Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wendall Thomas takes us to a fantasy island for CHEAP TRILLS

HALLIE EPHRON: One of the most delightful people writing crime fiction these days is Wendall Thomas. She's hilarious and a wonderful writer and just one of those people you feel so happy to know. Her first Cyd Redondo (great name!) book was notable for, as I recall, snakes in suitcases.

Her new series book, CHEAP TRILLS, takes readers on another memorable trip... I'll let her explain.

WENDALL THOMAS: Whether we favor travel by air, sea, RV, or our own favorite armchair, I believe most of us have one special travel destination we dream about—a place so gorgeous, so romantic, so remote, or so fascinating, that we feel it will change our lives forever.

When Elizabeth Gilbert published Eat, Pray, Love in 2006, she launched a million travel fantasies—or ten million, if you count her book sales. Although the memoir visits Italy and India, her final destination in Bali might be the most fantasy-inducing, since that’s where Gilbert herself found true love—for a few years at least.

The newest Cyd Redondo mystery, Cheap Trills, set in early 2007, finds the Brooklyn travel agent doing everything she can to cool her senior citizen clients’ Eat, Pray, Love Bali fever.

First, there’s the cost, since few of her fixed income clients realize Gilbert received a $200,000 advance to finance her trip which, as Cyd says, “covers a lot of ashram.”

Then there’s the flight—a 51 hour journey with multiple connections and the accompanying chances for missed planes and lost luggage. Further, Bali is full of active volcanos, thieving monkeys, fatal falling coconuts, poisonous snakes, and lacks senior discounts, wheelchair ramps, and emergency rooms. Plus, she’s had clients used as unwilling “mules” before, and Bali is especially harsh on smugglers, like execution harsh.

When Cyd’s mother books an “Eat, Pray, Fall in Love” package behind her back, and the trip goes wrong, Cyd heads to the mystical island armed, as usual, with nothing but theoretical knowledge. And her purse.

Both the plot and the comedy in a fish out of water story come from the space where the known meets the unknown. Here are a just a few of the hundreds of fascinating things I learned about Bali to ambush Cyd with in Cheap Trills.

-Many people in Bali consider redheads—like Cyd—to be demons.

-Bali, the only Hindu island in all of Indonesia, operates on three calendars. The most important in terms of daily life and religious practice, consists of 210 days—not our 365.

-Balinese babies may not touch the ground for their first 105 days (or 210 in some communities). Infants are considered to be holy incarnations of former ancestors, and must be kept off the impure ground until they are old enough for an elaborate ceremony, where they are welcomed to the physical world and receive their names.

-70% of households in Bali and across Indonesia have birds as pets. For perspective, 45% of US households have dogs.

-The only bird which is indigenous to the island is the Bali starling. In 2007, when the book is set, it was reported there were only seven left in the wild.

-Sarongs are mandatory for entry to any temple.

-Gas for scooters and autos is often sold by the side of the road in recycled vodka bottles. 

-Since 2004, the largest global market for Tupperware has been Southeast Asia.

-Almost all Balinese natives have one of these first names, depending on birth order: Wayan, Made, Nyoman, and Ketut. If there’s a fifth child, it starts over.

-Durian, considered a delicacy in Bali, has been described as the most foul-smelling fruit in the world. Its aroma has been compared to raw sewage, rotting flesh and smelly gym socks, combined.

-There is one snake removal expert who services the whole island and everyone knows his name. It’s Ron.

Reds and Readers: Do you have a fantasy destination you’ve yet to visit? And if you’ve been lucky enough have your dream vacation, was there anything that took you by surprise?

More about Cheap Trills: (back cover copy)
It’s 2007 and Bay Ridge, Brooklyn has Eat, Pray, Love fever. Every book club in town is devouring the bestseller and all of Cyd’s Redondo Travel senior citizen clients are dying to head to exotic Bali. But the travel agent in her only sees its dangers—three active volcanos, six venomous snake species, no wheelchair ramps, about fifteen possible tropical diseases, and the death penalty for smugglers. So she’s hurt and furious, but also terrified, when her mother Bridget sneaks off with two friends on a Bali tour booked by Cyd’s arch nemesis, Peggy Newsome. Of course, Bridget and her friends wind up stranded and smack dab in the middle of a local murder investigation. Now Cyd must respectfully navigate Balinese culture, battle songbird smugglers and thieving monkeys, commandeer a funicular railway, infiltrate an underground Tupperware network, frame Peggy, and find the real killer, all while trying to keep three orphaned, endangered Bali Starling chicks alive in her purse.

Wendall Thomas bio:
Lost Luggage, the first book in Wendall Thomas’s Cyd Redondo series, was a Macavity and Lefty finalist for Best Debut Mystery, Drowned Under received an Anthony nomination for Best Paperback Original and Drowned Under and Fogged Off were Lefty finalists for Best Humorous Mystery. Her short fiction appears in the crime anthologies Ladies Night, Last Resort, Murder-a-Go-Go’s, and Crime Under the Sun. She also teaches in the Graduate Film School at UCLA, lectures internationally on screenwriting, and wrote the speech for Bonnie Raitt’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


  1. Congratulations, Wendall, on your newest book. Although after reading your Bali facts list, the island is definitely not on my "must visit" list, I'm looking forward to seeing how Cyd makes out . . . .

    1. Thank you so much, Joan! If you do read the book, you'll see that, dangers notwithstanding,, the island wins her over. Most of the people I spoke to who have been to or lived there very much see the good over the bad.

  2. I enjoyed hearing you read from this book at Bouchercon. My husband wants to go to Bali, but maybe we’ll wait a few more years so our red hair fades a bit more.

    1. My daughter spent a memorable overnight in Bali renting what turned out to be an oversized metal drum with a door and bed in it, and it rained and poured all night. It did not leak, but oh the racket ... not restful.

    2. Lisa -- how kind of you to say! I was very nervous about that reading, especially given the "1984" screens on the side, so that's lovely to hear. Yes, the redhead thing was one of the reasons I decided to set it there! You can always don a hat-- like Cyd does!

    3. Hallie! Thank you so much for having me. Yes, although there are now tons of very high end resorts, it's definitely a place where if you're on a budget, you're going to get some surprises! And my starling expert said that the whole time she was there, her clothes never got dry...

  3. The book sounds like great fun, but I share Joan's sentiments. Let me just say, Bali is not on my bucket list. :-) I do love a humorous mystery, though, so I will look into these two.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, ha! I'm not sure the Bali tourist board is loving me at the moment, though as I said above to Joan, in the end, the sheer beauty of it wins Cyd over. Thanks for considering the books!

  4. My list is Venice, Italy and the Greek Isles and then I think it might be cool to go to Tahiti. I think I might have to win Powerball first even if it's just the million dollar prize. LOL

    1. Oooh, Tahiti - I'm a birder so that's on my list, too. If only it weren't so far away.

    2. Yes, Paula, I've never been to Venice or the Greek Isles, so I am with you on those! And Tahiti looks amazing-- I read about it while I was doing my research and I think it might be less stressful than Bali!

  5. WENDALL: You know how much I love reading about Cyd and her wacky adventures!!!
    Those Bali facts are fascinating. I had to try durian, and I'm definitely not a fan.

    One bucket list destination for me is Singapore. I have never been that part of Asia before. I am in the planning stage of booking this trip in April/May 2024. The food there is supposed to be absolutely amazing, which is a huge draw for this eclectic adventurous foodie.

    1. I travel for food, too. Durian: bleh.

    2. Grace! Singapore is on my bucket list as well and I'm considering it for one of Cyd's adventures, so you will have to let me know what you think. Reading everything my Murder is Everywhere pal, Ovidia Ya, writes about it has made me want to go even more. And yes, the food!

    3. Yes, I first met Ovidia at the Long Beach Bouchercon and I have been a big fan of her books. And my interest in Singapore has also been heightened from friends who lived in Singapore for a few years. They are real globe trotters: living/moving to Singapore, London, Ottawa and now Houston within the past decade.

  6. Wendall, I am so happy to see you here! Reds and commenters, if you love to laugh, Cyd Redondo has your ticket. Hallie, the really funny snakes weren't transported in a suitcase! Ha!

    My bucket list trip was to Hawaii. It was everything I dreamed it would be.

    I must move this book up on my TBR. Read more Wendall, less news! XXOO

    1. Humor is a great help getting us through the daily news.

    2. Judy! How kind of you to say and I can't believe I live in Los Angeles and have still never been to Hawaii myself. I am so glad it did not disappoint! How wonderful. Yes, there's not much to laugh about (actually nothing???) in the news at the moment, so if a comic novel helps, I couldn't be more thrilled.

  7. Those are quite the set of facts, Wendall! And the eye makeup on that bird is stunning.

    I'm returning to Japan in April, 47 years after leaving. I spent almost two years living there and have never been back, so I'm really looking forward to the trip. I dream of a leisurely cooking class in Tuscany, but these days I mostly want to travel to hang out with family, and I've got my ticket to Puerto Rico to see my son and his wife in early December!

    1. Sounds like some great trips to look forward to, Edith!

    2. You bet, Hallie - plus I'm running off to Phoenix right after Thanksgiving to meet Ida Rose, my very tiny preemie granddaughter!

    3. Edith! It's Wendall. I've tried to post an answer three times on Chrome and they never show up, so trying again on another server! Hi Edith, some of my replies aren't posting, so I'm trying again! How did I not know you lived in Japan. I would be fascinated to hear what you think and feel about it when you go back, after all these years. And cooking classes anywhere, especially Tuscany, yes. But I think the enforced separation of the pandemic made traveling to see the ones we love a much higher priority for all of us, and to meet a new granddaughter! How fab. Thanks for posting.

    4. Thanks, Wendall! She's my first grand, so it's extra special. Hallie, maybe check to see if Wendall's comments are being marked as Spam? That happened when I was a guest here a couple of weeks ago.

    5. Edith-- what a wonderful thing! I'm sure you can't wait. And thanks for the tip, I'm trying a different way, so we'll see if this works! x

  8. Wendall, this is a fabulous premise! My daughter and s-in-law went to Bali before kids and I remember he was bitten by a monkey!

    1. Hi Lucy, and thanks. My earlier reply didn't post, so apologies if you get this twice! I can't imagine monkey bites are on anyone's bucket list! Those monkeys are relentless, which is fun in the book, but not as much in life!

  9. Great setting! Bali isn't on my bucket list, yet.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! And I understand! There are just so many wonderful places in the world and, at least for most of us, a limited amount of money and time to get to them, so we have to be selective. It's an interesting place to read about though. At least there are "vlogs" now on YouTube where you can sample a bit before you decide.

  10. Good morning from Los Angeles, everyone, and thanks a million times to the Reds, and especially to Hallie, for such a kind introduction. Very excited to be here and talk with all of you!

  11. Places tht SHOULD be on anyone's bucket list, places I'm so glad I didn't miss: Cost Rica, Alaska, and Iceland. (None of theme for the food...)

    1. Hallie it's Wendall - trying again, anonymously, kind of. x Morning, Hallie! Yes, I haven't been to Alaska yet, but my husband has been twice, since his true crime book is set there, and he absolutely loves it, so planning to go with him next time. And everyone I've ever talked to has been stunned by Iceland, which might be the setting of Cyd's next adventure, since she's due for somewhere cold (where mini-skirts and heels could be problematic), so I'd love to go. I don't know enough about Costa Rica, so definitely going to start doing some reading. Thank you for that. xx

    2. Anywhere that doesn't have snakes is where I want to be, Keenan!

  12. Wendell, good grief! I've no doubt, though, that Cyd and mom and the gang come out of their adventure more or less intact! Whew! Bali has never been on my bucket list. Crete, Santorini, Delphi, a trip down the Nile, the prehistoric caves of France and Spain--those are my kinds of bucket-list places to see!

    1. Flora, ha! Ah, now your bucket list is one to aspire to! The Nile! The caves! That sounds pretty great to me!

    2. FLORA: loved Santorini and Crete this fall, those are good choices!

  13. This post cracked me up! I am definitely going to look for your books, Wendall. I want to give Cheap Trills to the friend who gave me Eat, Pray, Love back in 2007! I'd love to do a walking trip in Scotland.

    1. I hope the book doesn't offend your friend, as I do make fun of it a lot in the beginning (the first sentence of the book is "Eat. Pray. Barf.") but in the end, I think Cyd comes down in favor of it, and Bali!. I love Scotland and have been lucky enough to go twice, but never really hiking or walking much, so I'm with you on that! Thanks for posting.

    2. My friend has a great sense of humor and likes mysteries. I think she will love it.

    3. Gillian, you'll have to let me know what she thinks!

    4. We got to do some walking on a narrow boat trip in Scotland and it was lovely. Would love to get out into the Highlands sometime.

  14. Thanks for the morning laughs, Wendall. I needed one!

    1. Liz! Since I never know if anything I write is funny, you cheered me up right back. Thank you!

  15. The name Cyd made me think of the American actress and dancer, Cyd Charisse. Were you watching one of her movies when you came up with the name? Just wondering.

    Great question! On my first trip to England, the most surprising thing was seeing newspapers with stories about the USA on the front covers! I learned that journalists, who write for newspapers, abroad are award of what is happening in the USA. I read a lot about England before travelling there so nothing really surprised me.


    1. Yes, Diana! She is named after Cyd Charisse plus Redondo Blvd. in Los Angeles. I love England and have been a lot as well (my husband is English and my last book, FOGGED OFF, was set there) and you are right about the news. I'll never forget on one of my first trips, seeing all the papers with Al Gore and George W. Bush on the front page the morning after the election. Thanks for posting.

  16. Elizabeth Gilbert has a lot to answer for! $200,000, indeed.

    How have I missed Cyd? I love to travel and I love to read funny stories, so that sounds like a perfect series.

    On various trips I've seen things I didn't expect, but the most recent was on the beach in Mombasa, Kenya, two guys were walking a camel up and down, offering rides to tourists. They would strike a bargain, then have the heavily decorated animal kneel so the marks could climb up. Oh, and the young man (close to 50 years younger than me) who came up to me while I was strolling on that same beach and asked if I was "looking for a loving man". Meaning him. I was so astonished I didn't know what to say.

    1. Karen, I love this story, you really made me see the camels. And the "offer," for some reason, made me think about Shirley Valentine! I would be honored if you read one of the books. If you do, let me know what you think!

    2. Wendall, I had to look that up, because I've never seen that movie (but will now look for it). But Shirley was 42--I'm 72! LOL

      Definitely will read the series.

    3. Ha, Karen! I'm 64 myself, but we're all 42 somewhere in our hearts, right????

    4. Karen, Shirley Valentine is a great movie! Or, it was when it came out. I’m finding that some really-good-in-their-day movies don’t hold up as well as others (e.g., Butch Cassidy). Anyway, give it a go. And definitely try Wendall’s Cyd Redondo books! — Pat S

    5. Thanks so much for the kind words, Pat!

  17. Congrats on the book, Wendall! This one sounds hilarious. Can't wait to check it out!

    1. Thanks so much, Diane! We miss you out here on the west coast! xxx

  18. Wendell, I can’t wait to read this book… it sounds like something that would balance happily on my funny bone. I spent a month backpacking in Bali when I was (a lot) younger. If I had known about the snakes, I might have reconsidered… but it was magical. Such a breathtakingly beautiful place.

    1. Sandra, thanks so much. I do think it's an amazing, even astounding place and I will be very interested to see whether you think I've been able to capture any of that. Thanks for posting!

  19. How did I miss this series! Looking forward to catching up - and having seen your list, I might be glad I missed the Eat, Pray, Love tour - $200,000 advance. WOW - I knew her trip was funded, but that's quite a fund.

    1. Hi Kait! I'm thrilled you might read the series. Yes, when I read that advance figure during my research and realized the bicycle was just an affectation, it definitely made me reconsider the book!

  20. Had an awesome 18 day tour in Italy in April! Other than than that most of my travel is through books. Look forward to traveling to Bali with Cyd.

    1. Hi Brenda! Wow, 18 days in Italy. That sounds pretty idyllic. So glad you got to do that. I mostly travel through books, too, which is why this series is so fun to write. Thanks so much for posting.

  21. Hi Wendall!
    Bali is a favorite of surfers. My brother (now an Australian citizen) and his surfing buddies routinely go to Bali and other famous surfing locations in Indonesia. It is also a top destination for US surfers.

    Speaking of those who read your book or post above and are worried about bugs, spiders, and other dangers - DO NOT go to Australia. Australia tops Bali. Of the 10 most poisonous snakes in the world - 9 are native to Australia. And there are deadly dangers lurking in the water like the box jelly in the Great Barrier Reef. But we went to Australia and lived to tell.

    1. Hi! Yes, I actually had a long surfing subplot that I wound up losing, but I read a lot about the surfing there and watched a documentary about it. LOTS of Australians go there to surf. And ha! about Australia. I have been there many times and you are right. I was hired to adapt one of my LA scripts about an insurance adjuster for an Australian producer, and was able to include all the risky stuff there is there, including riders for hitting kangaroos! Thanks for posting.

  22. AH!!! I love this series and I can't wait to go to Bali (fictionally). Congrats on your latest, Wendell. I know CHEAP TRILLS is going to be just the book I need to escape the holiday madness.

    1. Ha! Hi Jenn. I appreciate that and it might provide a holiday antidote -- at least there are absolutely no reindeer or stockings of any kind! x

  23. Wendell, I’m so excited to hear that there’s another Cyd Redondo book for me to read! I love your books and I’ve read all of them more than once!

    Even though you said Cyd falls in love with Bali, I definitely don’t want to go there after reading about all the dangers. Armchair travel is good enough for me!


    1. Wendell, not Wendell!


    2. Deb! Thank you so much for all your support for the series, seriously! I will be interested to see what you think about this one and yes, there are times when armchair travel is just fine! Thanks so much for posting.

    3. Wendall. Not Wendell! I think autocorrupt keeps changing it on me!


    4. Ha! No problem autocorrect even corrects me on my own name.

  24. Congratulations again, Wendall! And hello, Reds! I love that we can live vicariously through the intrepid Cyd and yet still be safe at home. Thank you for the laughs! xoxo (Tammy K, since I think this will come through anonymously)

    1. Tammy! Thanks so much. You were one of the very first people who "got" Cyd and I will be grateful to you, forever. Thanks for posting. xx

  25. First off, Wendall, the cover for CHEAP TRILLS is a-MAY-zing! I want to dive into the book based on that alone.

    Secondly, I so identify with Cyd on this one - my mother loved travel, and kept one going - and going - and going. Fortunately, as she got older, she started traveling with her oldest nieces, who had retired. Which was better, because now the woman in her late 70s had women in their early-mid sixties around? Adventures included lost luggage, missed connections (probably my mom's fault) and a broken arm in Spain.

    The only thing keeping her from Bali and India was my dad, whom she didn't want to leave alone for too long. I swear, if he had gone first instead of the other way around, she'd be touring Vietnam via pedicab right now.

    1. Julia! Thank you so much for liking the cover. It's based on a map of Bali I had up over my desk the whole time I was writing the book and it means so much to me. And yes, it's such a tricky thing, balancing wanting our loved ones to be safe and also wanting them to have the lives they want, as long as they can have them. Cyd learns a few lessons about that in this book, as it sounds like you and your mother did. Sending love!

  26. Hi Wendall! CHEAP THRILLS sounds like too much fun! I can't wait to read it. Although I doubt it will move Bali up on my bucket list...

    1. I hope so, Deborah, don't really want to be known as the "Great Bali Blocker," but thanks for the very kind words. xx

  27. I don't know that I have a fantasy trip, but there are places I want to visit. Not sure Bali is on the list thanks to the warnings from Wendall. I'll stick with places with less risk. :) It does sound like a beautiful location, however, so that is tempting.

    1. Hi Mark, yes, I hope I didn't put you off too much, but I think you do have to steel yourself a bit to earn the beauty... thanks for posting!

  28. First, I have to say how much I adore Wendall. Her sense of humor and joy and kindness are a beautiful thing in this world. And, I have been a fan of the Cyd Redondo series since the beginning. Everything is perfect in these books, the characters (especially Cyd and her family), the settings, the plots, the humor, and even the covers. This new cover is spectacular and may be the best one yet.

    1. Dear Kathy, you have always been extraordinarily kind about me and about Cyd and I love you for it! Glad you like the cover, it's my favorite so far, for sure.

  29. Well, I cannot say that today made me want to go to Bali, but I *DO* need/want to read Cheap Trills!

    1. Ha! Thank you Hallie, and for being so lovely about the book. Dying to know what you think. xxx

  30. Oh, here's an interview I did with Wendall four years ago when her second Cyd Redondo book, Drowned Under, was coming out. There are some items I think fans of Wendall and the series (isn't that everyone?) might find interesting. Here's the link. https://www.readingroom-readmore.com/2019/03/reading-room-interview-with-wendall.html

    1. Thank you so much for posting that, Kathy, it was so fun answering your questions. xxx

  31. Hi Stacia! How very kind of you to give Cyd Redondo a try. You'll have to let me know what you think. I'm much like you--I read Jungle Reds everyday, but often don't comment, just take in everyone else's wisdom and stories. Thank you for posting today.
