JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: Paul Doiron is one of my favorite writers. Not just for his terrific Mike Bowditch series - although I love following the Maine game warden as he struggles and grows into his role as a hero. Not just because he's a great dinner companion and stalwart tourer - ask him about our "Death to Bookstores" appearances in '10 - but because he cares passionately about Maine. From the bucolic coastal villages to the dying mill towns, from the metropolitan south to the almost-uninhabited north, he writes - in both his fiction and his nonfiction - wisely and well about the state we love.
Who hates national
parks? No one, right? According to the National Park Service, 278,939,216 people
visited the United States’s crown jewels in 2011. My own state of Maine is home
to one of the most popular in the East—Acadia National Park—which generally
receives more than 2 million recreational visits a year. So it might surprise
you to learn that one of the most controversial issues in Maine right now is
whether to create a new national park in the state’s celebrated North Woods as a
potential sanctuary for caribou, wolves, and lynx.
For more than a decade
environmentalists, joined by entrepreneur and philanthropist Roxanne Quimby, famous as the founder of Burt’s Bees*,
has been lobbying to create a new park in the vicinity of majestic Mount
Katahdin—and their efforts have been met with fear, resentment, and in some
cases, violence. Quimby has gone so far as to buy 70,000 acres herself to give
to the National Park Service, but state politicos — and the feds, at the behest
of local politicians — have so far given her the cold shoulder.
The fear in Maine is
that the park would signal the death knell of the state’s wood-products
industry (what most people call “logging”). And Quimby hasn’t helped matters by
halting lumbering on her lands and banning access to hunters, snowmobilers, and
ATV riders who had previously used it for years. Novelists know that a crisis
is very often the truest expression of someone’s character. That statement can
be as true of place like Maine as it is for a person.

These days we’ve
become used to books and television shows being “ripped from the headlines,”
but from the days of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, fiction has also been a useful tool to start a public debate.
And that’s what I aim to do. “Sensational” and “serious” aren’t always
I used to have
misgivings about a North Woods National Park, primarily out of a respect for
the small Maine communities that would be most affected by its creation. (Some
sort of preserve modeled on Adirondack Park was always my preference.) When
asked about Massacre Pond, I’ve said that I had to write an entire novel to get my own
conflicted views on the subject on paper.

“The kings of
England formerly had their forests ‘to hold the king’s game,’ for sport or
food, sometimes destroying villages to create or extend them . . . Why should
not we, who have renounced the king’s authority, have our national preserves,
where no villages need be destroyed, in which the bear and panther, and some
even of the hunter race, may still exist, and not be ‘civilized off the face of
the earth,’ — our forests, not to hold the king’s game merely, but to hold and
preserve the king himself also, the lord of creation,—not for idle sport or
food, but for inspiration and our own true recreation?”
How this crisis will all play out is
unanswerable by my Magic 8 Ball. The political
winds aren’t currently in favor
of the park, but we know how quickly those can change. And the fate of the
American woods-products industry depends less on what happens in the Maine
capital of Augusta — or even Washington, DC — and more on what’s going on in
South Africa and the Amazon and Indonesia.

One of my newest
concerns is this: By the time Mainers finally decide whether they want a North
Woods park, will global climate change have already transformed our beautiful
boreal forest into someplace subtropical? Instead of the Canada lynx will we
have the feral pig, and instead of the sugar maple, will we have the pecan?
I call this dystopian
vision of the future: “No Country for Old Moose.”
*By the way, did
you know that Taiwain has a national holiday devoted to Burt
Shavitz, the namesake of Burt’s Bees. Yep, they do.
The fourth Mike Bowditch mystery, Massacre Pond, comes out on July 16th. You can find out more about Paul and read excerpts of his novels at his website. You can read more of his thoughts at his blog, friend him on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter as @PaulDoiron. Paul is also a contributor to the Maine Crime Writers blog.
The fourth Mike Bowditch mystery, Massacre Pond, comes out on July 16th. You can find out more about Paul and read excerpts of his novels at his website. You can read more of his thoughts at his blog, friend him on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter as @PaulDoiron. Paul is also a contributor to the Maine Crime Writers blog.
Who would have thought that the creation of a national park/animal sanctuary could be so contentious? It will be interesting to see how this particular crisis is resolved . . . .
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed your Mike Bowditch series and I’m looking forward to reading “Massacre Pond” . . . .
Greetings from Sugarloaf!
ReplyDeleteYes, the great National Park debate. Right up there with the East-West highway on the list of local contentious items. But then there's always bear baiting.
I, too, am looking forward to reading MASSACRE POND.
There are so many great Maine authors. I'm hoping to get to Boothbay tomorrow. It sounds like a wicked awesome event.
Thanks for being part of JRW today.
I'm so keen to read Massacre Pond, Paul.
ReplyDeleteThe tension that pervades the North Woods National Park debate makes fertile soil for a good story, and I know from your earlier books you can be trusted you to capture the nuance.
Congratulations and thank you for taking this on.
Hi, Paul! So great to see you at Jungle Reds today!
ReplyDeleteWe had a similar debate that raged for decades and decades around the creation of a tallgrass prairie national park in Kansas. Here it was the ranchers and grazing rights that were the problems. Finally, we have the park--after losing lots of the prairie we had when we first started talking about it. Hope that doesn't happen to you all up in Maine.
I love the Mike Bowditch books and can't wait to get my hands on Massacre Pond.
LOVE that title, Paul...so great to see you here today!
ReplyDeleteWell, talk about political battles--did you see the some Haight Ashbury residnets are trying to close a restaurant called Bacon Bacon--because they can't stand the smell?
And of course I lived through the Big Dig debate here in Boston..which actully turned out tobe kind of fabulous. After some very very rough times.
Let's hear it for Teddy Roosevelt! Today it would be impossible to set aside even a fraction of the 230 million acres he safeguarded.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Paul - and congratulations on the huge success of Bad Little Falls. Hoping that Massacre Pond hits it out of the park for you too.
The North Woods National Park is a controversial idea with convincing arguments on either side. I'm looking forward to reading Paul's new book to see how this issue plays into it. I loved the previous books in the Mike Bowditch series. The Maine settings and characters feel authentic, and I have enjoyed seeing Mike's character develop.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Paul and thanks for your post. Your books are now on my TBR list!
ReplyDeleteSetting aside land for new parks is a contentious issue everywhere. I'm interested in your take on both sides in Massacre Pond.
Love your comment that it took you a whole book to get your own conflicting thoughts on paper! Here in NW Montana, we have many of the same debates. But who doesn't love moose? Or even mousse?
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new release!
Thank you for highlighting this controversy. The I learn about Maine, the more fascinated I become. (Admittedly, Stephen King had a lot to do with my Maine curiosity.)
ReplyDeleteI love the title too! Looking forward to reading MASSACRE POND.
I hope some of you click on the "North Woods Law" trailer at the end of Paul's piece. I had NO idea there was a reality show about Maine game wardens! The young man in the clip is very much how I picture Mike Bowditch.
ReplyDeleteLove these kind of novels!
ReplyDeleteBut in this crisis also resides opportunity. Some of these small Maine communities could see new job creation to support visitors to the new National Park. Hope they are thinking of that.
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and encouragement. In the book I have a character — sort of a Basil Exposition character, I'm afraid — who explains how one goes about creating a national park. I just found the political process really fascinating. And I aimed to come at the particular controversy in Maine from a variety of angles. It's a novel, after all, not an essay. So I expect some readers to think I'm violently opposed and others to think I'm violently for it. As for "North Woods Law," it really is a hoot and I've gotten to be friends with both some of the featured wardens and with the producers. It's quirky and a real notch above traditional COPS type shows.
ReplyDeleteNorth Woods Law made me fall in love with moose. Hello, I am Annette and I think big clunky animals are beautiful. I can see both sides of the debate. Jobs in America are a big deal where ever you live. And since I live in Texas, I do not have a dog in this fight. But for me, preserving some more of the beauty of Maine seems like a great plan. I will have to find this book, Massacre Pond and read to see which side is really your choice.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting blog, and I am definitely adding Massacre Pond to my to-read list!
ReplyDeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you here today. I hope the national Park works out for you in Maine. As Hank says we lived through the Big Dig, and it worked out great! Well there are those leaks… but the green area, the park on the waterfront… so very nice.
Your site become helpful heand four me