Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lucy and John’s Excellent New York City Adventure @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: At least once a year, John and I take the train to New York to take advantage of what the city has to offer. I confess that I’m a creature of habit. We’ll often choose a Broadway show or two to splurge on, and then run through my obsessions.

 These include a visit to the Strand Bookstore (I know, I know, I have more books piled up already than I can read in a lifetime. But still…) And we often visit the Eataly store where we have a delicious Italian lunch and come out with a huge bag of their pasta. 

Plus have dinner at our favorite Greek restaurant in the East Village, Pylos. 

Since John teases me about being such a creature of habit, this time we squeezed in a few new stops. We visited the Morgan Library and Museum to see an exhibit about Beatrix Potter, featuring many of her letters and drawings and book illustrations. What a fascinating woman, a scientist and conservationist, as well as a writer and artist. 

She also was a whiz at character merchandising. I particularly loved this game board, which was apparently too complicated to produce commercially. 

From there, we took the ferry from 34th Street to Astoria. What a glorious way to travel on a beautiful day!  

We were headed to a retrospective of ceramic artist Toshiko Tokaezu at the Noguchi Museum. She was my college best friend’s mentor, and I’m pretty sure I took a class from her, though I lacked talent and she scared me to death! I knew he would not be able to attend the exhibit so we went in his honor. 

I highly recommend both the museum and the retrospective, which will be traveling once it closes in Queens. 

I’ll put extra photos from Beatrix Potter and the Noguchi at the end if you want more. When you go someplace outside your home turf, do you revisit familiar stops or like to try new things?


  1. What a great trip, Lucy . . . we were in New York a few months ago with two of our grandchildren and their parents. We did the touristy things like the Statue of Liberty and the Intrepid Air and Space Museum, but we also enjoyed just walking around seeing the sights [and a Broadway play] . . . .
    We love trying new things, but reconnecting with favorite places is special, too.

    1. I bet the kids loved that trip. It's a great town to people watch. I'm always amazed at things people wear in NY:). So much more stylish that the country.

  2. Sounds like a great trip.

    Depending on where I am, I will either go to old favorites or try something new. Something things are too good to skip doing. Other times, I feel more adventurous. Or there were things I wanted to do the first time but didn't get a chance to do.

    1. There are places I've visited and will never get back to, so I hope I choose the right things to see and eat the first time!

  3. When I visit my favorite vacation spots, I must stop at my favorite shops and restaurants, but I also try to plan some new adventures along the way.

    Lucy, this trip looked amazing. Thanks for all the pictures!

  4. Wonderful, Lucy! I need to do a trip like that. Maybe this summer. I don't have any old favorites in NYC, since I rarely go, so it would all be new.

    I'm a big Beatrix Potter fan. That game looks amazing!

    1. The game is stunning, actually the entire exhibit was amazing. I learned so much about her!

  5. I tend to re-visit places that I'm familiar with. Glad you enjoyed your NYC adventure. Once I get that second knee done, I plan to play tourist and see all that I missed.

  6. LUCY: That looks like a great trip to NYC!
    When I go back to a favourite vacation spot (e.g. Montreal, San Francisco), I definitely do a mix of both.

    FYI, I am headed to Montreal this afternoon for an extended getaway until Sunday. I usually go there 3 times a year. Yes, I go to fave eateries (Ma Poule Mouillée, Fairmount Bagel) and farmers markets (Jean-Talon, Atwater).

    But each time, I visit a new spot. For example, during a previous trip, I went to the BARBIE EXPO (1000s of Barbie dolls) and the Museum of Fine Arts European exhibits.

    I am staying at a new Sonder suite (Airbnb like) in Vieux-Montreal for the first 2 nights. I have not stayed in this area in over 10 years. So I picked a new spot for dinner tonight. Stash Cafe specializes in Polish comfort food. But from Friday, I am going back to my regular hotel in Berri-UQAM since it is just a 5-minute walk to the Grande Bibliotheque (library), the location of the Montreal Mystery festival. But I booked Saturday dinner with my friends at a new bistro called Le Moliere. It was in the new top 100 restaurants in Canada list last year so I was wanting to eat there for a while.

    1. that sounds fantastic Grace. You are the best traveler!

    2. THX! Montreal is a foodie's paradise & I never have enough time to eat all that I want to, lol. The fantastic summer-like weather will continue this week, so yay, terrasse (patio) time. Much warmer temperatures than my recent February birthday weekend getaway.

    3. I will look forward to hearing how your trip went. My husband and I are planning a trip in September with a couple days in Montreal and several days in Quebec City. Any and all advice about the best use of our time there is welcome.

    4. SUSAN: September should be a lovely time of year to visit Montreal & Quebec City! But it's right after all the summer festivals end and I usually don't visit then. But I can certainly provide general advice on things to do, places to go.
      TWO QUESTIONS: Do you know where are you staying? And will you have a car or use public transport?

  7. I guess we haven’t re-visited too many vacation spots. The ones we have we did a mix of old and new to us spots. In my husband’s home town of Sioux City, Iowa there is no deviation. Always the Palmer Candy Company and always El Fredo Pizza.

  8. Lucy, what a wonderful trip! I'm guessing you were there for several days. I haven't gone anywhere lately but when I did travel I enjoyed the familiar as well as the new. Years ago my youngest son and I took the train down and went to the Dave Letterman Late Show. That was fun. We even met one of the musicians. But I remember it was very warm and we had done a lot of walking before the show. Somehow we discovered the Museum of TV and Radio. Now it is the Paley Center for Media. What a fabulous place! So many things to see and read about and it was blessedly cool. I'm talking about the temperature. We watched some TV show from earlier days: I've forgotten which one it was and I'm afraid I might have dozed off a tiny bit. We went a few more times but that time was most memorable to me.

  9. I generally like to see new things when I travel. The exception is when we take 10 year old grandchildren to England; we always visit Stonehenge and the white cliffs along the Sussex coast. Both are so iconic that I figure repeated visits for John and me are part of introducing the grands to these places.

    1. That's a lovely tradition Emily! One they will remember for sure

  10. Lucy, what a great trip! The Beatrix Potter exhibition sounds wonderful. I can't think of too many places I have visited over and over, other than Manzanita on the Oregon coast. I have been to NYC 5 times over the years, but that was to visit friends, Ken and Margie and attend their kids' bar and bat mitzvahs (Ken was profiled in the New Yorker in March, check it out, he's done amazing work around fighting anti-semitism). Each visit was different and involved different restaurants and tourist attractions. If I went back to Edinburgh, there are definitely places I would re-visit, same with the French Riviera. I'm not sure either of those trips are in my future though.

  11. Love this! And you nailed all the different ways that I love New York. Esp the food (of course) - The ferries (which also connect to Brooklyn navy yard which is near my kids). The Morgan. Theater! There's nowhere quite like it, and when you hit it right, in good weather, and don't get mowed down by an electric bike or scooter.... ILNY

    1. The ferry was so relaxing and pleasant. We had to walk a ways to get to the port, and then a good ways to get to the museum, and finally to the subway home. lots of steps meant lots of eating without a care!

  12. Looks like an amazing trip, Lucy. Thanks for sharing.

    I love visiting old haunts, but I try to work in time to visit new places as well.

  13. Looks like a great trip. We used to do long weekends in NYC often when we were younger, but stopped after becoming parents and have somehow never resumed. Might have to change that soon.

    We didn't travel a lot for the past few decades, so we are somewhat trying to make up for lost time. Thus there's not too much repeating of destinations. But as far as places within driving range, where we do make multiple visits, I'd say it is a mix of favorite haunts and exploring new.

    1. so glad you're making up for lost time--the pandemic threw a lot of traveling out of whack.

  14. Great photos Lucy! We go to cities we love over and over (like London and the Cotswolds) but we don't tend to do a lot of the tourist attractions again. We might eat at favorite restaurants again. We have been to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford many times. We love to do a Hop On Hop Off type city wide tours to get a broad overview of the city.

    1. the hop on hop off is good advice. We always recommend the Conch Tour Train to first time visitors to Key West. Gives a good overview

    2. I've been on the Key West Conch Tour Train and I agree it is a good recommendation.

    3. Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it! You can't believe every word they say, but you get the lay of the land and can figure out what to visit next.

    4. I always recommend the Big Bus tours in London--in fact, I wouldn't mind doing that again myself next visit.

  15. Lucy, I love the photos. What a super trip and your weather! NY can be way too hot or way too cold (and windy as...) When we revisit places, it depends on why we are there and how long since we last visited. We used to ski when we were young and healthy. Those vacations centered around getting from our timeshare condo to the mountain, with one day for outlet shopping that changed so dramatically over time, that we stopped doing it (the outlet shopping). Restaurants opened and closed over the years, but mostly I brought all of the food already cooked and ready for quick evening meals and packing lunches for the slopes. Ah-h-h, feeling nostalgic!
    Many other places that we have visited for family events, especially on the left coast, we extended and went on adventures, hiking, kayaking, whale watching...the out-doorsy stuff we love.
    NYC was low on our list although we went together a few times. Always completely different, sometimes meeting friends there.
    The only place where we have regular haunts is right here at home.

    1. You have so many wonderful memories Judy! I was an unenthusiastic skier:)

  16. I don't travel much and when I do, it's usually to my sister's home in Oregon. Going places depends on her mobility, each day is different. We do try to go to the downtown outdoor market if I'm there on a Saturday. Hopefully I can do more travel once I retire.

  17. Great photos! I have to confess, I do both. I'm always eager to see what's new but there's a call of the familiar that I can't turn my back on.

  18. Prior to the pandemic, friends and I periodically went to NYC to see plays or just to walk around. The last time we went, just prior to the pandemic we stood in line at Times Square to get tickets to a Broadway play. We were able to get our first choice, The Cher Show, and had really good seats!

    For my “regular” vacation, I go with family to Chincoteague Island, Virginia. We’ve been going for over thirty years. We’ve sometimes talked about going somewhere else, and then we say “nah! Chincoteague is our home away from home! we need to go back!”


    1. the trip to Chincoteague with your family sounds heavenly Deb!

  19. I have been to NYC with my husband two or three times so it has varied. I had already been there as a child and as a teenager so the first trip together we did a ton of touristy things (that I had already seen). The one thing we always did together there was to cram as many Broadway shows in that we could see. (This was the 90s so they weren’t as expensive as they are now.) We thought we would continue on an every other year pace of visiting there, but then we started a family and….
    As far as generally visiting a comfortable place, yes, I like to go back to favorite stores and restaurants (I am talking about you, Powell’s City of Books and the Waffle Window restaurant!) while also trying out new experiences. — Pat S

  20. That looks like a fabulous trip, Lucy. The pottery is stunning! I loved that you crammed so much in. I like to do new things when I travel. I also don't reread books, so it's kind of my vibe. LOL.

    1. Me too on rereading Jenn. Too many new books out there, though I like the idea of comfort reads. I do that by picking up the next book in a beloved series.

  21. What gorgeous photos, Lucy. And it looks like you and John were blessed by the weather gods.
    I like a mix of re-runs and new content (to put it in media terms) when I travel to a spot I've been to before. However, the re-visits have to be VERY compelling, or something I love and can't find anywhere else. When visiting NYC and DC, I used to always go to my favorite German restaurants: The Silver Swan and Cafe Mozart, respectively. I can't get German food where I live. Alas, they've both closed! Which means I need to hunt down a new favorite place.

    1. Oh that's too bad on the German restaurants. That's a food type I don't think about, though I do love it.

  22. You did a couple of my favorite things in my hometown! I LOVE taking the ferry and also hitting the Morgan Library. They had a fantastic Bronte exhibit a few years ago. I haven't been to the Noguchi Museum yet. Adding it to the list. But if you haven't visited the Neu Gallerie, I highly recommend it.

    1. Great, we don't know the New Gallerie, so that can be next time.

  23. Having just had a week-long trip to Manhattan, my hometown, I admit I prioritize visiting old haunts with rich memories - Rembrandt's middle-aged self-portrait and the Buddha room at the Met, walking around the lake in the park from Central Park South and down Fifth from the Met, MOMA, AMNH, the upper West Side.But there's always something new, or something I never saw before, and then there's the food. The Morgan was closed and it would have been a first time visit for me. The Neue Gallerie was new to me also and the Klimt masterpiece had me standing in front of it mesmerized! Bottom line: New York never gets old!

  24. I posted above but it just dawned on me that on one of our many trips to England, we went to the Lake District up in the north of England and visited Beatrix Potter's home. I don't think we were able to go inside the house, but the outside of the house and garden were exactly how I imagined they would be. I expected Peter Rabbit to be hopping around looking for carrots but he must have been over at Mr. McGreggor's that morning. LOL.

  25. Hi Lucy, England is amazing for history and literary buffs. So much history is integrated into everyday modern life. We were driving along a busy road on mopeds, when my hubby said look over in that field where the big tree is - that is where the Magna Carta was signed. Nothing (at least then back in the 1970's) marked that important historic site. Buildings dating back to the 1400-1500 are still around and some still in use. In our city here in So California anything over 100 years old is torn down to make way for a new modern building. Which is what I love about so much of European history.

  26. I like the combo of some favorites and some new. We've even taken that approach with outings to the St. Louis Zoo, just a bit too large to comfortably see everything in one day, so some are must-see and some alternate. I just finished reading LILLIAN BOXFISH TAKES A WALK . . . through NYC on NY Eve, while thinking of her long, eventful life. It started me thinking of places I'd like to visit, here and in Minneapolis, and the changes I'd see as I remembered.

  27. Great trip and great photos, Lucy! The Morgan Library is astounding, and I am fascinated by the Beatrix Potter board game. I saw the wonderful Beatrix Potter exhibition at the V&A when Kayti and I were in London in autumn of '22.

    I like a mix of new and old things. Love Eataly in NY! But the must do on the NYC list for Kayti and me is oysters and martinis at the Grand Central Station oyster bar:-)

  28. This is fantastic! You are such a role model for adventures--even if you do go to some of the same places. How were the shows?

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  30. What's a marvelous trip. I
    haven't been to New York in years.

    But I guaratee you that when I
    go to Savannah I hit several of my favorite places over again.
    Since Savannah is so full of wonderful things, I can always find lots of things to do that are new.

    Amy Gill

  31. It's a mix of both new and old for me! I feel this way about ordering food at restaurants, too-- sometimes, I want a reliable standby and other times I want to roll the dice on something new!

  32. Lucy: you are so lucky to be that close to NYC! Pre-covid, we'd also go to NYC for a long weekend of plays and food. The only repetition is that we'd go to the theater on every trip. We always try new restaurants, but any of Lidia Bastianich's restaurants are at the top of my list. We spend a lot of our summer on Cape Cod and I always scour the tourist information as well as the Cape Cod Times to find fun activities although we have a few favorite restaurants that we hit on every visit!
