Saturday, November 11, 2023

What We're Writing Week: Julia has Questions

JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: There is a reading of Reds at the Crime Bake mystery conference in Dedham, MA this weekend (yes, I just invented the collective noun for a group of Jungle Red Writers, you're welcome.) On Friday evening, we presented another one of our (in) famous game shows: 






The NewlyRed Game!

The goal was to find out how much we know about each other after seven thirteen SIXTEEN  years of blogging together! (Seriously, we all know marriages that didn't last that long.) We were supposed to be two groups of three, but after Hallie came down with Covid (feel better soon, Hallie!) we pivoted to two pairs, with 'invisible Reds' Hallie and Rhys added in, and yours truly as the host. (Lucy said I had the most "hosty" energy.)

The planning session: BBQ & cosmos

There were a lot of laughs, quite a few suggestions from the audience, and a good time was had by all. Or at least, the Crime Bake Committee didn't immediately kick us out and ban us from the conference.

Now it's your turn to play the at-home version of The NewlyRed Game. Read each question below and answer which of the seven Reds it applies to. Let us see your guesses well-researched answers in the comments.

No, we can't give you a second honeymoon, but we may be able to scare up some Turtle Wax...







1. Which Red is mentioned affectionately and enthusiastically in James Patterson's new bio? 

2. Which Red grew up loving German food and oom-pah-pah music?

3. Which Red wore Mary Quant dresses and had a Vidal Sasson hair cut? 

4. Which Red attracted over 100 comments discussing the topic of dried legumes?

5. Which Red is a recovering librarian ?

6. Name the Red who had a book made into a Lifetime movie?

7. Which Red was disappointed to get a battery as a Christmas present – until she discovered a much-wanted transistor radio in her stocking?


8. Which Red defended Jack Reacher against charges of premeditated assault and battery?


9. Which Red was propositioned by Warren Beatty?

10. Which Red was inspired to write a book thanks to finding a box of creepy doll parts under a bed?

11. Which Red loves DIY and power tools?

12. Which Red considered dying her hair pink during the pandemic? (And another Red wrote a poem about it!)


13. Which Red sang in a gospel choir and recorded an album for an off Broadway show?

14. Which Red is ‘crazy’ for Patsy Cline and will happily sing “Stand By Your Man” while “Walking after Midnight?”

Judy Singer, Karen Mazlowski and Edith Maxwell!

15. Which Red’s middle name is Elizabeth? Yes, we revealed all our middle names on the blog!

16. Which Red was an Actor’s Equity apprentice and acted professionally?

17. Which Red aced the test to be a contestant on Jeopardy!

18. Which Red uses the infamous “Banana Phone” song to remind her to schedule her mammogram?



Christine Falcone

19. Which Red gives the following advice for aspiring writers: Just hold your nose and write?

20. Which Red has performed in the Nutcracker in a professional position?

21. Which Red was elected as treasurer of her class in high school, using the slogan, “Red’s name Kisses Babies!” and had to recreate a year’s worth of account entries because she lost the ledger book in her locker?

22. Which TWO Reds were unfairly and unjustifiably cheated out of their Edgar Awards by T. Jefferson Parker (who brought his elderly dad to the awards for the sympathy vote!)

23. Which Red played a nun in the Sound of Music where she learned to belt out Ave Maria in Latin?

24. Which Red took flying lessons and learned to fly a single engine plane? 

25. Which Red has taken glider pilot lessons and even (accidentally) managed a wingover air manuever, much to her instructor's dismay? (Yes, these are two different people!)




26. Which Red went to Princeton and Yale but considers being the keynote speaker of the graduating class of the Sheriff’s Police Academy her highest honor?

27. Name 2 Reds who have well-organized bucket lists as opposed to grabbing whatever opportunities present.

A good time was had by all, we hope!

28. Which Red took lessons in ballroom dancing and loves to swing dance?

29. Which Red has vowed everlasting enmity to Japanese knotweed? 


Julia: We hope you'll try your hand at it, dear readers! 


  1. Oh, my. It's too early in the morning for me to engage this much brain power. I feel like I SHOULD know all of these, but the only one I know for sure is #1 is Hank! I know this because I interviewed James Patterson about this book and not only read it thoroughly, but I took his comments about Hank to heart as I planned my interview questions.

    Also, MY middle name is Elizabeth, but I somehow doubt that's the correct answer.

  2. Wow . . . taxing my brain on this . . . here are my guesses:
    1. Hank
    2. Julia
    3. Rhys
    4. Lucy
    5. Jenn
    6. Hallie
    7. Rhys
    8. Julia
    9. Hank
    10. Hallie
    11. Julia??
    12. Lucy
    13. Jenn
    14. Hallie
    15. Rhys
    16. Julia
    17. Hank
    18. Julia
    19. Hallie
    20. Debs
    21. Lucy
    22. Julia and Rhys
    23. Lucy
    24. Julia
    25. Jenn
    26. Lucy
    27. Rhys and Hallie
    28. Hallie
    29. Julia

  3. JULIA: Oh dear. Wishing Hallie speedy recovery from Covid!

    Perhaps I know some of the answers. Some posts stay in my memory bank.

    Perhaps RHYS wore Mary Quant dresses and had a Vidal Sasson haircut? Perhaps JENN is a recovering librarian? Perhaps HANK's book was made into a Lifetime movie? Perhaps HALLIE was propositioned by Warren Beatty or acted professionally? Perhaps DEBORAH was the treasurer of her class? Perhaps JULIA's middle name is Elizabeth or went to Princeton and Yale but considers the highest honor to be the keynote speaker of the Sheriff's Police Academy. Perhaps LUCY took ballroom dancing lessons and loves to swing dance?

    Why am I thinking one of the answers is Celia the Recipe lady?


  4. It was SO fun last night! I won't answer the ones that were read out at the event, but will give a stab at the ones that weren't.
    1. Hank
    2. Julia
    3. Debs
    8. Hank
    10. Hallie
    11. Jenn
    13. Rhys
    15. Hank
    16. Julia
    18. Julia
    23. Julia
    24. Rhys
    27. Lucy, Hallie
    28. Hallie
    29. Julia

  5. Julia thanks for being our fearless leader! we missed the real Hallie and Rhys so much! Love seeing our JRW readers all over the place!

  6. Awww, I love the REDS game shows! And it's great to see regular commenters JUDY, KAREN and EDITH sitting together in the last photo!
    Like others, I know the answer to #1 is HANK (saw her do an interview with James Patterson).
    As for the others...
    2. Julia
    3. Hallie
    4. Lucy
    5. Jenn
    6. Jenn
    7. Hank
    8. Hank
    9. Hank
    10. Hallie
    11. Jenn
    12. Lucy
    13. Rhys
    14. Hank
    15. Rhys
    16. Julia
    17. Julia
    18. Julia
    19. Hallie
    20. Debs
    21. Lucy
    22. Rhys and Julia
    23 Julia
    24 Rhys
    25 Jenn
    26 Lucy
    27 Hallie Jenn
    28 Hank
    29 Hallie

  7. Great job being hosty, Julia! So much fun!

  8. That panel was a blast. Julia, you had us in stitches! Heading down to breakfast!

  9. The questions are great, but the photos of the LAUGHTER in the audience are wonderful! What fun that must have been :) Here are my answers/guesses --
    1. Hank
    2. Rhys
    3. Julia
    4. Lucy
    6. Hallie
    7. Julia
    8. Hank
    9. Julia
    10. Hallie
    11. Jenn
    12. Jenn
    13. Julia
    14. Debs
    15. Rhys
    16. Hallie
    17. Jenn
    18. Julia
    19. Hallie
    20. Rhys
    21. Jenn
    22. Lucy and Hank
    23. Rhys
    24. Julia
    25. Jenn
    26. Hallie
    27. Debs and Lucy
    28. Hallie
    29. Julia

  10. Omigosh, I laughed so hard last night I was worried I'd broken something! Jenn mugging for every question, hilarious.

    After being wrong an embarrassing number of times last night, I'm going to abstain from shaming myself further.

  11. Oh I WISH I'D BEEN THERE!!! With the bonus of getting to hug Karen and Judy Singer... and NO IT WASN'T me that that Warren Beatty propositioned. Puh-leeze. And "If only." But I do know who it was. And I know who has so meany beans. But WHO played a nun in Sound of Music? No idea. But the possibility of it being Jenn has me spitting my coffee. Gotta be Julia, right? And Knotweed? Sounds like Debs. WISH I'Da BEEN THERE!

    1. Hallie, wishing you a speedy recovery! (Flora)

    2. Hallie, I am so sorry you had to miss hanging out with your friends. Rotten timing. Feel better soon. — Pat S

  12. Will answers be given? Inquiring mind . . . definitely DO want to know (but unwilling to guess, at least not without much more coffee). Have fun. <3
    Storyteller Mary

    1. Storyteller Mary, even with more coffee, I am unwilling to guess. Simply have a low Reds’ trivia knowledge. But a high curiosity! Have a wonderful time to all the Reds and Reds’ adjacent attending and get well soon Hallie! Elisabeth

  13. I could only answer one and that is #26 because I actually met Lucy at a conference where a panel talked about food at a Princeton reunion (no, unfortunately I am not the alumn my hubby is '65).

    The questions are so intriguing hopefully we will know the answers!

  14. Whoops to add to my post above I forgot I do know Jenn was a librarian and Lucy has the beans.

  15. Ohhhhhh you were fantastic Julia! Loved it! And big big thanks to our wonderful moderator/overseer Brenda Buchanan!

    1. I know Kathy took at least one good photo of Brenda. She was great, and I was thrilled to finally meet her. And Jenn, too!

  16. There are some answers I don’t know! And I thought I knew everything about everyone. I wish I’d been there and so glad it was a great hit

    1. Rhys, sending healing thoughts. Elisabeth

    2. Yes, Rhys. I hope all goes well with your procedures and recovery! — Pat S

  17. I have no idea of the answers, but I'm eager to find out! The laughing photos are marvelous.

  18. I haven’t been following long enough to know many of these at all. The thought of reading 16 years’ worth of blogs all at once searching for the answers is daunting! I wish I had been at Crime Bake for all the fun.
    In college my roommate and I won the Roommate games for our dorm floor and then went on to win for the whole dorm.

  19. I know some of these. Others I can take a well unresearched guess. But I'm lazy today and refuse to write down all those answers. I hope all you Crime Bakers are having a blast!

  20. Thank you for being an awesome MC, Julia! So many Reds, so many shenanigans…

  21. These are hard, especially since my recall isn't too great now, but I can't resist guessing. There are just a few I know for sure.
    1. Hank
    2. Julia
    3. Debs
    4. Lucy
    5. Jenn
    6. Hallie
    7. Rhys
    8. Hank
    9. Hank
    10. Hallie
    11. Jenn
    12. Lucy
    13. Julia
    14. Debs
    15. Rhys
    16. Rhys
    17. Hank
    18. Hallie
    19. Julia
    20. Hank
    21. Lucy
    22. Rhys and Hank
    23. Julia
    24. Debs
    25. Jenn
    26. Lucy
    27. Hank and Rhys
    28. Hallie
    29. Rhys

  22. I’m envious of you all being together at Crime Bake! I’m also a) lazy, b) not sure I’ve been a Reds blog reader for long enough to know enough about you all, c) very curious about the answers or d) all of the above? Definitely “d”! It’s great to put faces with names like “Karen in Ohio”. Continue having fun! — Pat S

  23. I know Jenn was a librarian. I think I may know more but am not sure. Looks as if you all had fun.

    I don't travel anymore but went to three local author events this year put on by Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop. I hope they do more next year.
