Tuesday, May 14, 2024

LOVE AT FIRST BOOK -- Jenn's release day!!!


JENN: Today's the day!!!  LOVE AT FIRST BOOK is finally out. I feel as if I wrote this book years ago - it was 2022/2023. And the trip I took to Ireland also feels as if it were ages ago. It was Nov 2022.

Why is this romcom (which received a starred review from Booklist) about an illness anxiety suffering librarian and a change resistant bookshop owner set in Ireland? I mean I could have written about anywhere, right? Well...I really wanted a vacation. And it had been a long while since I'd been through Dublin, so it felt right. Below are a few of the photos and a story, a short one, that I used in the novel almost word for word.

The Fab Four

My mom, Sue, my college roommate, Annette, and her daughter, Alyssa (or as I call them -  the historian, the medic, and the navigator), and I all went to Ireland for a little over a week. In case you're wondering what they call me, I am the driver. Why? Because I thought it would be grand to drive around Ireland, a place littered with roundabouts whose drivers happen to motor on the left side of the road. 

Me driving and Mom looking super at ease...lol.

I was so confident about driving that I rented a car and never gave it a thought until the night before we were to leave Dublin. I stared at the ceiling -- while everyone else slept off our pub crawl around Temple Bar -- with the sudden realization that I was going to get us all killed. Panic ensued.

The next morning, I accepted that I had no choice if I wanted to get where I needed to go (the Ring of Kerry) and so we took a cab to the car rental place in Dublin and the lovely man driving us inquired about where we were headed.

Mom: We're going to rent a car.
Him: Who's driving?

Me: Me.

Him: (a slight pause and then) If you could just give me thirty minutes to get off the road.

Yes, we all laughed, even me. Then he offered some advice.

Him: When you're driving, remember you always want to keep your passenger safe. To do that, keep your passenger on the curb side then you'll always be in the correct lane.

Me: That makes sense.

Him: If you have trouble remembering it, just think to yourself, keep the bitch in the ditch.

Me: "Um, that'd be my mom."

Again, more laughter, which was pretty much how the entire trip went. Mighty craic, as they say.

All in all, I drove 1200 kilometers and I only made my passengers scream once, eh, maybe twice. Okay, three times but I swear that was it. And the above conversation with the cabbie? Yeah, it went right into the book. 

Another thing that went into the book? Sheep in the road.
Yup, they really do that. 

Below are some more pics. Please enjoy. And if you fancy a trip to Ireland without leaving your home, pick up LOVE AT FIRST BOOK

The Cliffs of Moher - just as majestic as you'd imagine.

More sheep - cute little bleaters are everywhere.

Gaillimh River in Galway - loved that town.

The bookshop that inspired The Last Chapter bookshop in the novel.

This one is for the Reds, They have a whiskey just for us!
Writer's Tears at the Whiskey Museum.

Flower boxes still blooming in November. 

Chatting with the Oscar Wilde and Eduard Vilde
- not the dazzling conversationalists you'd expect. *wink*
Our historian (Mom) has been to Ireland several times and
was an endless resource for information. Invaluable.
Everyone needs their own historian.

The medic (Nettie) yes, her nursing skills were required (long story), and the navigator (Lyss) - she talked me through every single roundabout -- I could not have managed this trip without them!

And, of course we had to stay in a castle (Ballyseede in Tralee) which also made it into the book but renamed. As I said to my Mom in regards to staying in a castle (she felt it was a bit bougie for us),
"If not now, when?" It was fantastic! Even Mom agreed.

I knew the Irish countryside would be beautiful
but it was truly breathtaking everywhere I looked.

One day we saw eleven rainbows! Eleven!!!

Those are the highlights so when you read LOVE AT FIRST BOOK,
I hope these pics help you imagine it just a little bit clearer. Now go pick up a copy and come to Ireland with me!

Here's more about the novel for the curious:

When a librarian moves to a quaint Irish village where her favorite novelist lives, the last thing she expects is to fall for the author’s prickly son… until their story becomes one for the books, from the New York Times bestselling author of Summer Reading.

Emily Allen, a librarian on Martha’s Vineyard, has always dreamed of a life of travel and adventure. So when her favorite author, Siobhan Riordan, offers her a job in the Emerald Isle, Emily jumps at the opportunity. After all, Siobhan’s novels got Em through some of the darkest days of her existence.

Helping Siobhan write the final book in her acclaimed series—after a ten-year hiatus due to a scorching case of writer’s block—is a dream come true for Emily. If only she didn’t have to deal with Siobhan’s son, Kieran Murphy. He manages Siobhan’s bookstore, and the grouchy bookworm clearly doesn’t want Em around.

Emily persists, and spending her days bantering with the annoyingly handsome mercurial Irishman only makes her fall more deeply in love with the new life she’s built – and for the man who seems to soften toward her with every quip she throws at him. But when she discovers the reason for Kieran's initial resistance, Em finds herself torn between helping Siobhan find closure with her series and her now undeniable feelings for Kier. As Siobhan's novel progresses, Emily will have to decide if she’s truly ready to turn a new page and figure out what lies in the next chapter.

So, Reds and Readers, if you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?


  1. Happy Book Birthday, Jenn . . . . I'm looking forward to meeting Emily, Siobhan, and Kieran . . . .
    Thanks for sharing the great photographs . . . Ireland is indeed a beautiful place.
    If I could travel anywhere, I'd head for Sweden to see the Northern Lights . . . .

    1. Yes! I've been so jealous of everyone seeing the Northern Lights this week. Argh. But I'd be happy to see them from Sweden!

  2. Ireland is actually top on the list, Jenn, so thank you for the tour! Galway is where my mother's Flaherty forebears came from, and half of Hugh's family also originated somewhere on the island. We're hoping to go in October, and now I'm off to get your book so I'll be ready.

  3. I love hearing about your trip to Ireland, Jenn and the photos are great. You know that I had the privilege of reading your book a few months ago and absolutely love it. I encourage everyone to go out and get your own copy, like I have.
    Maybe not like me exactly. I pre-ordered three copies. (OMG) I ordered one from B&N during their big pre-order sale last fall, then promptly forgot. (Sigh.) I called Poisoned Pen to buy a signed copy. (Did you sign my copy, Jenn?) Then, it turns out that the week that it had been possible to order it from Amazon, (months ago) I had wanted to be sure to support Jenn, so I ordered a copy right then. (Slipped my mind.)
    Which book will arrive here first? I intend to read the book again, it's such a good read. I'll keep the one from PP. My branch of the library will get one. My friend Anne will have the third. No problem. Lesson learned. I am making a pre-order chart and posting it in my office. LOL

  4. I've always felt drawn to Ireland. It's on my bucket list but not in the foreseeable future. The book, though...that sounds like a lot of fun! Congratulations, Jenn!

    1. Thank you, Annette! I'm sure you'd love Ireland.


    Jenn, congrats on the new book coming out! I'm sure it is a thrill that never leaves.

    When you asked if I could travel anywhere right now, I have a big travel want and a small travel want.

    Unfortunately, without an immediate lottery win neither will be happening RIGHT NOW (or likely at all).

    The big travel idea is of course Ireland. But I'd want to be able to go for a month so I could take my time and not have to just bounce from place to place every five minutes or so.

    The small travel idea was going to be Groveland, MA this weekend to attend the Kensington Cozy Con East 1-day convention. I had it all set up and then life said, "hold my beer" and the trip went by the wayside. ARGH! But that's life I guess.

    Anyway, once again, kudos on another book hitting store shelves for your undying legion of fans to scoop up and bury their nose into all over again!

    1. Jay, I will take pictures for you on Saturday! Not the same, I know...

    2. Edith, thanks. It will be nice to see everything I'm missing out on. Bummed about missing what will likely be my only chance to meet Vicki Delany in particular. I'm in need of a Powerball winning ticket. LOL

    3. I hate it when life gives you the big NOPE. Hopefully, there will be another Cozy Con soon. Kensington seems to be very good about having those.

  6. So excited for this book Jenn! What an amazing trip with wonderful companions. Will you drive us around when we go to Ireland?? Going to pick up my copy today...

  7. Cathy Akers-JordanMay 14, 2024 at 7:49 AM

    Happy book day, Jenn! Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. I have a weird question about Ireland. Did you notice if it’s easy to find gluten-free food? I have Celiac Disease and have read that Ireland is a great place to visit because Celiac is fairly common there.

    1. Yes! My mom is gluten intolerant and the restaurants were amazing! They have a numbered allergy chart on every menu - we ate like queens. And whenever you ask for anything, they say “No problem at all.” Just lovely people everywhere.

    2. Cathy Akers-JordanMay 15, 2024 at 8:02 AM

      That’s wonderful! Thanks. I’m glad your mom was able to find so much to eat.

  8. If I could go anywhere right now, I think it would be the UK. There are so many places I have read about in books set there and I have ancestral roots in England. For now, I will settle for Ireland through your book. Thank you so much for sharing the photos. They will help with transporting me.

    1. Thank you, Brenda. I feel like we need a Jungle Reds trip across the pond. Yes?

    2. That would be a lot of fun!

  9. What a fun trip you had, Jenn! And how lucky, that you could travel with your mom. Really looking forward to reading it, and spying out the personally experienced details, per above. Thanks for the peek!

    I really want to go back to the UK, especially to see my stepsister in Macklesfield, whose Welsh husband is in a memory care home because the National Health does such a good job with the elderly. We have not seen each other in five years, and I want to go and support her, especially now that her husband is closer and closer to the end stage of his illness. Bonus, she has gotten very good at driving there.

    1. Oh, you should definitely go, Karen. I really want to get back over to England and pop in on my friend Hannah Dennison in Devon.

  10. Setting the scene perfectly for beginning to read LOVE AT FIRST BOOK. I applaud your courage in driving. I had to be extra-careful to survive merely walking and taking buses in Jamaica and England.

    1. Mary - I hear that. London about killed me when I kept looking in the wrong direction. Ack!

  11. Congratulations! This sounds so fun! The book sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. It reminds me of the days I spent driving my family around in the highlands and islands of Scotland--many sheep and one lane roads, a few screams from my sisters and lots of responsibility for 21-year-old me. I also remember my one trip to Ireland, with my then boyfriend. We rented a car and spent 2 weeks driving around the island, so we saw a lot of it. One night we got lost looking for a place called Ellen's Pub, outside Limerick. We were driving in the dark up and down these country lanes, with no idea where we were. Finally we picked up a very drunk woman who was hitchhiking. She managed to tell us how to get to the pub and we got her safely home, although understanding her slurred accent was a big challenge!

    1. LOL - Gillian, I can picture this so clearly! What a story!

  12. Congrats on your new release! Loved your photos.

    Of all the places we visited in Ireland, I would return to Killarney. I loved the lake, national park, and evening strolls around the Victorian spa town.

    1. Yes! Killarney was just beautiful and sizable. Driving there was a little dicey but I'd been on the road for three days by then so we managed it.

  13. Jenn, this sounds wonderful! And those photos. Wow. I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland. But if I was to go anywhere right now, it would mean the trip the fam is supposed to take has magically planned itself and we’re off to France for a week - where I’ve never been - and then to England, where I finally cross off the number one item on my bucket list, visiting the Brontë parsonage and walking the moors where they walked.

    1. I'll come with you! We need a publisher to love us enough to send us...hmm.

  14. Hank Phillippi RyanMay 14, 2024 at 9:08 AM

    Standing ovation! Standing ovation! I don’t know how you do it… You are consistently clever and funny and witty and touching and wonderful. Amazing! If I could go anywhere right now? You have just put Ireland at the top of the list!

    1. Thank you, Hank!!! You're the best and you'd love Ireland - truly, the nicest people - you'd fit right in!

  15. OMG I'd go back to Ireland in a heartbeat... especially after reading this. And Jenn, can I take you with me? And will you drive???

    1. Yes and yes! I feel like I have a new skill set! LOL. We could go birding!

  16. Congrats Jenn. I've been to Ireland and the thing that stood out to me was how green the landscape was. We had the same experiences driving that you mentioned - narrow tree or bush lined streets/roads, curvy so it was hard to see around the corner, and billboard signs recording all the driving fatalities. I love your photos.

    1. It's insanely green - like you can't even accurately describe how green it is. Magical.

  17. Jenn, I really wish I had gone with you! You guys would have been the perfect group to travel with.
    Your book was wonderful! I can't say enough good things about it - you'll laugh a lot and maybe cry a little. The best!

    1. Aw, thank you, Judi. You're a sweetheart to be so kind! Yes, you would have loved it and fit right in!

  18. From Celia: Congratulations Jenn, there must also be a sigh of relief as you pass that specific finishing post. Loved your mini vacation tale as I wish I had a trip planned but not this year. However my wish is Alaska. Yes, even though I hate cold. One day I hope.

    1. Everyone I know who has gone to Alaska has raved about it. It's on my short list as well.

    2. I’ve never been to Alaska, but friends have. If you go on a cruise, there’s a huge difference in the experience depending on the size of the ship. From what I’ve heard, one of the small (under 200 passengers) ships is the best.

  19. JENN: Happy book birthday! And thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos and details from your trip to Ireland.

    Having recently returned from my dream trip to Singapore, it's weird. I actually want to go back to Singapore since I did not see/do all the things I wanted to do in the 10 days I was there!
    Second choice: New Zealand.
    But I have to replenish my depleted travel fund!!

    Weirdly, I have never been to Ireland. I did 2 solo BritRail trips to England, Wales and Scotland, and a third trip with my mom to England which I loved. I was such an Anglophile in my teens and 20s.

    1. I am so jealous of your trip to SIngapore. It is absolutely on my list! My friend's mom travel there every year (home country) and someday I am stowing myself in her bag. LOL.

  20. Congratulations on your book's release day, Jenn! I'm off to Ireland via its pages...

  21. Congratulations on the new book, Jenn! It sounds delightful. I'm not always a big rom com fan, but I never fail to enjoy yours -- just the right balance of rom and com! Also, LOVED the Ireland photos. We were just there last fall and I, too, was enchanted by Galway.

    I've actually been giving a lot of thought to where I want to travel. Our "big trip" in terms of time this year is a two week trip we are taking in June. My husband is attending a conference at the Boy Scouts' famous Philmont Ranch in New Mexico, and I am accompanying him and spending that week doing hikes and entertainment they offer for tagalong spouses. We are driving out, and also spending a long weekend in Albuquerque to help offset my sacrifice of living in a tent for the week. (It's a high end tent with a wooden platform floor, but still...)

    We have tentatively identified a week in early September that looks wide open for a second trip. Our current plan is to fly to Quebec City and spend the week there, but I have to admit that it has also crossed my mind to do a return visit to Ireland or, if I could find a great deal, a week on a Greek island.

    1. Oooh, second choice for me: Greece! Santorini and Crete, Corfu, lots of wonderful places, much enchanting archaeology!

    2. A Greek isle - yes, please! I swear everyone I know was in Mykonos this year and I was sooo jealous.

    3. I would go to Greece with Flora! I have been to most of places mentioned but would go back snd stay longer in one place.

    4. We were on a Greek island a couple weeks ago, Naxos, and it was COLD! And incredibly windy. My middle daughter took a windsurfing lesson, only possible because of the wetsuit. Crazier still, when we went way north to Poland it was balmy and sunny, nearly 30 degrees warmer.

  22. Congratulations, Jenn! I’ve been to Ireland twice; once on a biking trip and another with a family group. It is really beautiful in so many ways—the sheep in the road, the winding and narrow roads, the flowers blooming, the vistas ahead of you as you come over the top of a mountain. I can’t wait to get my hands on your new book!~Emily Dame

    1. Thank you, Emily. Your trips sound exactly like mine - grand, as they say.

  23. Jenn, thank you for sharing your Irish adventures and these gorgeous photos!

    ?? Did you drive a car with a clutch or was it automatic? What was it like traveling during the pandemic ?

    Congratulations and Happy Book Launch Day! My preordered copy of LOVE AT FIRST BOOK arrived last night via my iPad.

    There are so many places that I would love to travel to. Ireland is one of them. I recently discovered that an ancestor was born in Ireland though he went to Divinity School at Glasgow Univeristy in Scotland in the 17th century.


    1. Hi, Diana,

      I rented an automatic. I can drive a stick but I thought being on a different side of the road and using my other hand to shift was more challenge than I needed. LOL.
      Interesting about your Irish relative going to Divinity school in Scotland. Another cabbie informed us that the Irish weren't allowed to attend Trinity in the early years - only wealthy Brits were.

  24. Jenn, what are the bright blue areas on the sheep?

    1. I saw that being used in rural England. Farmers painted their flock a different colour (blue, red) so they could easily ID their sheep if they were inter-mingling in the same field.

    2. What Grace said - it identifies who they belong to - but also they mark them to note if they've mated or not. They attach a bag of paint to the ram and when he fornicates with a ewe it leaves a mark and the farmer will move her to a different field. I think they also mark them if they've had an injury or medical attention. Lots of info in those paint splotches.

    3. As a knitter, I have to wonder what the paint does to the fleece. I know the fleece goes through many processing steps before it is ready for knitting. I wonder if something extra has to be done to remove the paint.

  25. Beautiful pictures, Jenn. My copy will on my doorstep when I arrive home. The only dilemma is do I continue with the book I'm currently reading or stop and read yours. I'm really not good at reading multiple books at the same time .

    1. Yeah, I'm a one at a timer, too. No worries. My book isn't going anywhere :)

  26. So many congrats, Jenn. Surviving driving in Ireland. Fabulous photos and a book I’m going to order this minute

  27. Great about your new book, Jenn, and thank you for the gorgeous photos of Ireland. I remember the Cliffs of Moher taking my breath away when I saw them years ago. When I think of trips I'd like to take, one of the first places that comes to mind is the Yacatán Peninsula. I'd like to see Chichén Itzá--and some days at its beaches would be pretty spectacular, too. (Switzerland is landlocked!)

    1. I can see the appeal of beaches for you! Costa Rica has been on my short list forever.

    2. Susan Nelson-HolmdahlMay 14, 2024 at 5:36 PM

      The Yucatan is an amazing place to visit. So many sites to see. Merida is an amazing town! The snorkeling with many turtles is amazing. We have vacationed in the Yucatán many times. I live in California about ten miles inland. We go to California beaches to cool off, it is usually twenty to thirty degrees cooler than our hot climate.
      I hope you grt to visut there soon!

  28. So happy for you, Jenn! Congratulations on that stellar review! I'm not generally a romcom reader, but the description of the book and those photos have me dreaming! If I could go anywhere right now? New Zealand--massive LOTR fan here.

    1. Yes! New Zealand is always at the top of my list. It's just such a long flight. Argh.

  29. Hi Jenn,

    We're just back from 2+ weeks in Ireland, mostly on the west coast but we also spent a bit of time in Dublin. A family heritage trip for me, and was it ever a time! I'm still in that longing-to-go-back- today phase, which makes me especially look forward to LOVE AT FIRST BOOK. Congratulations on its publication!

    1. Thank you so much, Brenda! We got to visit our Irish cousins Anna and Suin (from the midlands) and Joan and Catherine (in Dublin) the latter two are retired nuns (fascinating lives they lived as missionaries) but Joan and my mom are genealogy buddies so it was a hoot learning about the family.

  30. Oh my! I was in Ireland in October (and Scotland) and these photos are spot on for my memories!
    Tough choice- back to Eire and the Scots - left MUCH unfinished business!
    Or - Australia and New Zealand.

    Our bus driver in Ireland 🇮🇪 joked that the sheep with blue markings were Protestant sheep, and the sheep marked red were Catholic sheep. Other colors were sheep of mixed families. Yes, there were lots of sheep in the road.
    I did drive in Ireland back in 2011 and it was great fun and always a challenge. You just sold me your book, which is a very easy sale.

    1. Heather S above, I need to figure out the google blog

    2. Thank you, Heather! The drivers in Ireland are the best with one spot at the top reserved for my driver in Paris - Daniel - he taught the Hooligans how to flirt with girls in French. Hiiilarious!

  31. When my husband drove us in Ireland he pretty much put the bitch in the bushes. Constantly. It's a beautiful country, isn't it? I got to read your book early and my own copy is on its way! As to where I would go right this minute? I don't know. So many places I want to see.

    1. LOL, Pat! I'm the same - so many places. Ugh, my top pick changes daily.

  32. Huge congrats, Jenn, and I LOVE the photos!! I have never been to Ireland but it is top of my bucket list. I just need to figure out how Duncan and Gemma could work a case there so the visit would be tax deductible:-) Waiting for my copy of Love at First Book to land on my doorstep!!

    1. Debs - I would love it if Duncan and Gemma did an Irish tour! So fun!!! There has to be a way.

  33. Congratulations, Jenn! LOVE AT FIRST BOOK is going to be so many people's favorite read of the summer!

    I'm traveling right now - writing this on the Cross Sound Ferry going from Connecticut to Long Island, and then the Shelter Island ferry to the North Fork, and then on to... the Hamptons! I've gone upscale, that's all I'm sayin'

    1. Oh, wow! Julia - I dated a guy on Shelter Island one summer and took that ferry repeatedly. Enjoy your trip!!!

    2. Julia, I had to go look at a map to make sense of all that!

  34. Congrats, Jenn!

    I think I'd go about anywhere right now. I need a trip soon.

  35. Congratulations, Jenn! The pictures are beautiful. They make me want to go to Ireland.

    And of course that story made it in the book. How could it not?

  36. Gorgeous shots! You make me want to book a flight NOW. Looking forward to a great read, and thanks for the insider convo knowledge. I'll be looking for it.

  37. I would also like to drive Route 66.

    1. I've done big stretches of it - great way to to see the U.S.

  38. Jenn _ I just came back from my dream trip to Ireland a couple of weeks ago! LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! You are a brave woman to have driven there - we did not drive, but went on a tour and the whole time I kept thinking that I was so glad I was not driving! SO beautiful! I am going to run out and get your book now!

    1. Thank you so much, Christine! I hope you enjoy it!

  39. You didn't finish Bluff PT series. One of the girls didn't find a mate!!!

  40. Loved the photo tour of Ireland. Was there once many years ago and would love a return trip. The people are beyond gracious and warm. Was fortunate to read an early copy of Love At First Book and simply loved it. Waiting for a call to pick up my preorder from Poison Pen. Baring a return to Ireland, top of my travel list is Italy. I have planned several trips there only to have them all go sideways for one reason or another. Am beginning to think it is not meant to be. Ah well, the list is long. Congratulations on the release!
