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Hank (taking photo) Rhys and Debs at Bouchercon! |
"Oh!" I said. "Please say hello! It makes such a difference to all of us that we know you are there". And it truly does.
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A better shot--with Andrew Grant and Molly Weston |
I'm Hank Phillippi Ryan. It's really Harriet, okay? And I like it. (Now, at least.) I live in Boston, and am the investigative reporter for Boston's NBC affiliate. I've been a reporter for 40 years now! I'm in the midst of writing my 10th thriller, an untitled (as yet, and I'm sure you'll hear more about this) standalone, and am 74,000 words in. About 50,000 of those words are great. Plus, I've gotta hurry since it's due January 1. La dee dah.
My newest thriller SAY NO MORE comes out November 1-- to amazing reviews! (Ah. No pressure, it's just my career. And see below to win an ARC!)

I'm also about to start FORGOTTEN CITY by the brilliant Carrie White. She is amazing and her writing is,too. (I found her via Robin Agnew of Aunt Agatha's.)
And for inspiration, the brilliant REACHER SAID NOTHING, the hilarious and thoughtful Andy Martin's Boswellian chronicle of Lee Child. Highly recommended.
How about you? Lurkers, please! Chime in, if only just this once!
DEBORAH CROMBIE: I'm Deborah Crombie (Deb or Debs to my friends, but NOT Debbie!) and I live in north Texas but I write British crime novels featuring Metropolitan Police detectives Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James. The 17th series novel, GARDEN OF LAMENTATIONS, is out February 17th (that's a nice coincidence) and I can't wait! In the meantime, I'm starting #18.
And I'm reading one of my Bouchercon giveaways, THE COLD, COLD GROUND, by Adrian McKinty, which is fabulous. McKinty has been on my to-read list for a good while, in part because Gerard Doyle, who reads my audio books, also reads McKinty and highly recommended him. Now I can see why. And I'm dying to read Andy Martin's REACHER SAID NOTHING. I heard so many good things about it at Bouchercon.
HALLIE EPHRON: I'm Hallie (not short for anything) Ephron and I live in suburb south of Boston and I write creepy suspense novels, standalones. I've set them in my hometown (NEVER TELL A LIE; COME AND FIND ME), in the Bronx (THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN), and in Beverly Hills where I grew up (NIGHT NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT.) I'm waiting for my new novel (working title: YOU'LL NEVER KNOW, DEAR), which is set in South Carolina, to come back with copyedits. And I have only the slimmest glimmer of what I'm going to write next an panicking because I need to get it started.
I teach writing at writing conferences, and right now I'm putting together materials for workshops I'll be giving at Surrey International Writers Conference (Vancouver, BC), a one-day for Mad Anthony Writers in Hamilton, Ohio, and the New England Crime Bake which is practically in my backyard.
I just finished reading Thomas Harris' Silence of the Lambs, which somehow I missed it. Brilliant brilliant plotting, writing that's nearly invisible and you get lost in it immediately, and Juliet Blackwell's LETTERS FROM PARIS which is a delicious romance wrapped in a historical mystery. And my TBR pile is tall and topped right now with Susan's THE QUEEN'S ACCOMPLICE.
SUSAN ELIA MACNEAL: Aw, thanks, Hallie! I'm usually just Susan, Susan MacNeal, or "Mom! MOM! MOOOOOOOOM!" I write the Maggie Hope series of New York Times-bestselling mysteries, set during World War II, which began with MR. CHURCHILL'S SECRETARY. The sixth book in the series, THE QUEEN'S ACCOMPLICE, is coming out October 4 and I'm hard at work on the next, THE PARIS SPY, which will be published in hardcover. I live with my husband and eleven-year-old son in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Right now I'm in serious deadline mode, but when the new book's in, I'm keen on reading the new Flavia De Luce, THRICE THE
BRINDED CAT HATH MEW'D by Alan Bradley, as well as the new Sherlock Holmes-inspired short story collection, ECHOES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, edited by Laurie R. King and Leslie S. Klinger (and featuring three of the Reds!).
LUCY BURDETTE: I'm Lucy, aka Roberta Isleib, who was responsible for both the golf lovers and the advice column mystery series. For the last few years, I’ve been writing the Key West food critic mystery series as Lucy Burdette. The seventh book in that series featuring food critic Hayley Snow came out in April (KILLER TAKEOUT.) This series is set in Key West, Florida, a place I love dearly and live in for more than half the year. I always say if you can’t find characters and plot ideas in Key West, you’re not looking very hard.
I'm working on something new, but way too superstitious to tell you about it. Please all keep your fingers and toes crossed that it sells soon? And I'm reading Rhys Bowen's latest Georgie book, CROWNED AND DANGEROUS. It's funny and clever and falls for me in the category of "comfort reading," because I know the characters and it feels like visiting old friends. I also read LETTERS FROM PARIS, Hallie--great fun for francophiles! And just finished a book of essays about psychotherapy, that you'll hear more about week after next.
JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: My name is Julia Spencer-Fleming, which is actually my maiden name and believe it or not, my husband also has a hyphenated last name. I live in the countryside near Portland, Maine, in a 200-year-old house that always needs work. I have three kids: The Smithie, looking for that career-starting job after getting her MLIS degree; The Sailor (formerly The Boy) at A School in Naval Station Great Lakes, and Youngest, a junior in high school. I also have one dog, two cats, and I occasionally find time to work on writing the 9th book in my Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne mystery series.

The next book up I haven't started yet: Curtis Sittenfeld's AMERICAN WIFE. I didn't read it when it came out because it didn't sound like my thing - a roman-a-clef about Laura Bush? - but I so enjoyed ELIGIBLE, I thought I'd give the earlier novel a try.
RHYS BOWEN: My name is Rhys Bowen, which as some of you know is my grandfather’s name, taken as a pen name when I started writing mysteries (and I really prefer it to my given name!) I am a transplanted Brit who divides her time between California and Arizona. I currently write two historical mystery series: The Molly Murphy novels, set in New York City at the turn of the Twentieth Century and the lighter Royal Spyness books. But I have been working on something quite different so please look out for a big book announcement in the upcoming weeks. Very exciting and game changing for me!

HANK: And we at Jungle Red send our most heartfelt condolences to Louise Penny on the death of her beloved (to all!) husband Michael. He was a joy.
And after today--my already towering TBR pile is about to go to critical mass. Julia, I LOVED Eligible! So glad someone else did.
But Red and Readers--time for you to join the roll call! Regulars and lurkers, tell us about yourself and where you are and what you're reading and writing! And one lucky commenter wins an advance copy of SAY NO MORE!
And coming up this week! Tomorrow, a famous new YA author looks back at some classics--with surprising results! (Truly, you won't believe it.) And later in the week--Gigi Pandian's best birthday gift EVER (we hope you get one, too); then a brilliant publicist gives the keys to success. (Whoa.) And more!
My name is Joan Emerson; I live in the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey . . . .
ReplyDelete“Reacher Said Nothing” is slowly making its way to the top of my teetering to-be-read pile; meanwhile, I’ve just finished J.D. Robb’s latest In Death book. “Apprentice in Death” as well as Laura DiSilverio’s wonderful “Close Call,” Heather Young’s “The Lost Girls,” and Andrew Gross’s “The One Man.”
Currently I’m in the middle of Carol O’Connell’s “It Happens in the Dark” and looking forward to reading “Echoes of Sherlock Holmes” . . . .
I'm Grace Koshida. I grew up in Toronto, Ontario, but now live about @300 miles away in our capital city, Ottawa. I was a lurker on JRW for the longest time, but am now commenting online on a more regular basis since I retired from the federal government this past spring.
ReplyDeleteI am half-way through Claire Booth's excellent debut, "The Branson Beauty" (which I won on JRW!). I was lucky to meet Claire in person at this year's Bouchercon & have her autograph this book. Next up after that on my TBR pile is Annette Dashofy's "With a Vengeance" and the 2016 Bouchercon anthology, "Blood on the Bayou".
My name is Sally Schmidt. I live in Antioch, California, about 45 minutes from San Francisco (Go Giants, even if this isn't their best year!).
ReplyDeleteI just finished "Damaged" by Lisa Scottoline and "Valiant Ambition" by Nathaniel Philbrick and the audiobook of "Doubleback" by Libby Fischer Hellman. I'm currently reading "The Killing Kind"by Chris Holm and "So Say the Fallen" by Stuart Neville. Next up is "Night Tremors" by Matt Coyle. Can't wait for "The Twenty-Three" by Linwood Barclay and "Say No More" by Hank!
My name is Diane Hale. I live in Kingman, Az, about 90 miles south of Las Vegas. I just finished the latest Bess book, loved it. I'm particularly fond of the series as I'm a retired nurse. Short & sweet, as I'm planning to go back to bed after my geriatric lab-cross woke me up for a pee.
ReplyDeleteMy name is LorriI come from Lynn, Massachusetts, and I sell books at Logan Airport. I'm also currently reading The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore. I just finished All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (excellent, but still not as good as The Nightingale), and my upcoming books are Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah and The Shattered Tree by Charles Todd.
ReplyDeleteI am Coralee in Tampa. I just finished Last Licks by Claire Donally. Currently reading Agents of Light and Darkness by Simon R. Green (urban fantasy) Next up For the love of Mike, by Rhys Bowen. I am trying to get my courage to try Hallie's creepy suspense, and am eagerly anticipating Julia's 9th novel.
ReplyDeleteI have read y'all for so many years. It is an honor to have you now read me.
I'm Edith Maxwell, and as you all know, I DO comment regularly, LOL! I live north of Boston and have three mystery series under contract, gulp. (Waving hi to Lorril - how about more cozy mysteries for sale at Logan?)
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading the first in William Kent Krueger's long running series, IRON MOUNTAIN. I'd read the standalone ORDINARY GRACE and loved it, but I wanted to get into his series before Crime Bake, where he's our guest of honor. Now I'm halfway through Jim Jackson's Seamus McCree mystery, DOUBTFUL RELATIONS. It's a great read and Jackson, current President of the Guppies, is really an undersung treasure of a writer.
I almost always read crime fiction written by women, so for me to read two male authors in a row, with male protagonists, is a change - but both these books have men I can relate to and like spending time with (sorry Jack Reacher...).
This is so terrific! And such a joy to read! Love it. I am in Dallas and racing off to the airport --back soon.
ReplyDeleteBut I can't tell you how much fun this is....yay!
Hello from central Maine. I grew up in Portland and moved "in exile" to Massachusetts when I got married (to another Portland native.) When early retirement was offered we jumped at it and returned to Maine. I was a corporate training manager and, since retiring, I have been involved with training women to run for public office. And I am proud to say I am the first female antique Model T driver at the museum where I volunteer!
ReplyDeleteI am currently reading the brand new Flavia de Luce book (I love Flavia and, Susan, it's great as usual!) and I just finished Louise Penny's latest (her BEST yet.) I recently discovered Preston and Child's Prendergast series and I'm slowly working through that. I'm struggling through BONES OF PARIS by Laurie King. I have a goal on Goodreads to finish 175 books this year; I'm only at 135.
I read the blog all the time but can't always post from my phone. :-( Keep up the great work, ladies.
We're so so so happy to hear from all of you--so much we didn't know!
ReplyDeleteMarianne, how interesting to train women to run for office. Tell us a little bit about what you teach them?
WE READ YOU, Corallee!
ReplyDeleteAnd actually I want to hear about Marianne's Model T - you drive it, like, around town??
This is such fun.
Hi everybody!
ReplyDeleteAnd hi to Marianne -- how do you train women to run for public office?
Also, our reading piles are so similar, I love that! After I get through the current book, my life goal is to take some time to READ, READ, READ. Also, maybe cook something for the family. But mostly read.
Hi, I'm Sherry (also not short for anything) Harris and I live in Northern Virginia. I recently finished Jane Steele by Lindsay Faye which was wonderful! (And I'm so excited I get to go to a class she's teaching this Thursday!) Then I read a classic that I must have read a million times in high school Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart. I still love it and love you all too!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Evelyn Ryan and I am a transplant from the Syracuse, NY area to Troy, NY when I married 19 years ago. Far less snow and cold here. I retired from the county when I moved, worked at Waldenbooks and then Borders for a bit (did that as a part time job before I moved), Then I ran the Albany testing office for Pearson until I quit last year to be available to help my husband who is disabled, although still working for the state, but I won't let him drive any more. We usually spend our free time in the summer in our 40' 5th wheel toy hauler (which I do all the driving, setup and maintenance for) with our furbabies (currently 3) but he became chronically ill this summer and we had to call an early halt.
ReplyDeleteI spend a lot of time doing audio books these days. Julia, hurry up I need #9. I didn't start these on audio but I'm glad I did. They are very well done. Rhys, I devour both of your series on audio as soon as they come out. I really enjoy them although there are times I want to smack Molly. You'd think she stop and think by now??? LOL
I see I have a bunch of things I may need to add to my list, but Reacher Said Nothing may be first.
And Susan, Mom! MOM! MOOOOOOM!, the Stewie version, is my ringtone. I feel ya!
And dang, Reacher Said Nothing, isn't in audio!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Anna and live in Atlanta and read Jungle Reds every morning, never as early as Joan of course. I read all of your books and because of your generosity, many of the books you recommend. I just reread Janet Neal's mysteries about Francesca Wilson.
ReplyDeletewriting as Margaret S. Hamilton. "Once a Kappa" was a finalist in the recent Southern Writer's Magazine short story competition. I've also published in Kings River Life and "The Bride Wore Gold" in the Darkhouse Destination: Mystery Anthology.
ReplyDeleteheaded for a developmental edit: Curtains for the Corpse, where crime and interior design collide in a small Ohio college town. The protagonist becomes an advocate for victims of sexual abuse as she battles her own post-assault trauma.
I've published two stories about New Orleans, and while nursing my daughter through major knee surgery in NOLA, I took notes for future stories. I also attended B'con.
During the month, I re-read all of Ann Cleeves's Shetland books.
Hank, I met you in Chicago at the 2014 MWA-U. Hallie, I'll investigate the Hamilton, Ohio event, just up the road from Cincinnati.
This is so great! And it's so fascinating to hear all about you and the amazing and unpredictable lives you lead.
ReplyDeleteLove to hear about training women to run for office--how different is it than for men? Maybe you could write a blog for us ,Marianne!
And Lorri, we DEFINITELY want a blog rom you! I bet you have good stories--and great inside info! SHould we all come visit you?
COralee--hurray xxoo Hi MArgaret! Anna, how long have you lived in Atlanta? Were you there when I lived there?
They are about to call my plane, so I'll be back when I get back to Boston! xooo
Triss Stein here. I read regularly, comment sometimes and have been honored to be a guest blogger. I write a series set in Brooklyn, where I live but did not grow up, most recently Brooklyn Secrets. The books are set in the present, but each has a different neighborhood and some history. Next one, Brooklyn Wars, is set against the background of the World War II powerhouse, the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I am reading the long but wonderful Everybody's Fool by the great Richard Russo, and also making a dent in my Bouchercon pile: Ovidia Yu's Auntie Lee's Chilled REvenge and Frances Brody's Death of an Avid Reader.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! Rowe Carenen in Greenville, SC. I read the Reds nearly daily. I'm currently reading the first book in David Burnsworth's new series (In It For the Money) that will be out in 2017.
ReplyDeleteI am Denise, a daily reader. Like Marianne I haven't worked out how to comment from my phone. After 40 years in a DC suburb, we retired to Falmouth, MA (Cape Cod) -- Hank and Hallie spoke at the Falmouth library this past summer! We also have a rented apartment in New Haven CT --- snowbirds who don't migrate too far.
ReplyDeleteI am reading two books, "The Conversion" by Joseph Olshan (I bought the book when I met him at Crime Bake a few years ago, but the book sat on my shelf). It's terrific, a strong voice and great setting. The other book is a memoir, "Bettyville" by George Hodgman, one of those lovingly dysfunctional stories.
I also love audio books (I spend a lot of time in the car -- we have six grandchildren, including a four week old darling in Brooklyn) -- just finished Michael Connolly's "Lost Light" and am about to insert Louise Penney's "A Great Reckoning." (May her husband, Michael, rest in peace). Another recent audio book which I loved is Linda Fairstein's "Killer Look," the setting is NY fashion week.
Love this blog so much!! I have tried to write mysteries, but I don't think I have the work ethic and determination I see in the writers I follow. If you enjoy writing, though, let me recommend "NYC Midnight" short story contests. You are given a genre, a setting, and an item to include -- 1000 words, 48 hours. My most recent assignment was "Fantasy, a river, and a blindfold."
Thanks, Reds, for all you do -- the blog (and some of you are on other blogs too!!) and most of all your precious and fabulous books.
Marianne, you are an unsung hero! More women in public office is one of my goals for the last 25 years, so thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm Karen Maslowski, live in Cincinnati, and have a "varied, but not checkered past", as my husband says. After careers in retail, selling insurance, and designing kitchens, I started writing about people who sew for profit, almost accidentally. For the last 30 years or so I've edited and written many books, articles, and blog posts on a variety of topics, including for national magazines. Up to now, all non-fiction.
On the long drive to NOLA I listened to Delia Ephron's Siricusa, which was gripping, and on the way home to fellow Cincinnatian Curtis Sittenfeld's Eligible. That was fun as much for recognizing the local landmarks as for the story. Now just finishing Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane, for book club, which I'm enjoying thoroughly. I resisted reading Gaiman for a long time. Why?
Hallie, I'll be in Hamilton for the Write Like Mad conference, and looking forward to seeing you. (And Margaret!)
Hi, Reds and greetings from Katie Baer. I live in a small community in the Piedmont area of North Carolina, sharing my home and garden with a sweet 15-y-o Jack Russell Terrier, Nemo.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been a writer in the field of public health for many years, and am in the middle of a second major revision of my first mystery, motivated by tough-love advice from David Corbett. (Thanks, Deb—I think you recommended him in a column a year or so ago.) Because I am easily distracted, I’m also enjoying the early stages of plotting and writing my second mystery—I love beginnings!
Other distractions include the proximity of two terrific independent bookstores—McIntyre’s Books in Fearrington Village and FlyLeaf in Chapel Hill—and the proximity of family: two adult daughters, their spouses, and three grandchildren. Soccer games, piano recitals, and school plays claim a fair amount of my attention.
Another distraction—a good one, I think—is writing my blog on books, reading, and writing. Check it out at http://exlibrisnc.blogspot.com
I love reading mysteries, but the blog ranges more broadly into other genres. Currently, I’m finishing Louise Penny’s A Great Reckoning; next on my TBR list is Ian MeEwan’s Nutshell.
Thanks to all the Reds for daily inspiration.
Hi y'all--I'm Flora, I live in northern Ohio with two boys--now college students(!), two cats, two pianos, two guitars.... and I've been staying up way too late to get some reading done. Just finished Louise Penny's A Great Reckoning--so good I had to read it again! Up now is Anne Perry's Revenge on a Cold River--with William Monk. Also in the stack are Margaret Coel's latest, JA Jance's Downfall, Sharon McCrumb's Prayers the Devil Answers, Benedict Anderson's A Life Beyond Boundaries. Feverishly anticipating Debs' latest and praying for Julia's WIP. On my to-do list: catch up on all the other Reds' latest series, stand-alones, etc.! And to Lucy--whatever you're working on now--hope it takes us back to Key West--like a dose of sunshine in these northern winters!
ReplyDeleteI'm Mary (like others not short for anything) Sutton and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I write under the name Liz Milliron because I think it sounds more like a woman who writes non-cozy crime fiction (how's that for a reason?). Like Edith, I comment all the time. I write The Laurel Highlands Mysteries (MURDER MOST SCENIC, a collection of short stories, and two unsold novels AND CORRUPTION FOR ALL, IDENTITY UNKNOWN) and an unsold stand-alone novel set in Niagara Falls, SHATTERED SIGHT (I grew up near Buffalo). I'm working on the third Laurel Highlands book and I'm searching for an agent (fingers crossed for me 'kay?).
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, I've sold three short stories: "Three Rivers Voodoo" is in Blood on the Bayou, this year's Bouchercon anthology; "The Far End of Nowhere" will be in Fish Out of Water, the next anthology from the Guppy chapter of Sisters in Crime, and one I'm not supposed to talk about, but I kinda blew it on my Facebook page, so if you like my author page on FB or we're FB friends, you know about it.
I'm currently reading Lisa Alber's Whispers in the Mist, which I picked up at Bouchercon. Starts slowly, but very atmospheric.
Grace, you are going to love With a Vengeance.
Hi! Janet Kloepfer from Athens Ga! I am a mother of 6 who has them scattered from Georgia to North Carolona to California to Japan!
ReplyDeleteI always have a book on hand - my form of relaxation is reading while floating in my pool! Our hot summer has given me plenty of time to enjoy my passion.
I just finished Blind Sight by Carol O'Connell - one of those books I read slowly to keep from missing something! Her Kathy Mallory has long been one of my favorite characters!. Just too long between her books.
Other favorite authors include Karin Slaughter, Patricia Cornwell, Terri Geristein and of course HNd Phillippi Ryan!
Love reading your blog. Always upbeat and chock full of excellent reading recommendations and thoughts on life outside of the mystery world. Running the Cloak & Dagger an indie mystery bookshop in Princeton, NJ with Jerry (hubbie). Always on the lookout for great reads to recommend to our customers. Currently reading BLOOD ON THE BAYOU picked up at Bcon.Our son lives in NOLA so we packed in some conference events with family time and all that jazz. Sorry to have missed panels of some of you but so little time. Did get to chat with RL Stine at his special kids (of all ages) library event. Can't believe he's celebrating 25th anniversary of "Goosebumps". We were just reading the first release yesterday!
ReplyDeleteKeep up your marvelous posts. They are truly enjoyable.
So long in retirement I forgot to mention my work history. I was a public librarian for 23 years specializing in Children's Services. Did a midlife retread and was a Customer Service/Sales Rep for a major airline while becoming a Mental Health Counselor. I worked with a LGBT population, and specialized in addictions. I had to take early retirement from my last two jobs due to my severe hearing loss. I have now loss the ability to comprehend speech, which still alas for some not prevent me from talking.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun topic today. I am Ann Mason, and I live in Rochester, NY, with my partner, Julie, our pomapoos Toby and Penny, and Eliot the hellcat. I do not write, but I read voraciously.
ReplyDeleteCurrently I am reading Daisy in Chains by Sharon Bolton, Tristam Shandy by Laurence Sterne (you should have him on here some day), and End of Watch by Stephen King. I finished, in the past month, Wonder by Emma Donoghue, The Jealous Kind by James Lee Burke, A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny, bless, Nutshell by Ian McEwan, The Hanging and also The Vanished by Lotte and Soren Hammer, Hold My Hand by Serena Macksey, three books by Alex Marwood (what a find), Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner, Paradise Lodge and Man at The Helm by Nina Stibbe, Miss Jane by Brad Watson, and I could go on but won't.
I'm a retired nurse, hospice, and my goal is to read every book I possibly can.
Julie and I love to travel, mostly in France. This year was a different sort of trip as many of you know. We tore out our kitchen to the studs and did a complete renovation. And we're still together. It's a miracle. I expect the Vatican on our doorstep any moment.
I discovered Jungle Red several years ago when DEB friended ME on FB! I adore her books and have read most of them twice, not to mention turning most of my friends on to her. I read JR every day and comment if I think I have something to say. Or even if I don't. Since then I've had the pleasure of meeting Deb a couple of times as I have children in the Dallas-Fort Worth environs. I'm looking forward to having that drink in a couple of weeks, Deb.
Last but not least, a message to the lurkers here. If you can, attend Left Coast Crime or the ilk. We did this for the first time in February, are already registered for Bouchercon 2017 and are seriously thinking about LCC 2017. Best fun for a reader ever, and I'm sure these are beyond Ananda for writers, published and otherwise.
I'm Chris Ryan and I live in a small town outside of Rochester, NY. This year I attended my first Bouchercon and am already looking forward to next year in Toronto. I spent 30 years working as a librarian in a small non-profit and a Fortune 100 company (serious culture shock in moving from one to the other). Now I'm back in my hometown focused on family, reading and volunteering at the local public library. Jungle Reds is part of my morning routine -- what a smart, funny, wide-ranging way to start the day.
ReplyDeleteI read Craig Johnson's latest AN OBVIOUS FACT on the plane to Bouchercon and CROWNED AND DANGEROUS by Rhys on the way home. Now I'm in the middle of Alafair Burke's ALL DAY AND A NIGHT and have Claire Booth's THE BRANSON BEAUTY waiting for me at the library. And then there are all the other books I picked up at Bouchercon, all those already waiting for me on bookshelves and tables and the Kindle. God forbid I run out of mysteries to read! Keep writing, everyone!
Hi Reds! I'm a semi-regular. Kim Fay. Travel writer and novelist. My first novel, THE MAP OF LOST MEMORIES, is a historical adventure set in 1920s Indochina and was a finalist for the Edgar Award. I just finished 2 harrowing, through-provoking books. THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD by Colson Whitehead is a novel that takes on slavery from an unprecedented perspective - Whitehead envisions the railroad as the real thing, with trains, tracks and engineers, a device that frames a harrowing story I had to put down so many times, it was so heart-breaking. On the non-fiction front I'm reading Ta-Nehisi Coates BETWEEN THE WORLD AND ME. The book is the author's letter to his son about what it means to be a black man in American today. It's eye-opening and I think it's a must-read for any thoughtful, responsible citizen. PS - Love the Reds so much! You get me through the bleakest writing days, and I'm so thankful for you all!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi, all!
ReplyDeleteI'm Kaye Barley, or "Oh, Kaye!" as I am right here once a month. Which reminds me, I need to get to work as I'm due up Sunday - EEK!
I live in Boone, NC, originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, with a 30 year stop in Atlanta in between.
I'm a regular. If I miss a day or two or three, I always read everything I've missed when I do get back, although by then it feels too late to comment.
I write - creative non-fiction is my first love, I've only recently discovered how much I love writing short stories. One novel, so far, with a sequel in the works. Oh so slowly, in the works.
I'm also taking lots of photography classes. Matching my words with my images is something I really, really love doing.
Right now I'm reading Carol O'Connell's newest Mallory novel, "Blind Sight," which is excellent, and I'm reading "Blood on the Bayou, Bouchercon Anthology 2016," also excellent!
Here's to The Reds - Love you guys!
Kristopher Zgorski...Here!
ReplyDeleteFounder and sole reviewer at BOLO Books.com
Currently reading Michael Harvey's BRIGHTON - picked up at the Bouchercon Opening Ceremonies. So good. I can't believe I skipped this book when it first came out.
Hello from Tennessee! I am currently reading Die Again by Tess Gerritsen. Thank you for sharing what you are reading and what you are writing. My TBR list just grew by leaps and bounds!
ReplyDeleteHi Reds! I've been a fan for a good while, and I enjoyed getting to play in your game at Malice 2015. I'm in Durham, NC, a year or two from retiring as a technical writer and getting back to the novel that I started in last year's NaNoWriMo. Lately I've been reading a lot of Tana French and Ellen Crosby (a college friend), and of course several of y'all. Also recently loved Lee Smith's *Dimestore* and Chimamanda Adichie's *Americanah*. I just started Blake Crouch's *Dark Matter*, which appears to be a great mystery/SF combo. Missed B'con this year because of a knee replacement but looking forward to seeing more of everyone soon!
ReplyDeleteHello, Reds - and a special hello to Hank whom I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday. I've also met Deb and I comment occasionally.
ReplyDeleteI am Jayna Monroe, a special event designer/decorator with my husband Jim (who also met Hank yesterday). We have lived in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for 40 years but we are actually from opposite ends of New York state.
I recently discovered - so many books, so little time - that I had missed the last two books of Nicola Upson's wonderful mystery series starring Josephine Tey, so I have been living in 1930s England for the last little while. The most recent, London Rain, is set during the Coronation of George VI. During this period Alfred Hitchcock is filming Tey's book A Shilling for Candles, referred to in the book, and I realized I didn't remember that one, although I've read it. So right now I'm reading it again.
I forgot to add I've been a technical writer since 1998. I have two kids: The Girl (16) is a junior in high school and The Boy (14) is a freshman in high school. I've been married to The Hubby for 20 years; we are both hoping to scale back the day jobs after The Boy graduates high school.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Kate. I haven't commented in a while. I live in Seattle. I'm currently revising two different young adult contemporary novels, one about an animator and gamer who's being harassed online and a fluffier one about a small town summer festival. I'm reading "The Cat King of Havana" by Tom Crosshill, a YA about cat videos and salsa dancing.
ReplyDeleteThis is so much fun! Thanks, everyone, for commenting--and for reading JRW, and for reading BOOKS!
ReplyDeleteI've just added so many things to my (eek!) TBR list. Jayna, I had no idea there was a series with Josephine Tey as the protagonist, so am going to look that up now.
Jim Collins, I adore Ellen Crosby's books!
Ann Mason, so looking forward to seeing you and Julie!
You are all so interesting, and I know all of us at JRW are proud to have such diverse and accomplished readers.
I'm not really a lurker but I'm not really a regular either - I'm a middler, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI'm Aimee Hix. I live in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC.
I've read a lot of wonderful books recently - London Rain by Nicola Upson, Presence by Amy Cuddy, Salem's Cipher by Jess Lourey (so, so amazing and I'm not just saying that because she's my friend), The Everything Box by Richard Kadrey and I'm currently reading Stripped Bare by Shannon Baker. I meant to read it while I was at the beach but while I was reading Salem's Cipher at the pool and on the sand, I was very stressed out about not messing it up because it was thoughtfully inscribed to me (see above re: friend) and I didn't want to freak out like that about another book. Also, our week was ending and then school started and The Girl decided AP World History was really stressful and ... well, yada.
But I'm kind of glad I waited on Stripped Bare by Shannon Baker, available in fine bookstores now as is Salem's Cipher by Jess Lourey; because it's set in Nebraska and that feels more like an autumn read to me.
I'm Susan Emerson and I live in Columbus, Ohio. I'm a professional grant writer and have largely supported myself through the years with marketing writing, but have no published fiction. I really appreciate today's blog because while I do comment a lot, I've always felt a little self-conscious about it, unsure whether my non-author opinions were really desired.
ReplyDeleteI had somehow read Louise Penny's series in sort of random order and had missed the middle part of the ongoing story, so I recently decided I wouldn't allow myself to read A Great Reckoning until I picked up the pieces I had missed. I am just finishing How the Light Gets In, which will complete the set for me. I often have two books in process at once, but it is currently the only one -- probably because I'm so eager to see how it plays out and to move on to A Great Reckoning.
Hello Reds, I'm Barbara and I live in a small town almost as far west in Texas as you can go. Retired, so I read a lot! Have sampled all of the Reds. Have read all of Deborah's and Julia's books and am eagerly awaiting the next installments of both. All of Rhys' Molly books and most of the Spyness series. Just downloaded Princess Elizabeth's Spy so that's next on my list. Love mysteries and love the Reds!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, Reds and backbloggers! I'm Linda Rodriguez, who doesn't comment as much as she used to lately, because she's always on some kind of crazy deadline for books or teaching or freelance projects, usually several at once, and tends to binge-read Jungle Reds once or twice a week. I'm retired as director of a university women's center and faculty in women's and gender studies. Founded an organization in KC, MO, to train and support women to serve on public boards and run for office, so my heart's with you, Marianne.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading and enjoying Frances Brody's Death of an Avid Reader, brought back from Bouchercon (where I got to see Hank and Kaye and Karen and Margaret and many others) and really enjoying it. Just finished the brilliant The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch, a shattering memoir. Recently read Rhys' most recent Georgie and absolutely loved it!
Love all you Reds and hope to get back into regular touch as my schedule settles down next year.
I'm Celia Fowler. I grew up in Dallas, Texas, lived, went to school and worked in Washington, D.C., and now live in Aspen, Colorado which is now at the peak of the autumn leaf season, and as I am typing, I am looking out my window at what seems like hundreds of yellow leaves fluttering and falling that really do look like pennies from Heaven.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny and thoroughly enjoyed returning to visit my friends in Three Pines. My review for it is: READ THIS BOOK! She is so open and sharing with her readers, and I'm keeping her in my prayers -- I will miss reading about her sweet Michael in her newsletters.
I am currently reading A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley, and also really enjoyed Muffins and Mourning Tea the 5th book in the Oxford Tearoom Mysteries by H.Y. Hanna.
I love reading Jungle Reds -- it is my favorite blog. Thanks for being so generous and sharing with your readers (or lurkers)! My TBR list continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I appreciate so many wonderful suggestions. My favorite books to read are those that are recommended by friends ~
I’m a native Philadelphian now living in upstate New York. I worked in public relations for years but after the move to NY have been freelancing for book publishers, writing indexes for non-fiction books. I’ve always loved mysteries and am especially fond of the Golden Age books. I’ve just returned from two wonderful weeks on Cape Ann (the other Massachusetts cape) where I read a Daniel Silva and an Anne Tyler – quite a difference.
ReplyDeleteI found the Jungle Reds through DorothyL I think (probably a Hank posting) and check the site each morning. I don’t post often as it’s usually late in the day before I make time but I do love reading the blog entries and the comments. – so many good reading ideas!
Yikes, am embarrassed that I didn't mention that I've also read all the Reds, just not in the last month. New (to me)authors I met and liked at LCC included Catriona McPherson, Jess Lourey, and Jim Ziskin. If you aren't familiar with them, have a look. You're in for a treat.
ReplyDeleteOK, back to making fig jam.
ReplyDeleteI'm Deb Romano (sometimes known here as DebRo!) and I read JRW before work or on my lunch break. On occasion, I post a comment. I'm a lifelong CT resident. In the eighties I moved "temporarily" to Milford Ct to help with a family situation. I loved the town so much that I decided to stay, and I bought a condo here. (DeniseAnn, we're practically neighbors! And I spend every Sunday afternoon in New Haven, visiting my sister who is in a nursing home there.)
As of about fifteen months ago, I became the oldest person in my department at work, and I'm trying to adjust to that! I started out as the second youngest nearly twenty years ago. (Yikes, I'm still having trouble believing it!)
I live to read. I'm always reading about four books at a time. I just finished reading the last two Lady Georgiana books by our dear Rhys, among other books. I'm about fifteen chapters in on Louise Penny's latest, and stayed up too late last night reading it. I'm also about to start reading a couple of other books, thanks to the library. And before I forget, I would like to thank all librarians everywhere, for all they do. I am especially grateful to the librarians, long gone, who recommended books to me when I was a child, introducing me to new cultures , new ways of looking at life.
A fact about me that very few people know, including relatives: when I was in sixth grade, I was one of the winners of a sort-of-writing contest. Kids were invited to create a science fiction world. I won a bracelet, which I still have.
Deb Romano
I'm Margie Bunting, not an author but newsletter editor for the Norcal chapter of Sisters in Crime (Terry Shames is the current president). I love being part of the super-friendly crime fiction community and have attended Left Coast Crime a couple of times. I also volunteer at the local Humane Society, am VP of Education at my Toastmasters club, enter sweepstakes as a hobby (I've won a couple of trips, among other things), and read a ton of books! Can you tell I'm retired (since May 2015) and loving it! I had a career as a Human Resources manager in Silicon Valley but don't miss it at all now. Oh, and we're also expecting our first grandchild (a boy) in a month, which is tremendously exciting.
ReplyDeleteI read Jungle Red Writers every day, and I comment from time to time when I feel I have something to say. About half of what I read are mysteries, but I enjoy all kinds of books and I'm a very fast reader (retaining little). I just finished reading Ann Hood's The Book That Matters Most and started Lisa Scottoline's Damaged this morning. Some of my favorite recent reads include Louise Penny's A Great Reckoning, Bruce De Silva's The Dread Line, Kate Saunders' The Secrets of Wishtide, Cynthia Harrod Eagles' Body Line (how did I not know about the Bill Slider mysteries?), Melanie Gideon's Valley of the Moon, Eleanor Brown's The Light of Paris, Rhys Bowen's Crowned and Dangerous (love Lady Georgie),and David Rosenfelt's Outfoxed.
I read a few other blogs, but yours and Lesa's Book Critiques are my all-time favorites. Keep 'em coming please!
I'm Kim Powers - that's MR. Mystery fan, have written some books. All with suspense at their core, but the most recent one, DIG TWO GRAVES, is an out-and-out thriller. Friend of the wonderful Deb and Hank. And like Hank, I work in TV news - as the senior writer of ABC's 20/20. Happy to see someone already beat me to listen Alan Bradley's latest Flavia DeLuce novel - a pleasure to read and not a guilty one. The exploits of a precocious 12-year-old chemist and criminologist in 1950s England. A total delight for the child in all of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm Alyssa from outside of Washington DC. I read the blog almost every day, but rarely comment. I love hearing what you all are up to, and what you are reading. Next up for me is Louise Penny's A Great Reckoning.
ReplyDeleteI'm Tricia, currently in Solana Beach (north San Diego county), not a writer but a reader. Relocated to my SoCal roots from the Bay Area and have been on the hunt for income opportunities (sounds better than "job searching," right?) for the last year. Just finished Louise Penny's A Great Reckoning --- fabulous. And opened Rhys' Crowned and Dangerous last night.
ReplyDeleteNot quite a lurker, but have commented maybe a dozen times as "TFJ." Read the blog every day and always appreciate the Reds' and regular commenters' daily efforts. Thank you all.
I am Paulette, from California. Reading right now? Red Right Hand...
ReplyDeleteI am Paulette, from California. Reading right now? Red Right Hand...
ReplyDeleteAnd I forgot to say that I just finished - all in one sitting - "Come and Find Me" by Hallie. Literally couldn't put it down.
ReplyDeleteHello from California. I just finished "The Killer Next Door" by Alex Marwood and I am now reading "The Life We Bury" by Allen Eskens. Can't wait for the "Say No More" to see what Jane is up to and find out what job she has now.
ReplyDeleteI am Marilyn from the Muscle Shoals Area of Alabama which is famous for music. My background is historical Museums and Education. I love everything about mysteries. I also blog at Historical Reminiscing with Marilyn about history and mystery. I just finished Kathleen Ernst's latest and am finishing up Susan's "The Queen's Accomplice."
ReplyDeleteMarilyn ewatvess@yahoo.com
I stumbled upon Jungle Reds after binge reading the Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne series earlier in the summer while waiting for a knee replacement. I'm still anticipating the next installment, HINT, HINT to Julia Spencer-Fleming! After finding the Reds, I reserved all of Hank's books to read as I was recovering from the surgery. Looking forward to reading Say No More. And just finished the Glassblower series of books by Petra Durst-Benning translated from German to English.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am reading Prey by Linda Howard and enjoying it very much
ReplyDeleteI'm Joanne L from Sanford, NC and last night I finished reading "Wolf Lake" by John Verdon.
ReplyDeleteI'm Pat, short for Patricia Ann-a popular babyboomer name, Dupuy. I currently live in Houston, Texas which is also my home town. We moved from here in high school to the New Orleans area. Since marriage descended on me spouse and I have lived in Austin, El Paso (where our son was born), and Lubbock, Texas; on to Hudson, Ohio; then Faribault, Minnesota; winding back here in Houston. But not forever. I can't stand the summers! I'm an avid reader and have been since I learned how to read. I am self-unemployed or retired, whichever you prefer. I entered that state when we left Ohio where I had worked as a CPA for years. Books I've finished recently include The Paris Librarian by Mark Pryor, Scene of the Climb by Kate Dyer-Seeley, Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal, Drive Time by Hank (loved it! Want more!), The Book of Beloved by Carolyn Haines, Girl on the Run by Daryl Wood Gerber, The Alexandria Affair by Ashley Gardner. And so on. I'm about to read a short story by Ann Charles, The Wild Turkey Tango. I desperately need cheering up as we had to have out sweet border terrier mix Boo put down Saturday. Reading Ann should help. I've enjoyed reading what all of you have been writing.
ReplyDeleteI might have posted before but I mostly lurk.
ReplyDeleteI've been a mystery reader all my life and found this blog via JSF whose books are in my top 3 mystery series. In fact I did once post a comment to her webpage. I read most of your books and thanks to you I've discovered other authors. I'm currently unemployed and it's so tempting just to read all day. I just finished Rhys latest Georgie and can't wait to start Louise Penny's new one. In between I've been reading Elizabeth Adler's whom I recently discovered mixed in with nonfiction and biography. I read broadly love good historical fiction as far back as Thomas Costain ans thwse daya Sharon Kay Penman. The exception is sci fi juat not a big fan. I'm desperate these days to escape the election news so I bury myself in books.
I'm Dru Ann and I live in New York City. I'm finishing The Queen’s Accomplice by Susan Elia MacNeal and I'm enjoying up. I have Hank's book on my TBR pile and I'm looking forward to reading that as well.
ReplyDeleteI'm Sue Ellen from New Hampshire, currently reading C.J. Box's "Free Fire." I love suspense in all forms, and this is a good one, with a great outdoors setting (Yellowstone) as well as interesting science (the infamous caldera). Looking forward to reading Hank's next and the latest from all you other Jungle Reds.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Debi Huff and I am a fledgling thriller writer, currently at work on my novel about 2 (COUNT 'EM 2)female presidential candidates. One from each of the major parties. Needless to say I am drowning in all the presidential politics and trying to utilize what will help me in my book. I am also an avid reader whose goal as a child was to "read every book ever written!!" I realize how futile that is so I just read as much as I can. Currently reading Gayle Lynds' The Assassins, just finished Eeny Meeny by M. J. Arlidge and getting ready to start Little Black Lies by Sharon Bolton. I've read many of the JRW's books and enjoy the blog very much. Missed JRWs having a "contest at Bcon in NOLA. Those are always fun. I live in Louisville, KY and travel a lot.
ReplyDeleteI'm Ann. I'm reading WHAT YOU SEE by Hank Phillippi Ryan. 😄
ReplyDeleteI just finished a couple of Felix Francis books and THE SPIDER WOMAN'S DAUGHTER by Ann Hillerman. None of them clinkers. 😉
Oh, my! I am reading the blog at lunchtime, and already there are 62 responses. Outstanding! I plan on going back and reading through all of them.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Kathy Boone Reel, from Kentucky, and I have been a fan and participant of the Jungle Red Writers Blog since my first Bouchercon in Albany in 2013. After meeting the Reds authors there and enjoying their wacky panel, I was thrilled to have a daily connection to these favorite authors of mine, who wrote books that I couldn't wait to read. I have a reading blog called The Reading Room (http://www.readingroom-readmore.com/)where I review books, mostly mystery/crime, interview authors, and post news about upcoming books and book related pieces. I just put up my recap on the New Orleans Bouchercon, which was, as Mel B. would say, "off the chain!"
I just finished the first Charlotte McNally book, Air Time, by Hank, and it's such a treat to have even more Hank to read. I was already a big Jane Ryland fan. I have two more Charlottes to look forward to, but I will be reading my ARC of Say No More First. I'm currently reading A March to Remember by Anna Loan-Wilsey, which comes out tomorrow, and for which I need to get a review up immediately. (Bouchercon may be all about books and reading, but you don't get much reading, if any, done there, so I'm behind.) Anna's new book is the 5th in her Hattie Davish historical mystery series, and it is one of my favorite historical mystery series. Set in the 1890s, Hattie is a traveling secretary, so there are opportunities for many interesting historical events and causes for murder. You will enjoy some of the lesser known aspects of our country's history in this series, too.
I love reading about what everyone else is reading or about to read here. Hank, I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore, as it's on my TBR list. Susan, I just received my copy of the new Flavia de Luce, Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mewed (best titles ever) by Alan Bradley, and I can't wait to dig into it. Alas, I am so far behind though. I haven't even read Louise Penny's latest, and that's so unusual for me, but I was doing Bouchercon reading. And, Rhys, now you give me something else to add, The Secrets of Wishtide. Julia, The Summer Before the War has been waiting so patiently on my shelf. Debs, I've been trying to get to Adrian McKinty for a while. Lucy and Hallie, Letters from Paris? I am really going to have to shut myself in the house until Christmas.
Bruce Cantwell of Mysterious News here. For the past two years I've knocked out serialized novels to share on my site. The first was the noir Last Heartthrob. This year it was a US election political thriller: The Catalonian Candidate. When my serial isn't running, and even when it is, I share book news by and about fellow subscribers. It's a way to keep my newsletter coming out on a regular basis and a good way to share readers with other authors. I'm currently reading "The Art of Asking" by Amanda Palmer, not to find a way to ask for your book, Hank, but, you know, looking for useful techniques to better connect with readers. It's also why I'm stalking...I mean following you! Incidentally, my PI character is a bit of a hacker, so he would have figured out a way not to have to verify that he wasn't a robot three separate times while writing this post!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I just got off the plane and I am jumping up and applauding! I am beyond thrilled to see the incredible community we are all part of!! Love this !
ReplyDeleteAnd whoa thank you for all the support! I am so excited about SAY NO MORE and so nervous!
More to come --- xxxxxx
HI, I'm Teri but have started to use my formal name of Theresa in honor of the new UK Prime Minister. I live in Silicon Valley, recently retired. I have commented several times. I read this blog every day and have found many authors that I never would have about if I hadn't read about them here. I have started the Max Tudor series after reading your blog with the author last week. I found this site after reading Deborah Crombie's books which I adore and listen to again and again. What is interesting is how I found Debs's books. I was finishing Deborah Harkness's All Souls Trilogy and in one of the last chapters two of the characters had just bought the latest Gemma James and Duncan Kincaid mystery. I had no idea that they were referring to a real series until I found the latest hardcover while I was sorting through donated books as a volunteer for our local Friends of the library group.
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm Bob, teacher and sometimes bookstore employee, Jabberwocky in Newburyport Mass. ( I've kind of semi retired from books but work there Christmas and summer season). Currently reading Home by the great Harlan Coben. Looking forward to Hank's newest!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Mary and a resident of Massachusetts.I live in Massachusetts and had the pleasue of meeting Hank at the New England Mobile Book Fair along with other local mystery writers. Currently reading Blind Sight by Carol O'Connell.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Evelyn and live in Boston, Massachusetts. While I was in college, I worked part-time at the bookstore and ended up spending most of my paycheck on books due to the great discount I received.
ReplyDeleteCurrently reading Louise Penny's A Great Reckoning.
Finished listening to A Girl on the Train. Now listening to The Snowball: Warren Buffet.
ReplyDeleteRobert, so great to see you! Xx and I am coming to Jabberwocky in November, right? Hope we see some of these commenters there--wouldn't that be great? What a terrific store! Xxx
ReplyDeleteOh Bruce! So great to see you--and that robot thing is so silly. But strangely, sometimes it works to skip it!
ReplyDeleteAnd let me ask you--when you write a serial, do you write the whole thing and then divide it? Or do you write then publish , write then publish? Xxxx
Hi, I'm Susan. I live in Seattle and comment occasionally. I just finished Louise Penny's New book, A Great Reckoning - really wonderful. My boyfriend is reading Caleb Carr's New book, Surrender, New York, and says it is terrific. Next up is Carol O'Connell's new book.
ReplyDeleteSusan here, currently living in Colonial Williamsburg, VA and I'm a lurker! After many years in the health care industry I found my dream job at my terrific local library. I had read many of you from your first books (Deb, Susan, Rhys) but several years ago a patron returned an audio version of Julia's "In the Bleak Midwinter". I walked hours every day in our hot, humid summer to finish it. From that book I found your blog, read it every morning, have read books by all of you and recommend your books to our patrons on a daily basis. I once set up a book display in our mystery section with a book from each of you and a link to your blog site. I have 2 grown children, both getting married this year, and a pilot husband who is on the road (in the air?) frequently so I have the blessing of lots of time to read. I just finished Linda Castillo's terrific "Seeds of Deception" and"Widow Maker" by Paul Doiron. Started "All is Not Forgotten" by Wendy Walker this morning. Thanks to all of you at Jungle Reds and the usual commenters (I feel I know you Joan). You make my mornings.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Angela Lee. Daily reader of JRW and an infrequent commenter. I am working on lurking less and commenting more.
ReplyDeleteI live in the North Texas area in a suburb of Dallas. I have attended the last 7 Bouchercons including NOLA. I recently finished The Black Hour by Lori Rader-Day which I really enjoyed a lot. I am currently reading Chicks Unravel Time which is a collection of essays by women who love Doctor Who, and each essay is about one season of the show from 1963 to 2011. I am also about to pick up The Masque of a Murderer (book #3 in the Lucy Campion series) by Susanna Calkins.
All I can say is wow! We are honored and humbled to have you all as regular readers of Jungle Red--and it's such a treat to hear a little bit about who you are and what you're reading. Thank you for visiting and for speaking up today! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi. Susan D here reporting in. Constant commenter and winner of perhaps more than my share of JRW book givaways (thank you). I'm a Toronto Sister and a Guppy, and I"m writing, at the moment, short mystery tales that have slipped into a few anthologies.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy eveything the Jungle Reds and their guests have to say, and I just can't get anough of Lady Georgie. (Write faster, Rhys...:^))
Currently reading a variety of books, but especially I'm recording Maureen Jennings' Dead Ground in Between for the visually impaired at the CNIB.
Read Long and Prosper, everyone
My name is Jennifer Stock. I'm the director of a public library in PA, and I went to school with one of the Reds, Susan MacNeal. This blog has expanded my reading lists a ton, and I just finished reading Hank Philippi Ryan's Charlotte McNally series.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Jennifer Stock. I'm the director of a public library in PA, and I went to school with one of the Reds, Susan MacNeal. This blog has expanded my reading lists a ton, and I just finished reading Hank Philippi Ryan's Charlotte McNally series.
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Christi, and I live in Arlington, Texas (part of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex). I am a regular REDS reader but I lurk more than I comment. I am currently reading Crowned and Dangerous by Rhys Bowen. Next up is Harlan Coben's new book--Home. I love both cozy and traditional mysteries and regularly read several of the Jungle Red authors.
ReplyDeleteI am Danielle-momo, french Canadian from Quebec. Avid reader both in french and in english.
ReplyDeleteFan of JRW who don't comment often. Now reading Harlan Coben's Fool Me Once.
My first HC, won't be the last.
Waving hi to Bob from Newburyport - I'm in Amesbury! I LOVE all these bits from the Jungle Red lurkers. What a great idea, Hank.
ReplyDeleteI'm Pat K., currently from eastern Kansas and I'm a recently retired librarian (sending a shout-out to Julia's The Smithie and withing her well with her job search. Don't forget to check out USAjobs for Federal library jobs). Right now I'm rereading some of Kate Flora's Thea Kozak mysteries as ebooks. I read mostly mysteries and SF/Fantasy. I've recently read Louise Penny's newest, Seanan McGuire's new October Day urban fantasy and Ilona Andrews new Kate Daniels novel. Can't remember if it was Julia or Deb that I followed to JRW and I haven't been reading every day, but now that I'm retired that may change.
ReplyDeleteFinally home, and you all continue to wow me. I mean--WOW! It brings tears to my eyes that we are all together, and so many of us would never have known so many of the others of us if not for Jungle Red.
ReplyDeleteWow. This is fantastic.
Hi Susans! So great to hear from you both!
ReplyDeleteI'm eager to read Caleb Carr too--I got it at
Oh... Evelyn that would have been so difficult! Wow. But fun....
Chris Ryan--yay! See if you can come to the SInC Torornto event in june--send me your email, and I will keep you posted!
ReplyDeleteAnd Kristopher Zygorski--where would we be with out you?
SO interesting to see all the Carol O'Connell mentions. Hmm. This is completely intriguing.. and is making me way to make a list. HA. In my spare time….!
ReplyDeleteHello, JRs...Every day I check my e-mail, look at Facebook, and then head for Jungle Red. I contribute very rarely, but guess I'm primarily a lurker. I'll try to do better.
ReplyDeleteI'm and 83-year-old grandmother, soon to be a great-grandmother for the first time. I live in Chatsworth, California, in the San Fernando Valley, where it's 103 degrees today. I've been reading mysteries since I was ten years old, and my mom made the library run for me because I had mumps. She brought me "The Mystery of the Black Tulip," and I was hooked.
I read every one of you, and drum my fingernails on the table, waiting for the next book. Deb, come ON! I've pre-ordered yours, Susan, and so happy it's SOON. Right now, in desperation, I'm re-reading Anne Perry's "Pitt" series. Up to book 11, with quite a few to go. Keep writing, Reds--we need you!
Yay, Lenita! SO fabulous to hear from you! And thank you--we'll now think of you every day, too!
ReplyDeleteKim, Kaye, Jayna, Jim, DebRo, Mary, Kathy Reel ---so delighted you 're here..and of course, you're part of the family! I am missing some names here--but you know who you are!
ReplyDeleteFlora, and Barbara, and Grandma Cootie! Karen in Ohio! Pat D! I should never have tried to wave at everyone when I had to get up at 5 am…xoo
Sonya--so great to see you!
Kate--cat videos and salsa dancing? I'm there.
Joanne, I love John Verdon. How's that book?
I AM going to make a list--of all of you! And post if for Christmas. Yes yes yes. xoxooo
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay in answering your questions. I've been away from my laptop. (and we try to teach women not to apologize too much.)
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important things in getting women to run for office is letting women know that they are qualified. That's not something many men have to worry about. As a whole, men have no problem feeling they're qualified whether they are or not. We encourage, identify, and inspire women in addition to providing an intensive training program.
We run a 6-month program, meeting one weekend a month. Some of the topics we cover are developing your story - on their first day the women develop a 60 second speech which is practiced and revised over the full 6 months. They learn to develop a campaign plan, fundraising skills and practice, on camera practice and critique, voter contact practice (how to campaign door-to-door, how to pick the right race, Ethical Leadership, networking, recruiting volunteers, Working with the press (endorsements, interviews, editorial boards), cultural diversity...I'm sure there's more. It is pretty complete. We just began our eleventh class. We bring in speakers who reinforce the challenges women face running for office and serving. We now have a great Alumnae network and they encourage and identify potential students.
As far as the Model T goes, we have a 1914 and a 1915 Model T and we give rides to guests around the museum grounds. It's a blast!
And I forgot to mention that I have a hidden passion for regency romances. I read everything Sarah MacLean, Jennifer McQuiston, Eloisa James, and Julia Quinn, among others, release.
Marianne, that sounds amazing. I'd love to hear more about it..and wow--what you're doing is so important. I applaud you!
ReplyDeleteAND THE WINNER IS: SUSAN in Williamsburg!
ReplyDeleteSend me your address via H ryan at whdh dot com and I will send you the ARC of SAY NO MORE!
And hurray to all of you! WHat a fabulous day! Should I give away another SAY NO MORE? I well! One day this week. So come back and see…
Love you all! And hey--keep commenting! We love to hear from you!
Hi,my name is Sabine and I'm from Vienna, Austria. I found your blog about a year ago and read it almost daily while having my first cup of coffee, but never commented until today.
ReplyDeleteI love reading mysteries,mostly in English. My love for mysteries started, when I read my first Agatha Christie at 12 or 13.(Death on the Nile)
I found lots of inspirations on your website to keep my TBR growing...not to mention, your books! Right now I'm reading the new Tana French, The Trespasser.
Rachel Howzell Hall, Annette Dashofy and Leslie Budewitz are authors that I first read about on your blog.
Greetings from Vienna, and I will stop lurking and comment more in future!
Hi! My name is Diana. I went to my first Malice in DC this year and met Hank! I met Rhys a long time ago when her first Evan Evans book was published. She was on a mystery writers' panel with Penny Warner. I was one of the early readers for Penny's Connor Westphal series. Now Penny Warner is writing the Code Busters Club series. I'm a big fan of mystery novels. I live in northern California. I have read books by all of the JRW authors.
ReplyDeleteRead my first Agatha Christie when I was 12 years old. For my 10th birthday, my grandfather gave me a Nancy Drew book club subscription and I received Nancy Drew books each month for a year.
Trying to remember when I was introduced to Jungle Red Writers. I think Rhys mentioned it on her Facebook page.
Though I read JRW almost daily when I have time, I do not always comment because sometimes my antique computer has an "off" day. Easier for me to comment on the JRW facebook page, though.
I am still reading books on my TBR list from Malice. I discovered many authors, whom I had never heard of! I had a great time at my first Malice. It was really awesome to read blog interviews with new authors AFTER I met them and read their novels like Ellie Alexander and Nadine Nettman.
Looking forward to Susan MacNeal's new Maggie Hope book in October. Just finished Rhys Bowen's Crowned and Dangerous! Loved it!
Someone mentioned Flavia de Luce series. Just started reading the first novel and like it so far!
Although I am a big fan of mysteries, I am finding it difficult to write a mystery novel. Though I am trying :-)
This post is great because it gives us a chance to introduce ourselves.
Hey Marianne!!! Thanks for sharing your work on helping women in politics. We need more women now than ever before!!
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Julie. Grew up in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, currently living in Charleston.SC with stops of 9 years in Denver and 25 years in Minneapolis in between. I'm a long time lurker - started with Julia Spencer-Fleming's novels, then progressed to other Reds when I found this blog. Love all your recommendations and guest posts, though they have added a ton to my TBR pile. :-)
ReplyDeleteCurrently reading Alice Loweecey's Nun Too Soon and recently finished David Rosenfelt's New Tricks.
I'm Daniella. I'm a native New Yorker. I grew up in Bayside and now live in Flushing. I've been an Anglophile since I was very young. I'm also the author of the Emmeline Kirby-Gregory Longdon mystery series. LEAD ME INTO DANGER (Book 1) was released in October 2015 and DEADLY LEGACY (Book 2) just came out on September 24. I'm hard at work on Book 5 in the series.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I've always been a voracious reader. I'm currently reading NOT BY SIGHT by Kate Breslin. It's wonderful. It's a World War I, spy/mystery with an element of romance. I just started it.
What an invitation! I'm Yocheved Miriam (when I'm in Israel) and Karen (when in northern California, as I am now). I've commented on the Jungle Red blog more than my share, but maybe this is the place to tell how Julia Spencer-Fleming saved my life -- well, my literary life, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI went to live in Israel's south in 2002 and discovered that English language anything -- most especially books -- was as rare as rain in those parts. New English books were out-of-the-question too expensive, and even a worn, tattered paperback at a Jerusalem used-book shop cost as much as a new US hardcover, assuming you could find it at all. Buying abroad and shipping books wasn't any cheaper. Given that I read and/or listened to 4-5 books a week, I was really in a fix.
Somehow, maybe in 2006 or so, I came across "A Fountain Filled With Blood" -- don't remember where, probably one of those crazy Israeli miracles. But in reading that book, I realized I had discovered my newest Favorite Author. I LOVED it! Loved the gutsy Reverend Clare and her Russ, loved the setting, the plot, the whole premise.
I wanted more. I went online and found Julia's website with a section entitled, "What Julia's Reading..." which was a list of maybe 20 authors and books she had loved. Going down the list, I saw several of my favorites, too. Hmmm. We must like many of the same kinds of books! And thus started a trend. An added serendipity was that about that same time, I discovered an American charitable used-book vendor who sold mostly library discards -- and they shipped them worldwide FREE. Oh, my goodness. Life in the Promised Land just improved by 100%.
The books still weren't cheap and I had to be careful what I ordered, but I worked off Julia's list for years. From those authors, I found others -- and more websites, where other authors whose books I'd loved told what THEY liked. I used those lists as buying guides, year after year. They were a valuable resource, given that I couldn't "sample" books from afar, nor could I afford too many risks. And it all started with Julia's list -- sorry Julia, I wasn't buying new books. But as I raved about your books to local friends, there got to be a real little fan club of yours, right there in the heart of the Negev Desert. It was a fun time.
This was a wonderful idea for a blog -- having you all tell us what books you like, what you're reading. You may never know it, but you may be making a huge difference in someone else's world. And finally may I say thanks, Julia! I owe ya!
(Right now? I'm on a Gwen Bristow classic kick, "Calico Palace", "Jubilee Trail", "Celia Garth".... a nice interlude from my usual mystery fixation...)
Hi Diana! Wasn't Malice great? xooxo SO great to see you here!
ReplyDeleteHi Julie--two fab books!
Daniella--NOT BY SIGHT sounds wonderful--off to find it!
ANd bagelnosher--that is a wonderful story! xoxooo Thank you for taking the time to tell us…aw. xooxo
I am Diane from Oregon. I grew up in Massachusetts reading everything I could get my hands on, but especially mysteries. I taught for 36 years-last 30 in middle school. I always taught reluctant readers. Best part was when a student said they had finished a whole book & liked it. I'm mostly retired-supervising a couple of teachers getting reading endorsements & training my French bulldog. Leaves plenty of time to read.
ReplyDeleteI have been making a lot of trips to Cincinnati to visit my new grandson-lots of reading time on the plane.
Right now I have to finish League of Denial for my bookclub. I just finished Ilona Andrews Magic Binds, Carla Neggers Liar's Key, Body in the Bayou by Ellen Byron. Actually my TBR is dangerously high-several Reds books are awaiting me there. Love reading this blog.
Hi Hank!
ReplyDeleteYes, Malice was great!
Everyone, great comments!
JRW, thank you for introducing me to many books. I see many books that I want to add to my TBR list, which is growing !