon bit delight that you concocted, not only have you made me exceedingly hungry for lunch, but it's beautiful as well! Cooking with fresh local produce is truly one of the great joys of summer. I'm glad you are partaking of it.

  21. Hank, whenever I read your schedule my head begins to spin! I would love it if you came to Connecticut again, in daylight hours. (Still not driving at night)

    I want to try that recipe!


  22. Have a wonderful tour! I am struck today by the editorial practice you suggest ... whether I can salt a couple pages and leave them out for a couple hours, days, weeks and Have all the unnecessary liquid drain out.

  23. I'll bet Jonathan was in hog heaven when he saw what was for dinner!

  24. Hank, that dish looks amazing! I accidentally got two baskets of zucchini at the farmer's market on Saturday, so maybe I'll make your concoction with it. And don't you love those Sungold tomatoes!!

    And congrats on the paperback AND the mini book tour! I don't know how you do it all!

  25. I am reading ALL of these and running as FAST as I can..more to come! xx

  26. Congrats on the PB edition of The House Guest, and have a great mini-tour! Your dinner concoction looks fabulous and is making me hungry--but I'm way too lazy to cook today. We'll be foraging through the fridge and pantry tonight. As for booking, pecking away at those keys and have finished a chapter. Now on to the next one, it may be a snail's pace, but it's moving!

  27. Have a wonderful book tour. I'm glad The House Guest is out in paperback. Paperbacks make a huge difference to me. And your veggie dish looks and sounds soooo delicious - I want to try it (minus the bacon bits, die hard purist that I am.)

  28. Looks yummy! I love grilled veggies. Congrats on the trade paper and have a wonderful time on the book tour. I know you will. You're going to great venues.

    Booking for me right now - writing one editing two -YIKES - Cooking. Hubs has decided he needs the FODMAP diet for a while so I spent the weekend looking for recipes. Made one last night - beef and rice, quite good.

  29. You are all amazing...reading all these! xx
