Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! What We're Writing - Jenn McKinlay


We wish you all good things in the coming year! 

JENN McKINLAY: I love starting a new year. It's a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh calendar. I love, love, love it! Of course, January always seems to send me spinning on my ear as soon as it starts and nothing ever goes quite right and by the end of the month, I usually ask the Hub if we can bump it out and  celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year instead. Incidentally, it's on February 10th and it's the year of the dragon for those of you who, like me, will need a do over.

But this is what we're writing week at the Jungle Reds, so I have to tell you that I am madly finishing a book that is due tomorrow. It's a Library Lover's mystery (#15) called A MERRY LITTLE MURDER PLOT and will be released in October of 2024. Here is a snippet of the victim being found: 

     “And here I thought we were going to have a quiet holiday season,” Emma muttered. She unclipped the Maglite from her belt and illuminated the scene. It was much more powerful than Lindsey’s puny phone flashlight and the entire gazebo was bathed in light.
     Emma ran the light over Jackie’s body, pausing on her bare hands. She jumped back and grabbed Helen by the arm and shoved her toward the steps and then did the same thing to Lindsey. “Get out of the gazebo. Now!”
     “Why? What’s happening?” Helen asked.
     “Go!” Emma shooed them down the steps. The urgency in her voice did not invite dawdling.
     They dashed down the steps, only stopping when Emma did. They were thirty feet from the bandstand and Emma was pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket. 
     “What is it, Emma?” Lindsey asked. “What’s wrong?”
     “I’m not positive but I think our victim up there was electrocuted,” Emma said. “If the current is still live one of you could have been next.”

That is all I can share with you at the moment because I am a sleep deprived zombie and barely coherent. The 14th Library Lover's mystery FATAL FIRST EDITION is out on February 13th (next month!) and the trade paperback edition of THE PLOT AND THE PENDULUM (which came out in 2022) will be released tomorrow! 

To celebrate, I am giving away FIVE signed copies of the trade paperback but the giveaway is happening on our new private Facebook group Reds and Readers. You can join by clicking on the name and get yourself in the drawing. To kick off this new venture, we're having giveaways every day! So head on over there and check it out. With giveaways, live chats, and our community of awesome readers, it is sure to be a good time!

So, what will I be writing after I finish this book? I have two romcom proposals to write as my publisher is looking for my next book after May's upcoming LOVE AT FIRST BOOK and then I have a brand new venture that I can't talk about yet. Suffice to say, I am pivoting into the fantasy genre with the plan of adding it to my mystery and romcom books - SO EXCITING!!! - with more details to follow!

Needless to say, 2024 looks to be full of mystery, romance, and fantasy for me. 

How about you, Reds and Readers, what are you looking forward to in the coming year? 


  1. Very intriguing teaser. Looking forward to three books from you this year. Already have my ARC of next month's release.

    Happy New Year!

    1. YAY! I had no idea there were ARCs even out there! HNY, Mark! Hope we run into each other again this year!

    2. I should have clarified it's an eARC thanks for Netgalley.

      It would be great to run into each other again this year for sure. Sadly, I don't think I'm going to make any of the big cons this year. They really need to plan them better around my work schedule. :)

  2. Wow, you certainly are a busy lady, Jenn! Thanks for the snippet of your new mystery . . . I'm looking forward to reading it and to whatever fantasy may be coming our way.

    What am I looking forward to in this new year? Spending time with family . . . . Happy New Year!

    1. YES! I am making all of my people go play mini-golf next week :) Gotta start the year right with my Hooligans and their Plus Ones.

  3. Wonderful scene, Jenn! More! I want more! As for looking forward, I still need to wrap up some legal stuff that got started late in 2023 and then put on hold when the publishing industry shut down for the holidays. I'm also looking forward to more quiet time than I had last year. Wishful thinking perhaps. Happy New Year!

    1. I love how publishing shuts down from 4th of July to Labor Day and then from Halloween to New Years -- NOT. Good luck, Annette, I hope you get your quiet time.

  4. Your new book sounds very interesting. I love the library series. I am looking forward to pain mgmt helping me as I go for my procedure tomorrow. The I will be able to first go to NH to visit my granddaughters and then plan to go to Venice, Italy and maybe the Greek Isles too.

    1. Paula - when I saw you might go to the Greek Isles, I wanted to share a wonderful Greek island we visited not too long ago. It is called Hydra and it is so lovely - no cars are allowed on the island so it is car exhaust pollution free which is nice. We didn't go to Santorini and regretted not doing so. Maybe that is already on your list.

    2. Went to Santorini in September and it was stunning, but we were happy to not be there during peak tourist season. We loved Crete. Hydra sounds amazing.

    3. Good luck on your procedure tomorrow and I love your travel plans - Excellent!!!

  5. Thanks for the snippet, I need more. I'm looking forward to my next procedure and doing all the prep I need to make this an easier transition.

    1. I'll keep a good thought for you, Dru! Here's to it all going very smoothly.

  6. The snippet sounds great! The whole series sounds great. (I love anything to do with books or libraries.) So many projects, though! How do you juggle so many at once?

    What am I looking forward to in 2024? More travel to local places here in Portugal, and a painting class (acrylics) I'm signing up for Wednesday. It's been a while since I've painted, and I miss it: It's so relaxing and restorative, and in my painting days, I also wrote more. (Go figure).

    1. How did I not realize you're in Portugal! I'd love to visit there. The juggling is mostly a constant state of panic :)

    2. Oh, do visit ! Portugal is a lovely, laid back country, and the people are so warm and. Friendly. I had to laugh at your description of how you juggle things, but I suspect it's your ability to handle things so adeptly.

  7. JENN: Yay, that is a good tease to keep us waiting in suspense to see what happens next in A MERRY LITTLE MURDER PLOT!

    After taking baby travel steps with multiple flights & trains within North America, I am ready for my next international trip to Singapore (and probably Malaysia) in late April. Travelling over 40 days in 2023 meant I did not reach my annual Goodreads goal. The same might happen in 2024 but I am willing to make that sacrifice. And FYI, that ultimate gift of a business class round--the-world ticket would really come in handy this spring. A girl can dream.

    1. And yes, I am registered for both Seattle Left Coast Crime & Nashville Bouchercon.

    2. Fantastic! Singapore is on my list! And, yes, I too would sacrifice some reading for travel.

    3. I think the travel part of traveling (i.e., getting there) is made for reading. I look forward to airplane trips to read with no guilt. No laundry to do, no rooms to vacuum - just you and your book for x number of hours. Ahhh. — Pat S

    4. PAT S: Yes, in the past, I have been able to read on long flights (Vancouver, San Diego in 2023) but I ended up napping/sleeping. It was 12-15 hour travel days to just get to the West Coast from Ottawa. I only read 1 book while in San Diego & Vancouver, respectively (both trips were longer than 10 days).

  8. Ooh, electrocution - a murder weapon you have made me realize I've never used! /rubs hands/

    I have lots of personal and professional stuff to look forward to. Wednesday's cataract removal should give me my eyesight back, grandbaby should come home later this month, and a trip to Japan in April will be thrilling. Possibly an Ireland trip in the fall with Hugh, too.

    Three books will release, including my exciting new historical, and at least one short story. Happy 2024, all!

    1. Best wishes for your cataract surgery.

    2. Right? How have we not thought of this before? Hoping your grandbaby is home soon.

  9. Jenn, that is an intriguing tidbit and it sounds like you have an exciting 2024 lined up already! I'm feeling pretty excited and energized for this year. I think b/c I'm turning 44 on 2/4/24. I''m not very superstitious but I've just (stubbornly) decided it's a good sign for the year.

    I'm also excited for the total solar eclipse in April. I have everything crossed we'll get good weather b/c we'll be in Northeast Ohio, which often has crummy spring weather. We're visiting family, so we'll get a good time out of it even if we can't see the eclipse.

    There's a couple other things that *might* happen, but none of them are officially scheduled or planned yet, so I won't get ahead of myself. I do get a little nervous about jinxing myself ;-)

    Happy New Year to all!

    1. You have the same birhtday as my mom, Jill! Happy early birthday and here's hoping the weather for the eclipse cooperates!

  10. A Jenn McKinlay fantasy? Bound to be fun! Hope your hair stays intact with all these deadlines, Jenn. Mine would be in fistfuls all over the house!

    One week from today our carpenter starts building the walls we need in the basement to make... drumroll, please! A sewing room for ME!!! The last five+ years have been the first in my life I've not had a place to sew, and I can barely contain my excitement. The end of construction will just about happen at the same time as cataract surgery at the end of February, so I'll also be able to see to sew. This room will also have a guest bed, which is sorely needed when our kids visit.

    Other plans include finally getting to see the Chinese acrobats in Shen Yun with a girlfriend. And travel: at least one trip to Athens, Greece, although I'm hoping we can go twice. On one trip we will finally get to meet Steve's Polish cousins in Warsaw, who we have corresponded with and Zoomed with for several years. I hope to visit my dear stepsis in England, too. She moved there four or five years ago with her Welsh husband who was starting down the rabbit hole of dementia, so he could spend his last sentient time with his only daughter and her family. Now he no longer interacts, and I know she would appreciate some of her own family there. And I miss her terribly.

    Also, I'll be visiting with Grace in Montreal for a mystery festival in May!! My husband and I have wanted to spend time in Canada for years, and it's now or never. Margo, want to meet if we get to Nova Scotia?

    1. KAREN: Yes, I am soooo looking forward to having some foodie & mystery fiction fun with you in Montreal!

    2. Oh, yes! If you are in Cape Breton, I can even supply room and board, and if you are lucky a cat to cuddle up with. Let me know if you need my email. Oh, May Long Weekend is a big lobster feed in our house - lobsters on Sat, roast beef on Sunday, lots of food, desserts and cheese. Quite possibly beer as well...

    3. The Montreal Mystery festival is taking place on the Friday/Saturday after Victoria Day weekend (May 24-25).

    4. Margo, I'm violently allergic to cats, but thank you for your kind invitation! The food and drink sounds fantastic, though. We accept, if it works out.

      If you are on the R&R Facebook page, my last name is Maslowski.

    5. So I guess my first resolution will have to be learn how to use Facebook? Will look, may need to 'call-a-kid'.

    6. I live one hour from Montreal. I certainly would like to meet you and Grace at this mystery festival

    7. the mystery festival sounds like fun! Diana

    8. DANIELLE: It would be lovely to meet you in person, too!
      Here is the web site to the Montreal mystery festival. Go to Tickets for registration $60 + tax.
      There is a preliminary list of attending authors but no detailed schedule yet.
      It is being held at the Grande Bibliotheque (near Berri-UQAM metro).

    9. Oops, I just noticed the ticket price went up to $72 + tax. I must have bought the early bird tickets last October for $60.

    10. Thank you Grace, I’ll check it

    11. Oh, Danielle, that would be wonderful!

    12. Everyone getting together in Montreal and possibly in Nova Scotia sounds divine. I am sitting here hmm-ing!

    13. YES, join the party, JUDY!! Montreal is really nice in late May.

    14. I LOVE THIS! You all must report back on your gathering - a Readers take over day on the blog?

    15. This is possible. Why don't you email me the plans so far, the dates, places and also include the plan for Karen's husband's participation?

  11. A Library Lover's mystery !! Yeah - can't wait.

  12. So far it has been a good day, if you don’t count the fact that several cats found the need to cleanse their digestive system just after they ate – gross!
    I found out that Louise Penny was planning a new Gamache this year, and Vicki Delany has 4 books coming out, I think, and I have a hold on her Christmas book…
    Jay suggested a new-to-me author to read, and I downloaded the first one, so after I finish the horrible book club one (like pulling teeth, you need to do something like clean a toilet while reading it, as I have lost the will to live. Two more hours…)
    The sun is out, there are rabbit, deer and a fox tracks outside, and I have something new for supper.
    Happy 2024!

    1. Margo - Do you dare tell the name of the horrible book club book? I've read a couple of book club choices over the years that fit that description!

    2. Apologies if people liked this book, but Elizabeth Hay "Alone in the Classroom". I don't care about any of the characters, can't even invest enough interest in learning about them. She seems to ramble and flit about with chain-of-thought writing or something, which makes me care even less. Only thing that I recognize is the names of places in Canada.
      It seems to me that we read one of her books before and she didn't do well, so I wonder why we have this one. Since I bombed the last book - gave it a minus 2, but most votes were 2/10's for that one, there will be no surprise when it is my turn to critique. Think I am becoming a curmudgeon.

    3. That's too bad, Margo. Many times I have been ambivalent or disliked books that others have loved. Does belonging to the book club mean that you must finish reading it?

    4. I’m always interested in hearing what others in book club loved about a book that I’ve bounced off of.

    5. Thanks Margo for the head up on book. I belonged to a book club for over 20 years and it was a wonderful group of friends. But, so many of our books were consistently not well received. I think the worst was maybe Blindness by Jose Saramago (who as I recall received a Nobel Prize in literature). I made it to about the second chapter.

    6. I tripped over a cat this morning. I think she was telling me to keep my expectations in check. LOL.

  13. I don't know if it is quite "looking forward to" but I've got a few concerts to see already scheduled. I'll be writing about them in tandem with my friend George who will be doing the photography. I know that I'll also be doing the review of the new Judas Priest album when it comes out in early March.

    My Cassette Chronicles series will start back up next week so I'll be looking forward to doing those articles every couple of weeks.

    As for other writing, who knows what will happen this year, but I guess that means I can look forward to finding out what happens on that front too.

    1. I have three concerts booked as well - Brain Setzer, Springsteen, and Phish (in the Sphere in Vegas)! So far 2024 is looking good!

  14. First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !
    I am a Dragon, it will be my year from February 10 forward.

    I love the snippet. I’m a fan of the Library mysteries and very happy to know that there will be two of them this year.

    Not sure what’s in store for me in 2024 but I remain open to possibilities .

    1. I think being open in the wisest way to look at things!

  15. Jenn, I am looking forward to reading LOVE AT FIRST BOOK.

    What am I looking forward to in 2024? A relative's wedding will be in 2024 and I look forward to that. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I thought of was "I made it to 2024. Yay!" I actually got through 2023 without a visit to the ER so that is a win for me.

    Hoping to finish my Novel in 2024 and get it ready for submission. It will be ten years since my writing workshop at Book Passage and I would like to see a well done draft finished, meaning a complete story in writing. I am sure there will be many drafts to write. Maybe it is a tall order to have a well done draft finished?


    1. It is a very tall order, Diana, but I know you'll get it done!

  16. Jenn, the snippet sounds great! Last week, as I read IT HAPPENED ONE CHRISTMAS EVE, I realized that I have moved from casual fandom to truly, fully admiring your writing. The Library Lovers series has long been my favorite (and probably always will be) but I am just amazed at your versatility. I anticipate that your voice will work very, very well in the fantasy genre.

    I am going into 2024 with lots of uncertainty -- but mostly optimistically so. There's a small house that seems to be just what we have had in mind for downsizing that *may* be available in our neighborhood and in our price range in the next few months, so the long-discussed downsize may or may not be happening. Our son leaves for a year or more in Japan around the first of April, so the rhythm of family gatherings this year will be new and different. After our wonderful 16 day trip to the British Isles last year, my husband and I are planning to stay in North America this year, but haven't really firmed up any travel plans yet. (A visit to Quebec is an option, but so is a trip to the Rocky Mountains or to Oregon to visit family.) So I guess mainly, what I am looking forward to in 2024 is finding out what it brings.

    1. Fingers crossed for the downsizing, Susan. It was a lot of work for us four years ago, but it was so worth the effort, and life is a million times easier now.

    2. Yup, coming up on 5 years since our downsizing (aka The Purge). It does make life so much easier. Fingers crossed it all works out for you.

    3. What a lovely note, Susan. Thank you so much. Hub and I are considering downsizing, too. It is daunting to say the least.

  17. Two new Library mysteries?! Yay! And the first hits in February, which always feels like Second January with four extra weeks tacked on--now I'll have something to look forward to!

    For the new year, I'll be searching for opportunities to promote the books I've self-published, including LITTLE ANN, a historical novella; A HIGH SANCTUARY, a historical suspense novel; and THE MAGIC LIGHTHOUSE, a middle-grade fantasy. Before the end of the year, I plan to release A GREEN DRAGON SLEEPING, another historical suspense novel, and A BROTHER TO DRAGONS, an adult/YA fantasy (and that will be the last of the dragon titles). In the meantime, I'm still writing the first draft of two other books, one a sort of mystery/fantasy set in a medieval world, and the other another adult/YA fantasy based on a character from a short story I wrote last year.

    I'm hitting a big milestone birthday in a few days--my mom didn't quite make it to this birthday. It's made me take the leap.

    1. Happy Birthday, Flora! Congratulations on getting your books out there. Having self-published myself, there are definitely some perks in the process (i.e. creative control) that make it very attractive. Good for you! Keep going!

    2. Happy birthday, Flora, and best of luck in the New Year on your writing projects!

    3. Thanks, Debs! The writing part I love, the promoting part is like pulling teeth.

  18. I really don’t know how you keep them all straight, Jenn! I actually started reading The Plot and the Pendulum last night.
    I am looking forward to 3 weeks in a Florida but not until March, with an eye to possibly moving there after my entire life in the Midwest the last 40 years in Minnesota.
    I am not looking forward to the colonoscopy I am due for this year.
    Happy Nee Year everyone!

    1. Exciting! FL is beautiful and as they say, "You don't have to shovel sunshine."

      You are not alone in the colonoscopy. I think I have put it off as long as I dare - my doctor actually called me to yell at me to get it done. *sigh*

  19. Excellent news, Jenn! Mostly I am looking forward to reading more good books! Having nothing special on the horizon, so maybe there will be a good surprise or two in store.

    1. Here's hoping for a good surprise for you! And, yes, good books and yarn stores are enough to get me through most anything.

  20. Happy New Year! Electrocution makes for a nice change from blunt force trauma, weapons, or poison. Good luck with your fantasy series. Tempting to write fantasy with the year we're facing.

    1. Thank you! HNY to you, too! I am stupid excited about escaping this reality for a bit :)

  21. In 2024, I hope to get my gastrointestinal issues straightened out and properly treated. I also hope to get the constant nerve pain in my foot straightened out. I plan to continue my newish hobby of crocheting, and I look forward to new projects. I’m grateful that I can see a lot better, thanks to my cataract surgeries this past fall. Improved eyesight makes reading and crocheting a lot easier!


    1. DebRo, congratulations on your successful cataract surgeries! This is something I need to consider this year.

    2. YAY! I am with you on the surgery--life changing! Trees have LEAVES!

    3. DebRo - good luck on the health concerns! Feeling good does make such a difference in our day to day. I recently discovered Tunisian crochet - AMAZING!

    4. Tunisian crochet?? Down the rabbit hole I go!

  22. Jenn, whoopee! I have all of your series in my Kindle, so I'll just pre-order the 2 Library Lovers. I want a signed copy of Love at First Book, so maybe Poisoned Pen. I will also get the audiobook of the women's fiction. Next time you need a British voice for the guy, do write the book tandem style;^) (wink, wink!)

    Ooo. Idea. Write the next Hat Shop with Scarlet's wedding and let Harrison tell part of the story. You nailed the male voice in WAIT FOR IT. It'd be perfect!
    I am very excited about your fantasy book. I am a huge fan of your stories!

    1. Thank you, Judy!!! Yes, we know exactly who needs to be the narrator. I was actually thinking I'd love to write an entire romcom from the male perspective. Why not? And if Mr. East was available... :)

    2. Love Judy's idea! And Mr. East, swoon. I haven't even listened to any of his audio books yet, I just follow him on Instagram and I'm smitten!

  23. That excerpt is electrifying! Har har...
    Jenn, you are amazing! Sleep deprived or otherwise. Can't wait to read your fantasy book... love the romcoms and the mysteries, of course.
    As for me, I'm ooking forward to writing (really) and reading (of course) and connecting with READERS (Yay REDS AND READERS).
    Also teaching writing with a trip to St. Augustine Author Mentor workshop at the end of February and another Algonkian workshop with the amazing Michael Neff and super agent Paula Munier. And more.

  24. Apparently I need to review my calendar to see what I have to look forward to. Last night I found an appointment for a Lyle Lovett concert this March that I forgot buying tickets for - yay past me!

    Also looking forward to more travel - a cycling trip in Provence, 3 weeks in Tuscany, plus want to do more traveling in California. Although we’ve been out here 30+ years, there are still lots of areas we haven’t been.

  25. Happy New Year! Looking forward to a year of fun and adventure (good adventure)

    1. Yes, we definitely need the modifier "good"! HNY!

  26. I'm also looking forward to REDS AND READERS, and to reading more books from my Reds, here. I'm looking forward to finishing my own dang book, and starting a new one (maybe I can get a ms finished in two years instead of four? Whoo!)

    And since 2023 was a year when I poured a ton of time and emotional energy into my family, I'm looking forward to more time on my own, writing, gardening, fixing up the house, etc.

    1. "Me" time is key! Also, we should do writing sprints together. They really kicked me into getting sh*t done when I was lagging.

  27. Often my planning is only a month at a time. I know I'm going to get a visit from my sister and brother-in-law to do some work on my house, most likely in Spring. I think I might join one of the conferences this year. I've never been to Nashville. Or maybe a different one. Any suggestions? Happy New Year everyone.

    1. I was planning in Seattle and Nashville but I've only committed to Nashville. If you sign up, let us know!

    2. DEANA: Nashville Bouchercon is a large convention. FYI, I just got a newsletter from the organizers this afternoon saying they will cap off registration at 2000 attendees. And they have added an overflow hotel, so there is huge interest.

      Seattle Left Coast Crime (LCC) is much smaller convention, usually around 500 attendees. I like the more intimate setting & you get more opportunities to spend one-on-one time with authors & attendees. Despite the name, the conference will actually take place in Bellevue, not Downtown Seattle (9 miles away).

      And for traditional mystery fans, there's also Malice Domestic in Bethesda, MD. Malice is scheduled 2 weeks after Seattle LCC.

  28. You had me at DUE TOMORROW! You are incredible! Cannot wait..and this book sounds terrific. And see you all at R&R! SO exciting!

    1. Yes, due tomorrow. ACK!!! It's okay, I'm in the sprints....

  29. Oh, am I am looking forward to the world's most hilarious multi-state book tour--more on that tomorrow--and some incredible events in New York and Lisbon! Whooo! Oh, and ...well, more to come.

    1. I can not wait to read all about it! Woo hoo! Go, Hank!

    2. Hank, let us know if Rehoboth Beach is on your tour schedule.

  30. Ah, I usually write my comment and then go back and read what everyone else is reading. I knew there were a few medical procedures for some, but my goodness. I hope for safe and speedy recoveries for all.

    1. Yes, there is a lot happening for our Reds and Readers. Hoping for good health for us all in 2024!

    2. Agreed, Deana. I think we all are sending good vibes for healthy outcomes for our friends here!

  31. I'm looking forward to new books to read and possibly travel. I don't plan ahead these days. See my comments on 5 year plans. I am toying with going forward on one or two new projects for my new old house. I am hoping to experience the total solar eclipse. I have solar glasses just for that! We'll see. I need to check a map. Have considered NE Ohio since we've friends there, but the weather. . .

  32. First of all, Happy, healthy, safe and peaceful 2024 to all of the Reds and Readers!

    I don’t have much nailed down as far as travel this year, except for Bouchercon in Nashville. Yay! There’s some discussion about a cruise, but don’t want to jinx anything so just keeping my fingers crossed. We’re planning on a remodel so definitely need crossed fingers for that. Getting back in fighting shape (aka WW) is on the short term horizon, I hope. Have a huge TBR so hopefully will make a dent in that. Mostly just enjoying time with friends and family. — Pat S

  33. I'm looking forward to FINISHING MY BOOK! (In on the sprints, ladies.) And starting another one, and getting at least one knee fixed, and hopefully a trip to England somewhere in there. I traveled so much (by my standards, if not Hank's) in 2023, and am happy to stay home the next few months and write. And looking forward to REDS & READERS!
